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Autoscale the Classic VSIs

You can use a simple terraform template (or module) - to provision a group of Virtual Servers (VSI or VM instance) on the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure, with a Load Balancer that can route the incoming traffic to the VM. And, run your application on these VMs.


Currently, IBM Cloud classic infrastructure supports the auto-scale feature that can automatically scale the virtual servers up or down, based on business demands. Where, the business demands are defined using a schedule-based policy and/or resource-based policy on the VM usage metrics. The resource-based policy is defined based on the VM usage metrics (such as, average inbound traffic, average CPU usage, average memory usage, etc.).

However, if you wish to auto-scale the VMs based on the Application usage metrics, that can be monitored at the Load Balancer (instead of the VM metrics) – then you have to extend the terraform template using the auto-scale solution components; as described in this document.


This solution extends the simple terraform template - used to provision a group of Virtual Servers and a Load Balancer on the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure. The extension implements the following monitor-analyze-plan-actuate feedback loop, to auto-scale the VM groups based on application usage metrics:

  • Monitor – using the IBM Cloud Monitoring service, based on Sysdig, that collects the VM & Load Balancer metrics; defines up/down alerts based on the thresholds in the application or load-balancer metrics.
  • Analyse/plan – using the IBM Cloud Function services, based on OpenWhisk, used to react to the up/down alerts from the Monitoring service; analyze the current state of the VM auto-scale group; and initiates the scale-up or scale-down action for the VM group.
  • Actuator – using the IBM Cloud Schematics, based on Terraform, to provision/de-provision/re-configure the VMs in the VM group – to effect the change in the IBM Cloud Infrastructure.

This monitor-analyze-plan-actuate feedback loop is run in an autonomous mode, with simple tuning parameters.

As illustrated in the following figure, the auto-scale solution can be described in two parts:

  • Part 1: Initialization – using the auto-scale solution template (in this repository)

    1. Provision the VM/VSI & Load Balancer with an initial workspace configuration settings
    2. Provision the Cloud Function services, configure it with the Trigger and Action that will analyze the current state of the VM auto-scale group to initiates the scale-up or scale-down of the VM group.
    3. Provision the Monitoring service (or Sysdig), configure it with threshold-based alerts for the Load Balancer metrics, use a channel to send the up/down alert to Cloud Function
  • Part 2: Steady-state operations

    1. The Monitoring service (Sysdig), monitors the Load Balancer metrics [eg. Number of Active Connection] , and raise the threshold-based alerts
    2. The Monitoring service, raise an up/down alert, which is received by the Cloud Function trigger, to run the Action (a python code)
    3. The Cloud Function action, reads the current state of the VM group, analyses the alerts to refine the workspace configuration settings in Schematics - to scale-up or scale-down the VM group
    4. The Schematics uses the refined workspace configuration setting to actuate the change in the VM group (provision / deprovision VMs).



Name Version
terraform >= 0.13


Name Version
ibm >= 1.21.0
sysdig >= 0.5.7


Name Description GIT Repo
vms_and_lb Module used to create the VMs and Loadbalancer module_vms_and_loadbalancer
cloud_function Module used to provision cloud function action module_cloudfunction_autoscale_action
sysdig_monitoring_config Module used to provision monitoring service module_sysdig_config


Name Description Type Default Required
iaas_classic_username IAAS Classic user name string n/a yes
iaas_classic_api_key IAAS Classic user API Key string n/a yes
ssh_key Name of the ssh key in classic infrastructure string n/a yes
datacenter Name of the datacenter to provision the VMs string n/a yes
lbaas_name Name of the Load Balancer string n/a yes
instance_count Number of VMs instances number n/a yes
minimum_vm_count The minimum number of VMs to be maintained all the time number 3 no
namespace Cloud Function namespace string n/a yes
action_name Cloud Function action name string autoscaleaction no
api_key IAM API Key of the ibmcloud user to perform schematics actions string n/a yes
vm_count VM count for the autoscaling number 0 no
resource_group_name Sysdig resource group name. string n/a yes
instance_name Sysdig instance name string n/a yes
location Sysdig instance location string n/a yes
scale_up_alert_name Alert name for scaling up the VMs string lb-load-scale-up-alert no
scale_down_alert_name Alert name for scaling down the VMs string lb-load-scale-down-alert no
scale_up_alerts_config A list of scale up alert configurations list(map(string)) n/a yes
scaledown_upper_threshold Number of active connections upper threshold for the scale down alert number 5 no
scaledown_lower_threshold Number of active connections lower threshold for the scale down alert number 0 no


Name Description
web_server_private_ips List of the private IP Addresses of the web servers
lbaas_subnet Load balancer subnet
lbaas_hostname Load balancer host name
health_monitors Health Monitors of the loadbalcer
sysdig_dashboard_url Custom sysdig dashborad URL

Operator Quick start Guide

This section of the document enables the operator to configure the solution and verify the same. The following steps are performed to setup the solution:

  1. Create schematics workspace with solution. plot

  2. Update the workspace variables. plot

  3. Workspace plan-apply to setup the solution outputs from the workspace provide the following details:

  4. Load balancer hostname

  5. sysdig dash board URL to see the alerts and notifications plot

The following steps are performed to verify the setup:

  1. Open the custom sysdig dashboard created for the solution depectingdepicting the load balancer connection rate, active connection and cloud function activations as shown plot
  2. verify the cloud function creation plot

The following steps are performed to verify the functionality of the setup:

  1. Increase the number of requests using soap UI or any other test tool
  2. Observe the increase in the number of active connections and connection rate plot
  3. Once the first threasholdthreshold is reached, there will be a notification sent by sysdig alert to cloud function to increase the number of VMs plot
  4. Cloud function calls schematics API to modifiymodify workspace's VMvms count resulting in addition of VM isnstanceinstance attached to the load balancer

Developer Quick starrt Guide

This section of the document enables the developers to enhance the solution. Sysdig alerts configuration: Terraform provider for sysdig enables to add alerts configuration capabilities. See the documentaiondocumentation here - sysdig-docs


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.