Kinetic mechanism with 11 species and 20 reactions for H2.
To cite the mechanism refer to the following publications:
- Bagheri, Ghobad, et al. "Comprehensive kinetic study of combustion technologies for low environmental impact: MILD and OXY-fuel combustion of methane." Combustion and flame 212 (2020): 142-155.DOI
- Kéromnès, Alan, et al. "An experimental and detailed chemical kinetic modeling study of hydrogen and syngas mixture oxidation at elevated pressures." Combustion and Flame 160.6 (2013): 995-1011.DOI
- Metcalfe, Wayne K., et al. "A hierarchical and comparative kinetic modeling study of C1- C2 hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels." International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 45.10 (2013): 638-675.DOI