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Internal Contract

(IMPORTANT: the interfaces are changed in Tethys mainnet. This document is synced with the newest version.)

Conflux introduces several built-in internal contracts for better system maintenance and on-chain governance. Now Conflux has six internal contracts: AdminControl contract, SponsorWhitelistControl contract and Staking contract are introduced from the beginning, ConfluxContext, PoSRegister, ConfluxContext are introduced at v2 hard-fork, ParamsControl is introduced at v2.1 hard-fork. These contracts provide solidity function apis defined here. These function can only be called via CALL or STATICCALL operation. Using operation CALLCODE or DELEGATECALL to interact with internal contracts will trigger an error.

The addresses of these six internal contracts are list as follows:

  • AdminControl: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • SponsorWhitelistControl: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001
  • Staking: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000002
  • ConfluxContext: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000004
  • PoSRegister: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000005
  • CrossSpaceCall: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000006
  • ParamsControl: 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000007

All the example code in this document will use js-conflux-sdk. The solidity function apis are list here.

AdminControl contract


The AdminControl contract is a debug tool for contract development. When a contract is created during a transaction, the sender for the current transaction will become the contract admin automatically.

The admin address can transfer the administrator rights to another normal address or zero address by calling interface setAdmin(address contractAddr, address newAdmin). A contract can never be an admin.

The admin of a contract has several administrator rights. It can call interface destroy(address contractAddr) to destroy contract, just like a contract calling suicide() function. The SponsorWhitelist internal contract provides some functions can only be called by admin address. These functions can update the whitelist in sponsor mechanism. They will be introduced later.

Note: For all the interfaces requiring administrator rights, no matter the execution success or not, no error or exception will be triggered during internal contract execution. For example, if a non-admin address tries to transfer the admin address to itself, this transaction will success but nothing will be changed.

ConfluxScan may mark a contract as debug mode if the contract has non-zero admin address. So remember, if you think the contract is ready for production environment, you should set admin address to zero.

The AdminControl contract also provides a query interface getAdmin(address contractAddr) which can be called by anyone.

Corner cases:

  1. The admin is set at the start of contract creation. So if sender A creates contract B and set admin to C during contract construction, the admin will be C when the contract is deployed.
  2. However, if sender A calls contract B, then contract B creates contract C and then set admin to D during contract contraction, then the set will fail because the admin of C is A and the sender for creating C is B.
  3. But, Conflux introduces a special policy. In case 2, if D is zero address, the set admin will success. This means that a contract can declare "I don't need admin" during contract creation.


Consider you have deployed a contract whose address is contract_addr. The administrator can call AdminControl.setAdmin(contract_addr, new_admin) to change the administrator and call AdminControl.destroy(contract_addr) to kill the contract.

const PRIVATE_KEY = '0xxxxxxx';
const cfx = new Conflux({
  url: '',
  logger: console,
  networkId: 1,
const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY); // create account instance

const admin_contract = cfx.InternalContract('AdminControl')
// to change administrator
admin_contract.setAdmin(contract_addr, new_admin).sendTransaction({
  from: account,

// to kill the contract
  from: account,

SponsorWhitelistControl contract


Conflux implements a sponsorship mechanism to subsidize the usage of smart contracts. Thus, a new account with zero balance is able to call smart contracts as long as the execution is sponsored (usually by the operator of Dapps). The built-in SponsorControl contract is introduced to record the sponsorship information of smart contracts.

When a message call happens, Conflux does not check sponsorship again. For example, if normal address A calls contract B and contract B calls contract C, Conflux only checks whether address A is sponsored by contract B. If A is sponsored, B will afford all the gas and/or collateral during the transaction execution, including the message call from B to C. In other words, only a transaction sender could be sponsored.

The SponsorControl contract keeps the following information for each user-established contract:

  • sponsor_for_gas: this is the account that provides the subsidy for gas consumption;
  • sponsor_for_collateral: this is the account that provides the subsidy for collateral for storage;
  • sponsor_balance_for_gas: this is the balance of subsidy available for gas consumption;
  • sponsor_balance_for_collateral: this is the balance of subsidy available for collateral for storage;
  • sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee: this is the upper bound for the gas fee subsidy paid for every sponsored transaction;
  • whitelist: this is the list of normal accounts that are eligible for the subsidy, where a special all-zero address refers to all normal accounts. Only the contract itself and the admin have the authority to change this list.

There are two resources that can be sponsored: gas consumption and storage collateral.

  • For gas consumption: If a transaction calls a contract with non-empty sponsor_for_gas and the sender is in the whitelist of the contract and the gas fee specified by the transaction is within the sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee, the gas consumption of the transaction is paid from the sponsor_balance_for_gas of the contract (if it is sufficient) rather than from the sender’s balance, and the execution of the transaction would fail if the sponsor_balance_for_gas cannot afford the gas consumption. Otherwise, the sender should pay for the gas consumption.
  • For storage collateral: If a transaction calls a contract with non-empty sponsor_for_collateral and the sender is in the whitelist of the contract, the collateral for storage incurred in the execution of the transaction is deducted from sponsor_balance_for_collateral of the contract, and the owner of those modified storage entries is set to the contract address accordingly. Otherwise, the sender should pay for the collateral for storage incurred in the execution.

When a contract is created, its sponsor_for_gas and sponsor_for_collateral will be initialized by zero address, and the sponsor balance will be initialized by 0. Both sponsorship for gas and for collateral can be updated by calling the SponsorControl contract. The current sponsor can call this contract to transfer funds to increase the sponsor balances directly, and the current sponsor for gas is also allowed to increase the sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee without transferring new funds. Other normal accounts can replace the current sponsor by calling this contract and providing more funds for sponsorship.

Sponsorship Replacement

To replace the sponsor_for_gas of a contract, the new sponsor should call function setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound) and transfer to the internal contract a fund. The following conditions are required to replace sponsor for gas:

  1. The transferred fund should more than the current sponsor_balance_for_gas of the contract.
  2. The new value for sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee (specified the upperBound parameter) should be no less than the old sponsor’s limit unless the old sponsor_balance_for_gas cannot afford the old sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee.
  3. The transferred fund should be >= 1000 times of the new limit, so that it is sufficient to subsidize at least 1000 transactions calling the contract.

If the above conditions are satisfied, the remaining sponsor_balance_for_gas will be refunded to the old sponsor_for_gas, and the fund transferred to the internal contract will be added to the sponsor_balance_for_gas of the contract. Then the sponsor_for_gas and sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee will be updated according to the new sponsor’s specification. Otherwise, an exception will be triggered.

The replacement of sponsor_for_collateral is similar except that there is no analog of the limit for gas fee. The function is setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr). The new sponsor should transfer a fund more than the fund provided by the current sponsor for collateral of the contract. Then the current sponsor_for_collateral will be fully refunded, i.e. the sum of sponsor_balance_for_collateral and the total collateral for storage used by the contract, and both collateral sponsorship fields are changed as the new sponsor’s request accordingly.

Conflux also allows a contract account to be a sponsor.

Add Sponsor Balance

The sponsor can provide additional sponsor balance without sponsorship replacement. In this case, the sponsor should also interact with function setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound) or setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr), and meet all the requirements except condition 1. If requirements are satisfied, the transferred fund will be added to sponsor balance and the sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee will be updated accordingly.

Whitelist maintenance

Only the contract itself or contract admin can update the contract whitelist. The sponsors have no rights for changing whitelist.

A contract can call function addPrivilege(address[] memory) to any addresses to the whitelist. It means that if the sponsor_for_gas is set, the contract will pay the gas fee for the accounts in the whitelist, and if the sponsor_for_collateral is set, the contract will pay the CFS (collateral for storage) for the accounts in the whitelist. The zero address is a special address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000. If this address is added to whitelist, all the transactions calling this contract will be sponsored. A contract can call this function removePrivilege(address[] memory) to remove some normal account address from the whitelist. Remove a non-existent address will not cause an error or exception.

Corner cases:

  1. A contract address can also be added to the whitelist, but it is meaningless because only the transaction sender could be sponsored.

The admin of a contract can use the interfaces addPrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses) and removePrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses) to maintain the whitelist.


Suppose you have a simple contract like this.

pragma solidity >=0.4.15;

import "";

contract CommissionPrivilegeTest {
    mapping(uint => uint) public ss;

    function add(address account) public payable {
        SponsorWhitelistControl cpc = SponsorWhitelistControl(0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001);
        address[] memory a = new address[](1);
        a[0] = account;

    function remove(address account) public payable {
        SponsorWhitelistControl cpc = SponsorWhitelistControl(0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001);
        address[] memory a = new address[](1);
        a[0] = account;

    function foo() public payable {

    function par_add(uint start, uint end) public payable {
        for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
            ss[i] = 1;

After deploying the contract and the address is contract_addr, if someone wants to sponsor the gas consumption, he/she can send a transaction like below:

const PRIVATE_KEY = '0xxxxxxx';
const cfx = new Conflux({
  url: '',
  logger: console,
  networkId: 1,
const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY); // create account instance

const sponsor_contract = cfx.InternalContract('SponsorWhitelistControl');
sponsor_contract.setSponsorForGas(contract_addr, your_upper_bound).sendTransaction({
  from: account,
  value: your_sponsor_value

As for sponsor the storage collateral, you can simply replace the function setSponsorForGas(contract_addr, your_upper_bound) to setSponsorForCollateral(contract_addr).

After that you can maintain the whitelist for your contract using addPrivilege and removePrivilege. The special address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 with all zeros means everyone is in the whitelist. You need to use it carefully.

  from: account,

  from: account,

After that the accounts in whiltelist will pay nothing while calling or you_contract.par_add(1, 10).

Staking Contract


Conflux introduces the staking mechanism for two reasons: first, staking mechanism provides a better way to charge the occupation of storage space (comparing to “pay once, occupy forever”); and second, this mechanism also helps in defining the voting power in decentralized governance.

At a high level, Conflux implements a built-in Staking contract to record the staking information of all accounts, for both normal addresses and smart contracts. By sending a transaction to this contract, users (both external users and smart contracts) can deposit/withdraw funds, which is also called stakes in the contract.

A user (or a contract) can deposit balance for staking by calling deposit(uint amount) and then amount Drip will be moved from its balance to stakingBalance. Notice that this function is non-payable, the user only needs to specify the amount to be staked without transferring any funds to internal contract and the minimum deposit amount is 1 CFX.

The user can also withdraw balance by withdraw(uint amount). The caller can call this function to withdraw some tokens from the Conflux Internal Staking Contract. The staking capital will be transferred to the user's balance in time. All the withdrawal applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis according to the sequence of staking orders.

Locking and Voting Power

By locking the staking balance, the user can obtain vote power for further on-chain governance. With function voteLock(uint amount, uint unlock_block_number), the account makes a promise that This process resembles making promise that "My stakingBalance will always have at least amount Drip before the block with block number unlock_block_number". The account can make multiple promises, like "I will always at least 10 CFX in this year, and then always stake at least 5 CFX in the next year." Once the promise has been made, there is no way to cancel it! But the account can overwrite old promise by locking more balance. Whenever the account tries to withdraw stakingBalance, the internal contract will check whether the rest balance matches the locking promise.

Here we introduce the detailed logic for locking balance by illustrating several examples. Suppose the current block number is base, Conflux will generate about x blocks in the rest of this year and y blocks in the next year. Since Conflux generates two block per second, y approximately equals to 2 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365. And the value of x depends on when you read this article.

  1. If an account has 10 CFX in stakingBalance, and it calls voteLock(100 * 10^18, base + x), then the transaction will fail because this account tries to lock 100 CFX with insufficient stakingBalance.
  2. However, if this account calls voteLock(8 * 10^18, base + x), the transaction will success.
  3. After that, if this account calls voteLock(6 * 10^18, base + x + y), the transaction will also success. It means that 8 - 6 = 2 CFX will be unlocked until the end of this year, and another 6 CFX will be locked until the end of next year.
  4. Then, if this account calls voteLock(0, base + x), nothing will happen. The transaction will not trigger an error during execution. The internal contract will regard this call as a meaningless promise: the account will stake at least 0 CFX. The old promises made in step 2 and step 3 will still hold.
  5. If this account calls voteLock(9 * 10^18, base + x + y), the old two promises will be overwritten because "locking 9 CFX until the end of the next year" is a stronger promise.

Locking does not have any influence on the stake interest. When the account withdraw staking balance successfully, the staking interest will be computed as usual.

At any time, each locked Drip will be assigned a vote power from 0 to 1 according to its unlock time. The Drips to be unlocked in more than one year will have a full vote power. See section 8.3.2 in the Conflux Protocol Specification for more details.


const PRIVATE_KEY = '0xxxxxxx';
const cfx = new Conflux({
  url: '',
  logger: console,
  networkId: 1,
const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY); // create account instance

const staking_contract = cfx.InternalContract('Staking');
// deposit some amount of tokens
  from: account,

// withdraw some amount of tokens
  from: account,

// lock some tokens until some block number
staking_contract.voteLock(your_number_of_tokens, your_unlock_block_number).sendTransaction({
  from: account,

Conflux v2 hard-fork has introduced three new internal contracts: ConfluxContext, PoSRegister, CrossSpaceCall


This contract can be used to query Conflux network info in contract including:

  • epochNumber - Current epoch number
  • posHeight - Current block height of PoS chain
  • finalizedEpochNumber - The latest finalized (by PoS chain) PoW epoch number

ConfluxContext's hex40 contract address is 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000004

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.15;

interface ConfluxContext {
    /*** Query Functions ***/
     * @dev get the current epoch number
     * @return the current epoch number
    function epochNumber() external view returns (uint256);
     * @dev get the height of the referred PoS block in the last epoch
`    * @return the current PoS block height
    function posHeight() external view returns (uint256);
     * @dev get the epoch number of the finalized pivot block.
     * @return the finalized epoch number
    function finalizedEpochNumber() external view returns (uint256);


This contract is used let user participate in PoS chain. If anyone want to become a PoS node, he need to interact with this contract. This contract provide serveral methods to increase or decrease PoS votes:

  • register - Regist in PoS chain to become a PoS node
  • increaseStake - Increase PoS stake
  • retire - Decrease PoS stake

Also several methods to query one account's PoS info:

  • getVotes - Query one account's votes info, will return totalStakedVotes and totalUnlockedVotes
  • identifierToAddress - Query one PoS account's binded PoW address
  • addressToIdentifier - Query one PoW account's binded PoS address

PoSRegister's hex40 contract address is 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000005

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

interface PoSRegister {
     * @dev Register PoS account
     * @param indentifier - PoS account address to register
     * @param votePower - votes count
     * @param blsPubKey - BLS public key
     * @param vrfPubKey - VRF public key
     * @param blsPubKeyProof - BLS public key's proof of legality, used to against some attack, generated by conflux-rust fullnode
    function register(
        bytes32 indentifier,
        uint64 votePower,
        bytes calldata blsPubKey,
        bytes calldata vrfPubKey,
        bytes[2] calldata blsPubKeyProof
    ) external;

     * @dev Increase specified number votes for msg.sender
     * @param votePower - count of votes to increase
    function increaseStake(uint64 votePower) external;

     * @dev Retire specified number votes for msg.sender
     * @param votePower - count of votes to retire
    function retire(uint64 votePower) external;

     * @dev Query PoS account's lock info. Include "totalStakedVotes" and "totalUnlockedVotes"
     * @param identifier - PoS address
    function getVotes(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (uint256, uint256);

     * @dev Query the PoW address binding with specified PoS address
     * @param identifier - PoS address
    function identifierToAddress(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (address);

     * @dev Query the PoS address binding with specified PoW address
     * @param addr - PoW address
    function addressToIdentifier(address addr) external view returns (bytes32);

     * @dev Emitted when register method executed successfully
    event Register(bytes32 indexed identifier, bytes blsPubKey, bytes vrfPubKey);

     * @dev Emitted when increaseStake method executed successfully
    event IncreaseStake(bytes32 indexed identifier, uint64 votePower);

     * @dev Emitted when retire method executed successfully
    event Retire(bytes32 indexed identifier, uint64 votePower);


The CrossSpaceCall contract will be deployed at the address 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000006 with the following interfaces. The Core space user/contract can interact with the accounts in the eSpace and process the return value in the same transaction. So the cross-space operations can be atomic.

For detail introduction check here

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

interface CrossSpaceCall {
    event Call(bytes20 indexed sender, bytes20 indexed receiver, uint256 value, uint256 nonce, bytes data);

    event Create(bytes20 indexed sender, bytes20 indexed contract_address, uint256 value, uint256 nonce, bytes init);

    event Withdraw(bytes20 indexed sender, address indexed receiver, uint256 value, uint256 nonce);

    event Outcome(bool success);

     * @dev Deploy a contract in eSpace
     * @param init bytes -  The contract init bytecode
     * @return bytes20 - The hex address of the deployed contract
    function createEVM(bytes calldata init) external payable returns (bytes20);

     * @dev Transfer CFX from Core space to eSpace specify address. Transfer amount is specified by transaction value.
     * @param to bytes20 - The hex address of the receiver address in eSpace
     * @return output bytes
    function transferEVM(bytes20 to) external payable returns (bytes memory output);

     * @dev Call eSpace contract method from Core space
     * @param to bytes20 - The hex address of the contract in eSpace
     * @param data bytes - The contract method call data
     * @return output bytes - Method call result
    function callEVM(bytes20 to, bytes calldata data) external payable returns (bytes memory output);

     * @dev Static call eSpace contract method from Core space
     * @param to bytes20 - The hex address of the contract in eSpace
     * @param data bytes - The contract method call data
     * @return output bytes - Method call result
    function staticCallEVM(bytes20 to, bytes calldata data) external view returns (bytes memory output);

     * @dev Widthdraw CFX from eSpace mapped account's balance
     * @param value uint256 - The amount of CFX to be withdrawn
    function withdrawFromMapped(uint256 value) external;

     * @dev Query eSpace mapped account's CFX balance
     * @param addr address - The core address to query
     * @return uint256 - Balance
    function mappedBalance(address addr) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Query eSpace mapped account's nonce
     * @param addr address - The core address to query
     * @return uint256 - Balance
     * */ 
    function mappedNonce(address addr) external view returns (uint256);


ParamsControl at address 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000007 with the following interfaces. Which can be used to participate chain parameter DAO vote.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

interface ParamsControl {
    struct Vote {
        uint16 topic_index;
        uint256[3] votes;

    /*** Query Functions ***/
     * @dev cast vote for parameters
     * @param vote_round The round to vote for
     * @param vote_data The list of votes to cast
    function castVote(uint64 vote_round, Vote[] calldata vote_data) external;

     * @dev read the vote data of an account
     * @param addr The address of the account to read
    function readVote(address addr) external view returns (Vote[] memory);

     * @dev Current vote round
    function currentRound() external view returns (uint64);

     * @dev read the total votes of given round
     * @param vote_round The vote number
    function totalVotes(uint64 vote_round) external view returns (Vote[] memory);

    event CastVote(uint64 indexed vote_round, address indexed addr, uint16 indexed topic_index, uint256[3] votes);
    event RevokeVote(uint64 indexed vote_round, address indexed addr, uint16 indexed topic_index, uint256[3] votes);