Give a recursive version of the TREE-INSERT procedure.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.parent = None
self.left = left
self.right = right
if left is not None:
left.parent = self
if right is not None:
right.parent = self
def insert(root, x):
if root is None:
return TreeNode(x)
if root.val > x:
root.left = insert(root.left, x)
root.left.parent = root
elif root.val < x:
root.right = insert(root.right, x)
root.right.parent = root
return root
Suppose that we construct a binary search tree by repeatedly inserting distinct values into the tree. Argue that the number of nodes examined in searching for a value in the tree is one plus the number of nodes examined when the value was first inserted into the tree.
We can sort a given set of
$n$ numbers by first building a binary search tree containing these numbers (using TREE-INSERT repeatedly to insert the numbers one by one) and then printing the numbers by an inorder tree walk. What are the worstcase and best-case running times for this sorting algorithm?
Worst: chain,
Is the operation of deletion "commutative" in the sense that deleting
$x$ and then$y$ from a binary search tree leaves the same tree as deleting$y$ and then$x$ ? Argue why it is or give a counterexample.
Delete 0 then delete 1:
Delete 1 then delete 0:
Suppose that instead of each node
$x$ keeping the attribute$x.p$ , pointing to$x$ 's parent, it keeps$x.succ$ , pointing to$x$ 's successor. Give pseudocode for SEARCH, INSERT, and DELETE on a binary search tree$T$ using this representation. These procedures should operate in time$O(h)$ , where$h$ is the height of the tree$T$ .
In SEARCH and INSERT, we do not need to know the parent of
def get_parent(root, node):
if node is None:
return None
a = tree_successor(tree_maximum(node))
if a is None:
a = root
if a.left == node:
return a
a = a.left
while a is not None and a.right != node:
a = a.right
return a
Therefore we can find
When node
$z$ in TREE-DELETE has two children, we could choose node$y$ as its predecessor rather than its successor. What other changes to TREE-DELETE would be necessary if we did so? Some have argued that a fair strategy, giving equal priority to predecessor and successor, yields better empirical performance. How might TREE-DELETE be changed to implement such a fair strategy?
Randomly choose predecessor and successor.