Notes on Azure Front Door (AFD) WAF (Web Application Firewall).
- Custom rules (processed first)
- Managed rule sets
- Enable the WAF in Detection mode to ensure that the WAF doesn't block requests while you are working through this process.
- Follow our guidance for tuning the WAF. The whole process may take several weeks. Ideally you should see fewer false positive detections after each tuning change you make.
- Enable diagnostic logging
- Review the logs
- Add rule exclusions and other mitigations.
- Repeat this whole process, checking the logs regularly, until you're satisfied that no legitimate traffic is being blocked.
- Finally, enable the WAF in Prevention mode.
- Monitoring the logs to identify any other false-positive detections. Regularly reviewing the logs will also help you to identify any real attack attempts that have been blocked.
- Turn on FrontDoorAccessLog and FrontDoorWebApplicationFirewallLog diagnostic logs.
- The FrontDoorAccessLog includes all requests that go through Front Door.
- A rule = match condition + priority + action
- Action types = Allow, Block, Log, Redirect
- Once such a match is processed, rules with lower priorities aren't processed further.
- 1 WAF policy per Front Door endpoint
- WAF policies live and are executed on the edge.
- Detection mode: Logs the request and its (first) matched rule to WAF logs.
- Prevention mode: Takes the specified action if request matches the rule. Once matched, no further rules are evaluated.
- Matched requests are also logged in WAF logs.
- Allow action: if matched, no further lower priority rules can block the request.
- Log action: Request is logged in WAF logs and WAF continues evaluating lower rules.
- Anomaly score action: Default for DRS, not applicable to Bot manager ruleset.
There are two type of match variables in IP address match, RemoteAddr and SocketAddr. RemoteAddr is the original client IP that is usually sent via X-Forwarded-For request header. SocketAddr is the source IP address WAF sees. If your user is behind a proxy, SocketAddr is often the proxy server address.
📖 Configure an IP restriction rule with a Web Application Firewall for Azure Front Door.
Custom rules are always applied first.
- Cross-site scripting
- Java attacks
- Local file inclusion
- PHP injection attacks
- Remote command execution
- Remote file inclusion
- Session fixation
- SQL injection protection
- Protocol attackers
Always use latest ruleset (e.g. DRS 2.1)
📖 DRS is fully documented here.
- Use exclusion rules to exclude parts of a request from certain rules.
Malicious IP addresses are sourced from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence feed and updated every hour.
- Only per-IP rate limits are currently supported.
- Rate limit custom WAF rule must have a match condition. To match all requests, use host length > 0.
- Don't bother with small rate-limits as rate limits are calculated per server (PoP node). In my experience, rate limits in the magnitude of tens-of-thousands are good.
📖 What is rate limiting for Azure Front Door Service?
WAF security policy updates can take up-to 20 minutes. But usually you will see the update within seconds or minutes.
# All 429 responses (Access log)
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.CDN" and Category == "FrontDoorAccessLog"
| where httpStatusCode_s == '429'
# All blocked requests (WAF log)
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.CDN" and Category == "FrontDoorWebApplicationFirewallLog"
| where action_s == "Block"
Kusto query for DDOS attack analysis: /kusto/afd-waf-ddos.kql