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FELIX assets

Roland Sipos edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 22 revisions

FELIX apparatus and availability

Hosts with a FELIX card are the following:

  • NP04
    • np04-srv-028 - Hosting 2 FELIX cards (Stays on RM4 FELIX for now) (Intel Cascade Lake Gold)
    • np04-srv-029 - Moving to firmware p2 soon! (Intel Cascade Lake Gold)
    • np04-srv-030 - Moving to firmware p2 soon! (Intel Cascade Lake Silver)
    • epdtdi104 - RM5 development platform (Intel Cascade Lake Gold with NVMe and PMEM storage)
    • epdtdi105 - RM5 development platform (AMD EPYC with PCIe SSD and NVMe storage)
  • Bristol Lab
    • ??? - (Host with WIB to FELIX connectivity)

Currently used FELIX firmware versions

Commit hashes, build timestamps can be found based on the name and in the firmware itself.

  1. RM4 ATLAS Phase1 JBSC:
    1. This firmware is/was the production firmware in ProtoDUNE-SP.
  2. RM5 ATLAS Phase2:
    1. As on ATLAS FELIX firmware Espace
    2. Built-in JumboBlock/Superchunk support,
    3. Contains AMD EPYC architecture specific fixes

Register Map configuration files (SLR config files)

(SLR stands for: "SuperLogic Region", which represent a "half" physical card a.k.a. logical unit.)

The location of configuration files for elinks and emulators can be found here:

  1. RM5 configs, ONLY compatible with firmware 2:
    1. rm5-emu-5links-slr1 - Enables on SLR 5 x FM links and uploads 464B, 1Idle, Incremental pattern emulation. (Fanout selector unlocked, toggle possible between real and EMU data.)
    2. rm5-emu-5links-slr2 - Enables on SLR 5 x FM links and uploads 464B, 1Idle, Incremental pattern emulation. (Fanout selector unlocked, toggle possible between real and EMU data.)

Compatibility list

This section describes which DUNE-DAQ software and flxlibs version are compatible with which firmware and configuration set.

DUNE-DAQ flxlibs felix external Firmware Configuration
v2.4.0 develop v1_1_0 e19:prof RM5 (2.) 1.1 & 1.2