Install them using your package manager.
- libice6
- libsm6
- libxt6
- libxrender1
- libfontconfig1
- libcups2
- libxml2
- libxslt-dev
- libgtk2.0-0
- python-qt4
tar zxf casa-release-4.5.2-el6.tar.gz
Or, symlink your downloaded casa release to this directory
You can install it by downloading the 0.6 version from git, using Kasper's script:
sudo sh /path/to/caspyter/scripts/
Or you can install it using your package manager
Virtual env enables you to have side-by-side installations of python: with virtual env you can have different environments for python, and you avoid polluting your system python installation with packages you don't need for your daily normal work, and have independent environments for each of your developments.
You can read this resource to install virtualenv on your system: A beginners guide to use virtualenv
After installing virtual env, we are ready to create the virtual env for casanova project.
On casanova root folder, type this command:
virtualenv -p python2.7 python-env
enter the following command
source python-env/bin/activate
It will create a new folder with a bare python2.7 installation, and a special script to activate this brand new environment, to activate it.
You will need to install several packages that are not provided with casa, but that you need in your system.
Also, make sure you have the package "python-dev" or "python-devel" (the name may change for your specific linux distribution) in order to have the header "python.h" and many others to compile some python packages.
Then, start installing the following packages:
pip install ipython
pip install jupyter
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
Now we're ready to install Casanova.
Create a directory where you will install casanova
mkdir build
Go to the build directory, and symlink your casa release to it, then return to the project folder. If you have installed casa on the folder /opt/usr, you can do the following:
cd build
ln -s /opt/usr/casa-release-4.5.2-el6 .
cd ..
Run the script install_casanova with two parameters. The first one must be the absolute path to your casanova repository (where this file is located), and the second one the absolute path to the target installation directory.
./install_casanova `pwd` `pwd`/build
- Edit
parameters incaspyter/install_casanova
file, and then runcaspyter/install_casanova
- Edit
parameter incaspyter/casanova_startup
and then add this to your.bashrc
alias caspyter="source /path/to/caspyter/casanova_startup"
strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep CXXABI_1.3.8
If it returns CXXABI_1.3.8
, try with:
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/user/anaconda2/bin/../lib/