Find a feasible solution or determine that no feasible solution exists for the following system of difference constraints:
Find a feasible solution or determine that no feasible solution exists for the following system of difference constraints:
No solution.
Can any shortest-path weight from the new vertex
$v_0$ in a constraint graph be positive? Explain.
Express the single-pair shortest-path problem as a linear program.
Show how to modify the Bellman-Ford algorithm slightly so that when we use it to solve a system of difference constraints with m inequalities on n unknowns, the running time is
$O(nm)$ .
Suppose that in addition to a system of difference constraints, we want to handle equality constraints of the form
$x_i = x_j + b_k$ . Show how to adapt the Bellman-Ford algorithm to solve this variety of constraint system.
Show how to solve a system of difference constraints by a Bellman-Ford-like algorithm that runs on a constraint graph without the extra vertex
$v_0$ .
$Ax \le b$ be a system of$m$ difference constraints in$n$ unknowns. Show that the Bellman-Ford algorithm, when run on the corresponding constraint graph, maximizes$\sum_{i=1}^n x_i$ subject to$Ax \le b$ and$x_i \le 0$ for all$x_i$ .
Show that the Bellman-Ford algorithm, when run on the constraint graph for a system
$Ax \le b$ of difference constraints, minimizes the quantity$(\max\{x_i\} - \min\{x_i\})$ subject to$Ax \le b$ . Explain how this fact might come in handy if the algorithm is used to schedule construction jobs.
Suppose that every row in the matrix
$A$ of a linear program$Ax \le b$ corresponds to a difference constraint, a single-variable constraint of the form$x_i \le b_k$ , or a singlevariable constraint of the form$-x_i \le b_k$ . Show how to adapt the Bellman-Ford algorithm to solve this variety of constraint system.
Give an efficient algorithm to solve a system
$Ax \le b$ of difference constraints when all of the elements of b are real-valued and all of the unknowns$x_i$ must be integers.
Give an efficient algorithm to solve a system
$Ax \le b$ of difference constraints when all of the elements of b are real-valued and a specified subset of some, but not necessarily all, of the unknowns$x_i$ must be integers.