First Click
: invite buyer to your party.Long mouse down (500ms)
: invite buyer to your party.Second Click
: send trade request.Left/Blue corner
: "Busy" message.Right/Red corner
: dismiss Buyer's offer.Right-Click
: /Whois Buyer.Alt-Click
: set active offer (if you have multiple incoming trades).Ctrl-Click
: "Already Sold" message.Ctrl-Shift-Click
: "Still Interested?" message.Click Health Globe
: highlight item in stash (must manually click relevant stash tab).
: join Seller's hideout.Click
on Health Globe: send trade request.Right-Click
: /Whois Seller.Left/Brown corner
: resend offer.Right/Red corner
: dismiss your offer.Holding Left Shift
: cancel the auto whisper out of third party trade sites.
- [Lurker Pro]
on Mana Globe: show dashboard, only works in hideout. - [Lurker Pro]
on item: display "Item Lurker". Click on Health Globe
: go to your hideout, if there are no active trades.Ctrl-R
: show remaining monsters over Mana Globe.Click Mana Globe
: updates the program if there is a new update (an update icon will be visible).