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Gunther Laure edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 2 revisions

DW Modules API C interface

typedef void* ModuleHandle;

Opaque pointer used to access the API or a module.

ModuleHandle API_HANDLE = (ModuleHandle)-1;

Default handle to access api instead of modules. If the linker complains this has to defined in C examples.

int DeWeModulesLoad(void);

Load the dw_modules_api.dll. Depending on the architecture (32bit, 64bit) this automatically selects the correct dll to load.

void DeWeModulesUnload(void);

Unload the dw_modules_api.dll. After this call it is not allowed to call dll functions anymore.

int DeWeInit();

Initialize dw_modules_api.dll. This has to be done before any other API functions are allowed to be called.

int DeWeDeInit();

Unnitialize dw_modules_api.dll if the api is no longer used. Deletes all allocated memory.

ModuleHandle DeWeCreateModule(const char* name, const char* fw_revision, const char* port, uint8 address);

Manually create a module. This is used for offline setup, or if a module is not able to be scanned.

ModuleHandle DeWeGetModule(const char* port, uint8 address);

Get a handle for a module. If the handle is NULL, no module could be found.

int DeWeGetParamStrLen(ModuleHandle mh, const char* source, const char* path, uint32* buffer_len);

Request the needed buffer size for a DeWeGetParamStr call. This is the minimum buffer size needed for the call.

int DeWeGetParamStr(ModuleHandle mh, const char* source, const char* path, char* buffer, uint32 buffer_len);

Get the API or module parameter and return the value in the given buffer.

int DeWeSetParamStr(ModuleHandle mh, const char* source, const char* path, const char* buffer);

Set a API or module parameter.

int DeWeGetParamXMLLen(ModuleHandle mh, const char* source, const char* path, uint32* buffer_len);

Request the needed buffer size for a DeWeGetParamXML call. This is the minimum buffer size needed for the call.

int DeWeGetParamXml(ModuleHandle mh, const char* source, const char* path, char* buffer, uint32 buffer_len);

Get the API or module parameter and return the value in the given buffer in XML format.

int DeWeGetParam_i32(ModuleHandle mh, uint32 command, int* val);

Get the API or module parameter and return the integer value.

int DeWeSetParam_i32(ModuleHandle mh, uint32 command, int val);

Get the API or module integer parameter.

int DeWeGetParam_Ptr(ModuleHandle mh, uint32 command, void* val, uint32 size);

Get module parameter as pointer to a buffer.

int DeWeSetParam_Ptr(ModuleHandle mh, uint32 command, void* val, uint32 size);

Set module parameter as pointer to a buffer.

int DeWeScanAddress(ModuleHandle mh, const char* port, uint8 addr, int* status);

Scan the given address for a module. This can be DAQP, HSI, EPAD modules.

int DeWeSetAddress(ModuleHandle mh, const char* port, uint8 addr);

Programm the module to a new address

int DeWeSimAddSerialPort(const char* port);

Add a "faked" serial port for module simulation.

int DeWeSimAddModule(const char* name, const char* fw_revision, const char* port, uint8 address);

Add a simulated module.

int DeWeSimRemoveModule(const char* port, uint8 address);

Remove a simulated module.

Command Enum

This is used for _i32 and _Ptr API functions:

enum DwModulesCmd
   // Standard API
   DWCMD_SCAN = 100
   // Standard Module
   , DWCMD_LOCK_MODULE_BUTTONS            // 1 -> lock, 0 -> unlock
   // EPAD only
   , DWCMD_SAMPLES = 400
   // SIM
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