All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.2 (2024-07-12)
1.0.1 (2022-11-14)
1.0.0 (2022-10-26)
- #34 google anylytics (4bf186f)
- api url (5ee84f6)
- develop cron (015bf07)
- filter useless data (1fbce5b)
- optimize (0b13ea8)
- some title remove jumper (39c2587)
0.1.0 (2022-10-25)
- 15 modified text to standard text (501a0b2)
- about H5 css (7dc2b96)
- add empty judge (37ce3be)
- add key of OpenOriginUrl (780ae56)
- artice sort_type menu (56f3b0c)
- article add loading (76dbba0)
- article add origin sort (04f936c)
- article add tag sort (426c92f)
- article h5 page (e99ba3a)
- article h5 style (3bb0d31)
- article load more (b6cb580)
- back top (a0f8e45)
- component did mount use window (2de2ef1)
- delete first article req (86c1524)
- home animation (f26a78c)
- home page add H5 style (2efced5)
- jumper animation (e4fd1f9)
- open origin enum sort (f42b958)
- origin css (a01bb53)
- pagination (9bd771a)
- repeat img (c3fdcc2)
- something optimize (467ca1e)
- update article style (c9c16b1)
- use a and to url jump (bdca394)
- use h1 about title (627cc8c)
- use Head improve seo (9ffc931)
- use lowcase far from error (7c2b07a)
- utils isMobile (013fec6)
- when juejin api error (32b792e)
- add .gitignore (4291353)
- add 404 page (ac8632c)
- add ci (afcc09e)
- add dropDown navigator (f85dc7a)
- add juejin article list (d808e84)
- add schedule (76511dd)
- add schema and model (26b235f)
- add style transition (c5d82d5)
- api url done (5c20d72)
- article page done (963d8f5)
- createTime (77415df)
- deploy script (e9f948f)
- deploy script (712115b)
- eslint and README (8c1d535)
- get data from juejin done (fd7d763)
- github action (ac3f7c3)
- img alt Image (a2d8343)
- img use cdn (f32a9ee)
- migrate framework section (0431e06)
- modify jump methond (21a88fb)
- remove dependencies sharp (e124524)
- resolve koa cors (7d73db8)
- save to mongodb done (5a3df3b)
- totalCount (1b09360)
- use getServerSideProps to render by server (ff7cbb3)
- use totalCount (5fecfa8)