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Network Abstraction Layer

nikosT edited this page Mar 31, 2011 · 19 revisions

This is the main page for the NAL module.

  • The early form of the api provided by Network Abstraction Layer follows: ...

Possible address structure for info about connection's establishment

(Network Abstraction Layer and ZeroConf Layer)

The NAL Team could provide as argument a struct addr* pointer to the NAL functions. The basic idea is to give out a more organized form and use only one argument for the connection's establishment (e.g. ip address, port etc). Also in case of a modification of the connection's variables, the argument stays as it is (at the NAL's functions) and the only thing that is being modified is the structure. The ZeroConf Team could fill this struct with the necessary infos and the NAL Team could use it for the sockets' setup.

struct addr {

	char[16] ipv4_addr;	/* allocated string containing the ip address of ipv4 protocol */
	char[40] ipv6_addr;	/* allocated string containing the ip address of ipv6 protocol */
	char[18] blue_addr;	/* allocated string containing the mac (hex) address of bluetooth protocol */

	/* possible other info
	about connection */

	/* it could also be used only
        one char[40] to contain the ip (for any interface)
        and not three */
