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FELIX assets

Roland Sipos edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 22 revisions

FELIX apparatus and availability

Testing and development hosts with a FELIX card are the following:

  • CERN NP04

    • np04-srv-028 - RM5 based test platform & hosting 2 FELIX cards (DS Intel Cascade Lake Gold, SNC2)
    • np04-srv-029 - RM5 based test platform (DS Intel Cascade Lake Gold)
    • np04-srv-030 - RM5 based test platform (DS Intel Cascade Lake Silver)
  • CERN DT-DI DAQ-lab

    • epdtdi104 - RM5 based development platform (DS Intel Cascade Lake Gold, SNC2, with PMEM and NVMe)
    • epdtdi105 - RM5 based development platform (DS AMD EPYC with PCIe SSD and NVMe)
  • Bristol Lab

    • ??? - (Host with WIB to FELIX connectivity)

DS stands for: Dual Socket with 2 CPUs

SNC stands for: Sub-NUMA Clustering. SNC2 means 2 cluster per socket.

Currently used FELIX firmware versions

Commit hashes, build timestamps can be found based on the name and in the firmware itself.

  1. RM4 ATLAS Phase1 JBSC:
    1. This firmware is/was the production firmware in ProtoDUNE-SP.
  2. RM5 ATLAS Phase2:
    1. As on ATLAS FELIX firmware Espace
    2. Built-in JumboBlock/Superchunk support,
    3. Contains AMD EPYC architecture specific fixes

Register Map configuration files (SLR config files)

(SLR stands for: "SuperLogic Region", which represent a "half" physical card a.k.a. logical unit.)

The location of configuration files for elinks and emulators can be found here:

  1. RM5 configs, ONLY compatible with firmware 2:
    1. rm5-emu-5links-slr1 - Enables on SLR 5 x FM links and uploads 464B, 1Idle, Incremental pattern emulation. (Fanout selector unlocked, toggle possible between real and EMU data.)
    2. rm5-emu-5links-slr2 - Enables on SLR 5 x FM links and uploads 464B, 1Idle, Incremental pattern emulation. (Fanout selector unlocked, toggle possible between real and EMU data.)

Compatibility list

This section describes which DUNE-DAQ software and flxlibs version are compatible with which firmware and configuration set.

DUNE-DAQ flxlibs felix external Firmware Configuration
v2.4.0 develop v1_1_0 e19:prof RM5 (2.) 1.1 & 1.2