Real estate application for landlords. Student projet for IUT Paul Sabatier (SAÉ S3.A.01).
GitHub mirror | README original en Français
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
- Apache Maven (Windows how-to)
- A MySQL database
- Create a MySQL database
- Execute the script in
to create the required tables - Created a
file at the project root, and add the following database credentials:
DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database name]"
DATABASE_USER = "[username]"
DATABASE_PASSWORD = "[password]"
$ mvn clean compile # To compile a .jar
$ mvn exec:java # To run the application
$ mvn clean compile exec:java # To do both in one command
$ mvn clean test
: Migrations and other SQL scriptssrc/controller
: Application controllerssrc/dao
: Data Access Objects for model classessrc/db
: Database connectionsrc/model
: Abstract Java classes for database tablessrc/view
: Application windows, panels and pop-ups