Get Dev environment ready
- Working go environment.
- dep tool for managing dependencies.
Runs$ go get -u
to install.
Squash uses the new golang's dep tool for dependency management. to get the code and acquire dependencies, do:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd squash
$ dep ensure
To build the code, just do
$ make binaries
This will build the squash binaries.
To deploy squash to kubernetes we need to build containers images for use with kubernetes.
To build the containers with a specific repository prefix, do:
$ make DOCKER_REPO=yourrepor VERSION=0.1
To push them using docker push, do:
$ make DOCKER_REPO=yourrepor VERSION=0.1 dist
You can use the target/kubernetes/squash-client.yml
and target/kubernetes/squash-server.yml
to deploy your containers (they will match the docker repo and version specificed in make).
Deploy (remember to deploy the server first):
kubectl create -f target/kubernetes/squash-server.yml
kubectl create -f target/kubernetes/squash-client.yml
├── Gopkg.lock <- Go dep's tool dependency lock file
├── Gopkg.toml <- Go dep's tool config file
├── Makefile <- Makefile to help build the project and containers
├── api.yaml <- Squash API specification (Swagger 2.0)
├── cmd <- Command line tools
│ ├── squash-cli <- The `squash` command line client
│ ├── squash-client <- The squash client. Runs in every cluster node, and launces debug servers.
│ ├── squash-server <- The squash server. Coordinates debug configs and sessions. Auto generated. don't edit.
├── contrib <- Additional scripts \ manifests
│ ├── example <- Example to 2 simple microservices for demo\test purposes
│ └── kubernetes <- Kubernetes deployment manifests for the squash server and client.
├── docs <- Go here to learn more
└── pkg <- Most of the code goes here.
├── client <- Auto generate REST client code. don't edit
├── debuggers <- The debugger support in squash. see the "interface.go" file for more info.
├── models <- Auto generate REST model code. don't edit
├── platforms <- The platforms (clusters) support in squash. see the "interface.go" file for more info.
├── restapi <- Auto generate REST code. don't edit
├── server <- The implementation of the squash server is here.
└── utils <- Various utils (miscellanea).
We are looking for any contribution from the community in particular platforms, debuggers and IDEs.