+++ title = "CoReACTER Resources" hascode = true rss = "This page contains resources that are mainly designed for members of the CoReACTER community (ReACTERs and collaborators). Some resources may also be helpful to others at CMU or to members of the broader chemical or scientific community." rss_title = "CoReACTER Resources" rss_pubdate = Date(2024, 6, 13)
tags = ["index", "group", "resources"] +++
Here, we list some resources that might be helpful for you in your educational and research career. These resources are aimed at members of the CoReACTER. Fittingly, many are specific to folks at CMU or in the Pittsburgh area. If you have an additional resource that might help us, please reach out to suggest it!
- The CoReACTER Manual: For all your CoReACTER philosophy/policy/practices/advice needs.
- Office of Disability Resources: For information about disability accommodations.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS): For short-term mental health care on campus. Check out the FAQ here.
- Mental Health Resources: These include general provider searches, as well as crisis resources and specialized resources for disordered eating, substance issues, LGBTQIA+ mental health, and survivors of sexual and physical violence. If you need immediate help, call 412-268-2922 (CaPS), 988 (behavior and mental health crisis services), or 911 (medical emergency).
- Legal consultation: Every CMU student gets one free 20-minute legal consultation. Consider reaching out here first!
- Research experience and job resources:
- DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI): Paid internships for students to work at one of the US national laboratories. Summer and semester internships are available.
- NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Paid research program through NSF. There are REU sites all over the country, so look around and see if anything interests you!
- CMU Highway to Undergraduate Research in the Academic Year (HURAY): HURAY fellows are paid to do research for one year during the semester. It's a great way to get involved in research while getting compensation to support yourself!
- CMU Career & Professional Development Center (CPDC): The CPDC can help you practice for interviews and provide career counseling, among other services.
- CMU Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (ChEGSA): ChEGSA supports grad students in many ways, including hosting social and professional events.
- ChemE Graduate Student Handbook
- Accommodations for Faculty and Staff Members: For staff disability accommodations.
- Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities: Johns Hopkins University regularly puts together a list of fellowships for postdocs. Many are focused on biomedical research, but it's worth looking at!
- Chemjobber: Chemjobber is dedicated to helping chemists find jobs and to understanding the chemical job market. His chemistry faculty job spreadsheet is particularly useful if you're looking for jobs in academia!
- The CMU ChemE Graduate Application
- Graduate Application Mentoring Program: A ChEGSA program pairing undergrads applying to CMU ChemE with current graduate students who can help them write strong applications.
This section is a work in progress; come back soon to see more resources!
- SLICE: Sign Language Incorporation in Chemistry Education.
- LabSigns: An effort from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop American Sign Language signs for STEM (currently focused on environmental science)
- Resources for Learning Julia: A series of guides to learn the Julia programming language, put together by the Julia folks themselves.
- The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book: A broad overview of machine learning by Andriy Burkov. The e-book version is pay-what-you-can, so this should be accessible to everyone!
- Nessa the Chemist's Conference Database: A curated list, mostly focused on organic and automation chemistry.
- OpenAlex: A powerful open source catalogue of scientific publications with an free API.
- Connected Papers: An online tool for literature searching. Provide one paper (e.g., through a digital object identifier or DOI) and see what related papers you might want to look at!
- The CMU Cloud Lab: Learn about the available equipment and get trained to use the software interface.
- Tartan Research Advanced Computing Environment (TRACE): Information on CMU Engineering's computer cluster.