hybridapplication_tau_aarch64.sif is a singularity container based on ARM (aarch64). It can be used for profiling hybrid MPI on CPU based applications. This README showcases the usage of the container. It also lists the major softwares present in the container image for use.
In order to use this container follow the following steps:
Get the image from CDAC open source page
Once download is complete invoke the image shell using:
singularity shell hybridapplication_tau_aarch64.sif
- Set the environment using:
source /usr/set_env.sh
The container is ready for use.
- Compiling cuda code
nvcc <program.cu>
- Run the code
- Compiling cuda with mpi code
nvcc -Xcompiler -fopenmp <program_name.cu> -o <program_name> -I$<OPENMPI_ROOT>/include -L$<OPENMPI_ROOT}/lib -lmpi -lgomp
- Run the code
mpirun -np <no. of processes> ./<program_name>
After compiling the CUDA + mpi code run the code as follows
mpirun -np <no. of processes> tau_exec ./<program_name>
hybridapplication_tau_aarch64.sif contains the following softwares/packages:
Category | Details |
Architecture | ARM / aarch64 |
Operating System | CentOS 8 |
Linux Kernel | 4.18.0-348.el8.aarch64 |
Network Drivers | Mellanox Infinband |
Compiler | GCC v12.2.0 |
MPI | OpenMPI v4.1.4 |
CUDA | 12.3 |
Profiler | TAU v2.33 |
Text Editor | vim |
Git | v2.27.0 |
Additional softwares | wget, curl |
For any query or help regarding the usage of container users can raise an issue/discussion/query in the repository.