- Mark email as read
- Create html file from email read
- Added flag for client_secret.json
- Added flag for token.json
- Save html files in a choosen location
- Access all html files from the web app
- Make request to telegram bot to send me a message with the link of the day
- Create cron to perform lookup once per day
- Add flag so its ok to run in a local machine or in gokrazy (https://github.com/BrunoTeixeira1996/waiw/blob/main/cmd/waiw/waiw.go#L111C1-L167C1)
- Deploy to gokrazy
- Check logs behavior in gokrazy
- Add ability to peform lookup on demand by date
- The date is an old one there's probably already a link and a html so just send that
- Idealista
- Imovirtual
- Supercasa
- Casa sapo
- CasaYes