These instructions are specific to Linux and Mac, which needs to be done in a slightly different order, since you can't create the Umbraco site without having the database in place, since LocalDB does not work outsider Windows.
Follow these instructions to setup the database container. Start with copying the entire UmbData folder from Files/UmbData into the Root.
Replace the existing Dockerfile with the following
USER root
RUN mkdir /var/opt/sqlserver
RUN chown mssql /var/opt/sqlserver
ENV MSSQL_BACKUP_DIR="/var/opt/sqlserver"
ENV MSSQL_DATA_DIR="/var/opt/sqlserver"
ENV MSSQL_LOG_DIR="/var/opt/sqlserver"
COPY setup.sql /
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "" ]
CMD [ "/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr" ]
Amend the setup.sql file with the following. This change will create an empty database instead of restoring one.
USE [master]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'UmbracoDb')
USE UmbracoDb;
Create a docker image for the database with the tag umbdata. Note : tags need to be lower case.
docker build --tag=umbdata ./UmbData
Run the database container with the ame umbdata. We're using a non-standard port in case you have a local SQL server.
docker run --name umbdata -p 1400:1433 --volume sqlserver:/var/opt/sqlserver -d umbdata
These are the instructions for Windows. If you are on a mac or linux machine you will need to follow the intructions in
dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates
dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version 5.0.404
dotnet new sln --name UmbDock
dotnet new Umbraco -n UmbDock --friendly-name "Admin User" --email "[email protected]" --password "1234567890" --connection-string "Server=localhost,1400;Database=UmbracoDb;User Id=sa;Password=SQL_password123;"
dotnet sln add UmbDock
dotnet add UmbDock package Clean
Edit the csproj file to change following element:
<!-- Force windows to use ICU. Otherwise Windows 10 2019H1+ will do it, but older windows 10 and most if not all winodws servers will run NLS -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ICU.ICU4C.Runtime" Version="" />
<RuntimeHostConfigurationOption Include="System.Globalization.AppLocalIcu" Value="68.2" />
Without this step, the project won't compile on Linux, but will compile in windows - This is needed even if you are using windows, since eventually the application will run in a docker container on Linux.
This will also connect to the database container we previously created.
dotnet run --project UmbDock
In the output you willl see which port the site is running on. You should be able to browse to that site on any browser. You need to complete this step so that the databases are created.
Copy the Docker file by from /Files/Umbdata/UmbDock/Dockerfile to UmbDock/Dockerfile.
We need to define a custom bridge network to run this application under
docker network create -d bridge umbNet
We will then connect our existing container to that network
docker network connect umbNet umbdata
Create a staging config file on the website called appsettings.Staging.json by copying the existing appsettings.Development.json file.
Amend the connectionstring with the following. You will need the non-standard port setting
"umbracoDbDSN": "Server=umbdata;Database=UmbracoDb;User Id=sa;Password=SQL_password123;"
We've got our site, now we need to build an image which can be used to host the application. From the UmbDock folder run the following
docker build --tag=umbdock ./UmbDock
To run a single local instance
docker run --name umbdock -p 8000:80 -v media:/app/wwwroot/media -v logs:/app/umbraco/Logs -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Staging' --network=umbNet -d umbdock
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