- Cyberthreats, viruses, and malware - Microsoft Security Intelligence: Part of the Z-Library project. The world's largest e-book library.
- es1lib: Part of the Z-Library project. The world's largest e-book library.
- 0x00-0x00
- Amossys - Security Blog (French)
- Adepts of 0xCC: A brotherhood of owls praying to the debugger God.
- Back Engineering
- Dissecting Malware
- El Soctano (Spanish) - Discontinued
- Ero Carrera's blog - Discontinued
- Ferib's Blog
- Flu Project (Spanish)
- Follow The White Rabbit
- Follow The White Rabbit – Blog de Seguridad Informática (Spanish)
- Google Project Zero
- Google Security Blog
- Hack Puntes (Spanish)
- HackTricks
- InQuest Blog
- lucasg
- MalwareAnalysis.co Forums and Blogs
- McAfee blogs
- Microsoft Security Response Center blog
- Security By Default (Spanish) - Discontinued
- Objective-See's Blog
- Security Garage (Spanish)
- Underc0de (Spanish)
- Unit42
- UN TAL 4N0NYM0US EN EL PC (Spanish) - Discontinued
- welivesecurity by eset (Spanish)
- Bugcrowd
- Firebounty
- Hackerone
- Intigriti
- Yes We Hack: Crowdsourced security & Vulnerability Disclosure France, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany.
- Yogosha
- Zerocopter
- Axial: Is a community of like minded nerds who focus on reverse engineering, malware analysis and general nerdery regarding to malware, at axial we also focus on various web attack vectors and techniques to leverage our OSINT skills which is accomplished by release of various blogs which range from extremely beginner to an intermediate level which also makes sure to demonstrate the techniques in a broader range, Axial also focuses on various open source based projects dedicated towards the afore mentioned domain, definitely aligning with the offensive, and defensive side of the information security domain.
- Indetectables.net (Spanish): Malware and undetectabilization techniques forum.
- Hack Forums
- MalwareAnalysis.co Forums and Blogs
- reddit: Bug Bounty
- reddit: Hacking_Tutorials: A forum for the security professionals and white hat hackers.
- reddit: OSCP: Resource for people preparing for Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification.
- All Infosec News
- BleepingComputer
- Dark Reading
- Krebs on Security
- National Cyber Awareness System - Bulletins
- Schneier on Security
- Security Affairs
- The Hacker News
- Threat post
- Hacking Tools: Tools for penetration testing and security audit.
- simplycyber.io - Free cyber resources: An awesome list of resources for training, conferences, speaking, labs, reading, etc that are free all the time that cybersecurity professionals with downtime can take advantage of to improve their skills and marketability to come out on the other side ready to rock.
- Cyberwire daily podcast
- Daily Information Security Podcast ("StormCast"): Stormcasts are daily 5-10 minute information security threat updates. The podcast is produced each work day, and typically released late in the day to be ready for your morning commute.
- Risky Business
- Cock.li: Anonymous email.
- ProntonMail: Secure email.
- crackslatinos (Spanish): Telegram channel about reverse engineering, created by Ricardo Narvaja.
- Cyber Security News
- Derecho en la red (Spanish)
- Information Security
- Bug Bounty ES (Spanish): Telegram channel about bug bounty, created by DragonJar.
- securitycreators.video
- 13Cubed
- 247CTF
- Calle Svensson
- codingo
- Farah Hawa
- Hacksplained
- InsiderPhD
- John Hammond
- MalwareAnalysis.co YouTube Channels
- MalwareAnalysisForHedgehogs
- Murmus CTF
- NetworkChuck
- PinkDraconian
- PwnFunction
- Rana Khalil
- Reconless
- superhero1
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