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ldecicco-USGS edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 78 revisions


Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET): An R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, including the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS)

Overview of EGRET: The following are 4 major features of EGRET.

  1. It is designed to obtain its water quality sample data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from the USGS NWIS (U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System), but it allows for user-supplied text files as inputs. The program is designed to ingest the data directly into R and structure them into file structures suited to the analysis.

  2. It has all of the existing WRTDS functionality - computing concentrations, fluxes, flow normalized versions of those, trends in those and graphics to show results and to explore the behavior of the data (by season, by flow class...). Many graph and table outputs are possible and all are clearly labeled and suitable for presentation or publication. It is designed for both batch and interactive processing. It is very much oriented to graphics and should be thought of as an exploratory tool. It is intended for use with data sets of about 200 or more samples, over a time period of about 20 or more years. Some testing with smaller data sets has been done, and no significant problems have been identified in cases with sample sizes slightly larger than 100 but extensive testing with smaller data sets has not taken place yet.

  3. It has additional statistics and graphics to help evaluate the possibility that flux estimates may be biased (it is known that in certain cases, regression-based methods can produce severely biased flux estimates). It can also accept results from other estimation methods like LOADEST and produce the same types of graphics and statistics for them (this part is not yet documented).

  4. It has a streamflow history component, not related to water quality, that is not a part of WRTDS, but uses some similar concepts and shares some of the basic software and data structures. This component, called flowHistory provides a variety of table and graphical outputs looking only at flow statistics (like annual mean, annual 7-day low flow, annual 1-day maximum, or seasonal versions of these) all based on time-series smoothing. It is designed to be used in long-term studies of streamflow change (associated with climate or land use or water use change) and works best for daily streamflow data sets of 50 years or longer. It is put together with the WRTDS method because it uses the same data retrieval infrastructure as WRTDS and the same data structure.

Package Installation

To install the EGRET and dataRetrieval packages you need to be using R 3.0 or greater. Then use the following command:


Background Information

WRTDS is a method of analysis for long-term surface water quality data. It is intended for use with data sets of more than about 200 observations of water quality over a time span of about 20 years or more. There also needs to be a daily time series of streamflow data covering the entire period of the water quality data collection. The method can be used with somewhat smaller data sets, but it will not work with less than 100 water quality observations. The best way to learn about the WRTDS approach and to see examples of its application to multiple large data sets is to read two journal articles. Both are available, for free, from the journals in which they were published.

The first relates to nitrate and total phosphorus data for 9 rivers draining to Chesapeake Bay:

Chesapeake Bay

The second is an application to nitrate data for 8 monitoring sites on the Mississippi River or its major tributaries:

Mississippi River

The manual assumes that the user understands the concepts underlying WRTDS. Thus, reading at least the first of these papers is necessary to understanding the manual.

Sample Workflow

Load data from web services:

Daily <- getNWISDaily("06934500","00060","1979-10-01","2010-09-30")
Sample <-getNWISSample("06934500","00631","1970-10-01","2011-09-30")
INFO <-getNWISInfo("06934500","00631", interactive=FALSE)
Sample <-mergeReport(Daily, Sample)

This is a sample workflow for using EGRET on the Choptank River at Greensboro MD, for Nitrate:


# Gather discharge data:
siteID <- "01491000" #Choptank River at Greensboro, MD
startDate <- "" #Gets earliest date
endDate <- "2011-09-30"
# Gather sample data:
parameter_cd<-"00631" #5 digit USGS code
Sample <- getNWISSample(siteID,parameter_cd,startDate,endDate)
#Gets earliest date from Sample record:
#This is just one of many ways to assure the Daily record
#spans the Sample record
startDate <- min(as.character(Sample$Date)) 
# Gather discharge data:
Daily <- getNWISDaily(siteID,"00060",startDate,endDate)
# Gather site and parameter information:

# Here user must input some values for
# the default (interactive=TRUE)
INFO<- getNWISInfo(siteID,parameter_cd)
INFO$shortName <- "Choptank River at Greensboro, MD"

# Merge discharge with sample data:
Sample <- mergeReport()

# Check sample data:

# Run WRTDS model:

#Check model results:

#Require Sample + INFO:

#Require Daily + INFO:

# Multi-line plots:
date1 <- "2000-09-01"
date2 <- "2005-09-01"
date3 <- "2009-09-01"
plotConcQSmooth(date1, date2, date3, qBottom, qTop, 
q1 <- 10
q2 <- 25
q3 <- 75
centerDate <- "07-01"
yearEnd <- 2009
yearStart <- 2000
plotConcTimeSmooth(q1, q2, q3, centerDate, yearStart, yearEnd)

# Multi-plots:

#Contour plots:
yearStart <- 2000
yearEnd <- 2010

             contourLevels = clevel,qUnit=1)
# modify this for your own computer file structure

This is a sample workflow for a flowHistory application for the entire record.


# Flow history analysis
# Gather discharge data:
siteID <- "01491000" #Choptank River at Greensboro, MD
startDate <- "" # Get earliest date
endDate <- "" # Get latest date
Daily <- getNWISDaily(siteID,"00060",startDate,endDate)
# Gather site and parameter information:
# Here user must input some values for
# the default (interactive=TRUE)
INFO<- getNWISInfo(siteID,"00060")
INFO$shortName <- "Choptank River at Greensboro, MD"

# Check flow history data:
annualSeries <- makeAnnualSeries()

# modify this for your own computer file structure:

Version updates


  • Version 1.2.5 March 14, 2014

    • Added period of record control to all graphs and tables (with execption of plotContours, plotDiffContours, plotConcQSmooth, and plotConcTimeSmooth).
    • Changed default color palette for contour plots
    • Updated vignette.
    • Added setupYears call within functions to generally eliminate the need for AnnualResults.
    • Updated calculateMonthlyResults to give month, year, and decimal year.
    • Continued to improve documentation.
  • Version 1.2.4 July 10, 2013

  • Version 1.2.3 February 21, 2013

  • Version 1.2.1 June 8, 2012

  • Version 1.1.3 April 26, 2012

  • Version 1.0.0 March 16, 2012


This software is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), an agency of the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the official USGS copyright policy at

Although this software program has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

This software is provided "AS IS."


Please email questions, comments, and feedback to: [email protected]

Additionally, to subscribe to an email list concerning updates to these R packages, please send a request to [email protected].

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