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9. Expressions {#sec-expressions}

Dafny expressions come in three flavors.

  • The bulk of expressions have no side-effects and can be used within methods, functions, and specifications, and in either compiled or ghost code.
  • Some expressions, called right-hand-side expressions, do have side-effects and may only be used in specific syntactic locations, such as the right-hand-side of update (assignment) statements; object allocation and method calls are two typical examples of right-hand-side expressions. Note that method calls are syntactically indistinguishable from function calls; both are Expressions (PrimaryExpressions with an ArgumentList suffix). However, method calls are semantically permitted only in right-hand-side expression locations.
  • Some expressions are allowed only in specifications and other ghost code, as listed here.

The grammar of Dafny expressions follows a hierarchy that reflects the precedence of Dafny operators. The following table shows the Dafny operators and their precedence in order of increasing binding power.

operator precedence description
; 0 That is LemmaCall; Expression
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
<==> 1 equivalence (if and only if)
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
==> 2 implication (implies)
<== 2 reverse implication (follows from)
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
&&, & 3 conjunction (and)
` ,
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
== 4 equality
==#[k] 4 prefix equality (coinductive)
!= 4 disequality
!=#[k] 4 prefix disequality (coinductive)
< 4 less than
<= 4 at most
>= 4 at least
> 4 greater than
in 4 collection membership
!in 4 collection non-membership
!! 4 disjointness
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
<< 5 left-shift
>> 5 right-shift
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
+ 6 addition (plus)
- 6 subtraction (minus)
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
* 7 multiplication (times)
/ 7 division (divided by)
% 7 modulus (mod)
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
` ` 8
& 8 bit-wise and
^ 8 bit-wise exclusive-or (not equal)
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
as operation 9 type conversion
is operation 9 type test
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
- 10 arithmetic negation (unary minus)
! 10 logical negation, bit-wise complement
-------------------------- ------------------------------------
Primary Expressions 11

9.1. Lemma-call expressions (grammar) {#sec-top-level-expression}


var a := L(a,b); a*b

This expression has the form S; E. The type of the expression is the type of E. S must be a lemma call (though the grammar appears more lenient). The lemma introduces a fact necessary to establish properties of E.

Sometimes an expression will fail unless some relevant fact is known. In the following example the F_Fails function fails to verify because the Fact(n) divisor may be zero. But preceding the expression by a lemma that ensures that the denominator is not zero allows function F_Succeeds to succeed.

function Fact(n: nat): nat
  if n == 0 then 1 else n * Fact(n-1)

lemma L(n: nat)
  ensures 1 <= Fact(n)

function F_Fails(n: nat): int
  50 / Fact(n)  // error: possible division by zero

function F_Succeeds(n: nat): int
  L(n); // note, this is a lemma call in an expression
  50 / Fact(n)

One restriction is that a lemma call in this form is permitted only in situations in which the expression itself is not terminated by a semicolon.

A second restriction is that E is not always permitted to contain lambda expressions, such as in the expressions that are the body of a lambda expression itself, function, method and iterator specifications, and if and while statements with guarded alternatives.

A third restriction is that E is not always permitted to contain a bit-wise or (|) operator, because it would be ambiguous with the vertical bar used in comprehension expressions.

Note that the effect of the lemma call only extends to the succeeding expression E (which may be another ; expression).

9.2. Equivalence Expressions (grammar) {#sec-equivalence-expression}


A <==> B
A <==> C ==> D <==> B 

An Equivalence Expression that contains one or more <==>s is a boolean expression and all the operands must also be boolean expressions. In that case each <==> operator tests for logical equality which is the same as ordinary equality (but with a different precedence).

See Section for an explanation of the <==> operator as compared with the == operator.

The <==> operator is commutative and associative: A <==> B <==> C and (A <==> B) <==> C and A <==> (B <==> C) and C <==> B <==> A are all equivalent and are all true iff an even number of operands are false.

9.3. Implies or Explies Expressions (grammar) {#sec-implies-expression}


A ==> B
A ==> B ==> C ==> D
B <== A

See Section for an explanation of the ==> and <== operators.

9.4. Logical Expressions (grammar) {#sec-logical-expression}


A && B
A || B
&& A && B && C

Note that the Dafny grammar allows a conjunction or disjunction to be prefixed with && or || respectively. This form simply allows a parallel structure to be written:

method m(x: object?, y:object?, z: object?) {
  var b: bool :=
    && x != null
    && y != null
    && z != null

This is purely a syntactic convenience allowing easy edits such as reordering lines or commenting out lines without having to check that the infix operators are always where they should be.

Note also that && and || cannot be mixed without using parentheses: A && B || C is not permitted. Write (A && B) || C or A && (B || C) instead.

See Section for an explanation of the && and || operators.

9.5. Relational Expressions (grammar) {#sec-relational-expression}


x == y
x != y
x < y
x >= y
x in y
x ! in y
x !! y
x ==#[k] y

The relation expressions compare two or more terms. As explained in the section about basic types, ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= are chaining.

The in and !in operators apply to collection types as explained in Section 5.5 and represent membership or non-membership respectively.

The !! represents disjointness for sets and multisets as explained in Section 5.5.1 and Section 5.5.2.

x ==#[k] y is the prefix equality operator that compares coinductive values for equality to a nesting level of k, as explained in the section about co-equality.

9.6. Bit Shifts (grammar) {#sec-bit-shift-expression}


k << 5
j >> i

These operators are the left and right shift operators for bit-vector values. They take a bit-vector value and an int, shifting the bits by the given amount; the result has the same bit-vector type as the LHS. For the expression to be well-defined, the RHS value must be in the range 0 to the number of bits in the bit-vector type, inclusive.

The operations are left-associative: a << i >> j is (a << i) >> j.

9.7. Terms (grammar) {#sec-addition-expression}


x + y - z

Terms combine Factors by adding or subtracting. Addition has these meanings for different types:

Subtraction is

  • arithmetic subtraction for numeric types
  • set or multiset subtraction for sets and multisets
  • domain subtraction for maps.

All addition operations are associative. Arithmetic addition and union are commutative. Subtraction is neither; it groups to the left as expected: x - y -z is (x - y) -z.

9.8. Factors (grammar) {#sec-multiplication-expression}


x * y
x / y
x % y

A Factor combines expressions using multiplication, division, or modulus. For numeric types these are explained in Section 5.2.2. As explained there, / and % on int values represent Euclidean integer division and modulus and not the typical C-like programming language operations.

Only * has a non-numeric application. It represents set or multiset intersection as explained in Section 5.5.1 and Section 5.5.2.

* is commutative and associative; / and % are neither but do group to the left.

9.9. Bit-vector Operations (grammar) {#sec-bitvector-expression}


x | y
x & y
x ^ y

These operations take two bit-vector values of the same type, returning a value of the same type. The operations perform bit-wise or (|), and (&), and exclusive-or (^). To perform bit-wise equality, use ^ and ! (unary complement) together. (== is boolean equality of the whole bit-vector.)

These operations are associative and commutative but do not associate with each other. Use parentheses: a & b | c is illegal; use (a & b) | c or a & (b | c) instead.

Bit-vector operations are not allowed in some contexts. The | symbol is used both for bit-wise or and as the delimiter in a cardinality expression: an ambiguity arises if the expression E in | E | contains a |. This situation is easily remedied: just enclose E in parentheses, as in |(E)|. The only type-correct way this can happen is if the expression is a comprehension, as in | set x: int :: x | 0x101 |.

9.10. As (Conversion) and Is (type test) Expressions (grammar) {#sec-as-is-expression}


e as MyClass
i as bv8
e is MyClass

The as expression converts the given LHS to the type stated on the RHS, with the result being of the given type. The following combinations of conversions are permitted:

  • Any type to itself
  • Any int or real based numeric type or bit-vector type to another int or real based numeric type or bit-vector type
  • Any base type to a subset or newtype with that base
  • Any subset or newtype to its base type or a subset or newtype of the same base
  • Any type to a subset or newtype that has the type as its base
  • Any trait to a class or trait that extends (perhaps recursively) that trait
  • Any class or trait to a trait extended by that class or trait

Some of the conversions above are already implicitly allowed, without the as operation, such as from a subset type to its base. In any case, it must be able to be proved that the value of the given expression is a legal value of the given type. For example, 5 as MyType is permitted (by the verifier) only if 5 is a legitimate value ofMyType (which must be a numeric type).

The as operation is like a grammatical suffix or postfix operation. However, note that the unary operations bind more tightly than does as. That is - 5 as nat is (- 5) as nat (which fails), whereas a * b as nat is a * (b as nat). On the other hand, - a[4] is - (a[4]).

The is expression is grammatically similar to the as expression, with the same binding power. The is expression is a type test that returns a bool value indicating whether the LHS expression is a legal value of the RHS type. The expression can be used to check whether a trait value is of a particular class type. That is, the expression in effect checks the allocated type of a trait.

The RHS type of an is expression can always be a supertype of the type of the LHS expression, in which case the result is trivally true. Other than that, the RHS must be based on a reference type and the LHS expression must be assignable to the RHS type. Furthermore, in order to be compilable, the RHS type must not be a subset type other than a non-null reference type, and the type parameters of the RHS must be uniquely determined from the type parameters of the LHS type. The last restriction is designed to make it possible to perform type tests without inspecting type parameters at run time. For example, consider the following types:

trait A { }
trait B<X> { }
class C<Y> extends B<Y> { }
class D<Y(==)> extends B<set<Y>> { }
class E extends B<int> { }
class F<Z> extends A { }

A LHS expression of type B<set<int>> can be used in a type test where the RHS is B<set<int>>, C<set<int>>, or D<int>, and a LHS expression of type B<int> can be used in a type test where the RHS is B<int>, C<int>, or E. Those are always allowed in compiled (and ghost) contexts. For an expression a of type A, the expression a is F<int> is a ghost expression; it can be used in ghost contexts, but not in compiled contexts.

For an expression e and type t, e is t is the condition determining whether e as t is well-defined (but, as noted above, is not always a legal expression).

The repertoire of types allowed in is tests may be expanded in the future.

9.11. Unary Expressions (grammar) {#sec-unary-expression}


- - x
! x

A unary expression applies

to its operand.

9.12. Primary Expressions (grammar) {#sec-primary-expression}


map[1 => 2, 3 => 4]
if b then 4 else 5

After descending through all the binary and unary operators we arrive at the primary expressions, which are explained in subsequent sections. A number of these can be followed by 0 or more suffixes to select a component of the value.

9.13. Lambda expressions (grammar) {#sec-lambda-expression}


x => -x
_ => true
(x,y) => x*y
(x:int, b:bool) => if b then x else -x
x requires x > 0 => x-1

See Section 7.4 for a description of specifications for lambda expressions.

In addition to named functions, Dafny supports expressions that define functions. These are called lambda (expression)s (some languages know them as anonymous functions). A lambda expression has the form:

( _params_ ) _specification_ => _body_

where params is a comma-delimited list of parameter declarations, each of which has the form x or x: T. The type T of a parameter can be omitted when it can be inferred. If the identifier x is not needed, it can be replaced by _. If params consists of a single parameter x (or _) without an explicit type, then the parentheses can be dropped; for example, the function that returns the successor of a given integer can be written as the following lambda expression:

x => x + 1

The specification is a list of clauses requires E or reads W, where E is a boolean expression and W is a frame expression.

body is an expression that defines the function's return value. The body must be well-formed for all possible values of the parameters that satisfy the precondition (just like the bodies of named functions and methods). In some cases, this means it is necessary to write explicit requires and reads clauses. For example, the lambda expression

x requires x != 0 => 100 / x

would not be well-formed if the requires clause were omitted, because of the possibility of division-by-zero.

In settings where functions cannot be partial and there are no restrictions on reading the heap, the eta expansion of a function F: T -> U (that is, the wrapping of F inside a lambda expression in such a way that the lambda expression is equivalent to F) would be written x => F(x). In Dafny, eta expansion must also account for the precondition and reads set of the function, so the eta expansion of F looks like:

x requires F.requires(x) reads F.reads(x) => F(x)

9.14. Left-Hand-Side Expressions (grammar) {#sec-lhs-expression}



A left-hand-side expression is only used on the left hand side of an Update statement or an Update with Failure Statement.

An LHS can be

  • a simple identifier: k
  • an expression with a dot suffix: this.x, f(k).y
  • an expression with an array selection: a[k], f(a8)[6]

9.15. Right-Hand-Side Expressions (grammar) {#sec-rhs-expression}


new int[6]
new MyClass
new MyClass(x,y,z)

A Right-Hand-Side expression is an expression-like construct that may have side-effects. Consequently such expressions can only be used within certain statements within methods, and not as general expressions or within functions or specifications.

An RHS is either an array allocation, an object allocation, a havoc right-hand-side, a method call, or a simple expression, optionally followed by one or more attributes.

Right-hand-side expressions (that are not just regular expressions) appear in the following constructs:

These are the only contexts in which arrays or objects may be allocated or in which havoc may be stipulated.

9.16. Array Allocation (grammar) {#sec-array-allocation}


new int[5,6]
new int[5][2,3,5,7,11]
new int[][2,3,5,7,11]
new int[5](i => i*i)
new int[2,3]((i,j) => i*j)

This right-hand-side expression allocates a new single or multi-dimensional array (cf. Section 5.10). The initialization portion is optional. One form is an explicit list of values, in which case the dimension is optional:

var a := new int[5];
var b := new int[5][2,3,5,7,11];
var c := new int[][2,3,5,7,11];
var d := new int[3][4,5,6,7]; // error

The comprehension form requires a dimension and uses a function of type nat -> T where T is the array element type:

var a := new int[5](i => i*i);

To allocate a multi-dimensional array, simply give the sizes of each dimension. For example,

var m := new real[640, 480];

allocates a 640-by-480 two-dimensional array of reals. The initialization portion cannot give a display of elements like in the one-dimensional case, but it can use an initialization function. A function used to initialize a n-dimensional array requires a function from n nats to a T, where T is the element type of the array. Here is an example:

var diag := new int[30, 30]((i, j) => if i == j then 1 else 0);

Array allocation is permitted in ghost contexts. If any expression used to specify a dimension or initialization value is ghost, then the new allocation can only be used in ghost contexts. Because the elements of an array are non-ghost, an array allocated in a ghost context in effect cannot be changed after initialization.

9.17. Object Allocation (grammar) {#sec-object-allocation}


new MyClass
new MyClass.Init
new MyClass.Init(1,2,3)

This right-hand-side expression allocates a new object of a class type as explained in section Class Types.

9.18. Havoc Right-Hand-Side (grammar) {#sec-havoc-expression}



A havoc right-hand-side is just a * character. It produces an arbitrary value of its associated type. The "assign-such-that" operator (:|) can be used to obtain a more constrained arbitrary value. See Section 8.5.

9.19. Constant Or Atomic Expressions (grammar) {#sec-atomic-expression}


( e )
| s |

These expressions are never l-values. They include

9.20. Literal Expressions (grammar} {#sec-literal-expression}



A literal expression is a null object reference or a boolean, integer, real, character or string literal.

9.21. this Expression (grammar) {#sec-this-expression}



The this token denotes the current object in the context of a constructor, instance method, or instance function.

9.22. Old and Old@ Expressions (grammar) {#sec-old-expression}



An old expression is used in postconditions or in the body of a method or in the body or specification of any two-state function or two-state lemma; an old expression with a label is used only in the body of a method at a point where the label dominates its use in the expression.

old(e) evaluates the argument using the value of the heap on entry to the method; old@ident(e) evaluates the argument using the value of the heap at the given statement label.

Note that old and old@ only affect heap dereferences, like o.f and a[i]. In particular, neither form has any effect on the value returned for local variables or out-parameters (as they are not on the heap).1 If the value of an entire expression at a particular point in the method body is needed later on in the method body, the clearest means is to declare a ghost variable, initializing it to the expression in question. If the argument of old is a local variable or out-parameter. Dafny issues a warning.

The argument of an old expression may not contain nested old, fresh, or unchanged expressions, nor two-state functions or two-state lemmas.

Here are some explanatory examples. All assert statements verify to be true.

class A {

  var value: int

  method m(i: int)
    requires i == 6
    requires value == 42
    modifies this
    var j: int := 17;
    value := 43;
    label L:
    j := 18;
    value := 44;
    label M:
    assert old(i) == 6; // i is local, but can't be changed anyway
    assert old(j) == 18; // j is local and not affected by old
    assert old@L(j) == 18; // j is local and not affected by old
    assert old(value) == 42;
    assert old@L(value) == 43;
    assert old@M(value) == 44 && this.value == 44;
    // value is this.value; 'this' is the same
    // same reference in current and pre state but the
    // values stored in the heap as its fields are different;
    // '.value' evaluates to 42 in the pre-state, 43 at L,
    // and 44 in the current state
class A {
  var value: int
  constructor ()
     ensures value == 10
     value := 10;

class B {
   var a: A
   constructor () { a := new A(); }

   method m()
     requires a.value == 11
     modifies this, this.a
     label L:
     a.value := 12;
     label M:
     a := new A(); // Line X
     label N:
     a.value := 20;
     label P:

     assert old(a.value) == 11;
     assert old(a).value == 12; // this.a is from pre-state,
                                // but .value in current state
     assert old@L(a.value) == 11;
     assert old@L(a).value == 12; // same as above
     assert old@M(a.value) == 12; // .value in M state is 12
     assert old@M(a).value == 12;
     assert old@N(a.value) == 10; // this.a in N is the heap
                                  // reference at Line X
     assert old@N(a).value == 20; // .value in current state is 20
     assert old@P(a.value) == 20;
     assert old@P(a).value == 20;
class A {
  var value: int
  constructor ()
     ensures value == 10
     value := 10;

class B {
   var a: A
   constructor () { a := new A(); }

   method m()
     requires a.value == 11
     modifies this, this.a
     label L:
     a.value := 12;
     label M:
     a := new A(); // Line X
     label N:
     a.value := 20;
     label P:

     assert old(a.value) == 11;
     assert old(a).value == 12; // this.a is from pre-state,
                                // but .value in current state
     assert old@L(a.value) == 11;
     assert old@L(a).value == 12; // same as above
     assert old@M(a.value) == 12; // .value in M state is 12
     assert old@M(a).value == 12;
     assert old@N(a.value) == 10; // this.a in N is the heap
                                  // reference at Line X
     assert old@N(a).value == 20; // .value in current state is 20
     assert old@P(a.value) == 20;
     assert old@P(a).value == 20;

The next example demonstrates the interaction between old and array elements.

class A {
  var z1: array<nat>
  var z2: array<nat>

  method mm()
    requires z1.Length > 10 && z1[0] == 7
    requires z2.Length > 10 && z2[0] == 17
    modifies z2
    var a: array<nat> := z1;
    assert a[0] == 7;
    a := z2;
    assert a[0] == 17;
    assert old(a[0]) == 17; // a is local with value z2
    z2[0] := 27;
    assert old(a[0]) == 17; // a is local, with current value of
                            // z2; in pre-state z2[0] == 17
    assert old(a)[0] == 27; // a is local, so old(a) has no effect

9.23. Fresh Expressions (grammar) {#sec-fresh-expression}



fresh(e) returns a boolean value that is true if the objects denoted by expression e were all freshly allocated since the time of entry to the enclosing method, or since label L: in the variant fresh@L(e). The argument is an object or set of objects. For example, consider this valid program:

class C { constructor() {} }
method f(c1: C) returns (r: C)
  ensures fresh(r)
  assert !fresh(c1);
  var c2 := new C();
  label AfterC2:
  var c3 := new C();
  assert fresh(c2) && fresh(c3);
  assert fresh({c2, c3});
  assert !fresh@AfterC2(c2) && fresh@AfterC2(c3);
  r := c2;

The L in the variant fresh@L(e) must denote a label that, in the enclosing method's control flow, dominates the expression. In this case, fresh@L(e) returns true if the objects denoted by e were all freshly allocated since control flow reached label L.

The argument of fresh must be either an object reference or a set or sequence of object references. In this case, fresh(e) (respectively fresh@L(e) with a label) is a synonym of old(!allocated(e)) (respectively old@L(!allocated(e)))

9.24. Allocated Expressions (grammar) {#sec-allocated-expression}



For any expression e, the expression allocated(e) evaluates to true in a state if the value of e is available in that state, meaning that it could in principle have been the value of a variable in that state.

For example, consider this valid program:

class C { constructor() {} }
datatype D = Nil | Cons(C, D)
method f() {
  var d1, d2 := Nil, Nil;
  var c1 := new C();
  label L1:
  var c2 := new C();
  label L2:
  assert old(allocated(d1) && allocated(d2));
  d1 := Cons(c1, Nil);
  assert old(!allocated(d1) && allocated(d2));
  d2 := Cons(c2, Nil);
  assert old(!allocated(d1) && !allocated(d2));
  assert allocated(d1) && allocated(d2);
  assert old@L1(allocated(d1) && !allocated(d2));
  assert old@L2(allocated(d1) && allocated(d2));
  d1 := Nil;
  assert old(allocated(d1) && !allocated(d2));

This can be useful when, for example, allocated(e) is evaluated in an old state. Like in the example, where d1 is a local variable holding a datatype value Cons(c1, Nil) where c1 is an object that was allocated in the enclosing method, then old(allocated(d)) is false.

If the expression e is of a reference type, then !old(allocated(e)) is the same as fresh(e).

9.25. Unchanged Expressions (grammar) {#sec-unchanged-expression}



The unchanged expression returns true if and only if every reference denoted by its arguments has the same value for all its fields in the old and current state. For example, if c is an object with two fields, x and y, then unchanged(c) is equivalent to

c.x == old(c.x) && c.y == old(c.y)

Each argument to unchanged can be a reference, a set of references, or a sequence of references, each optionally followed by a back-tick and field name. This form with a frame field expresses that just the field f, not necessarily all fields, has the same value in the old and current state. If there is such a frame field, all the references must have the same type, which must have a field of that name.

The optional @-label says to use the state at that label as the old-state instead of using the old state (the pre-state of the method). That is, using the example c from above, the expression unchanged@Lbl(c) is equivalent to

c.x == old@Lbl(c.x) && c.y == old@Lbl(c.y)

Each reference denoted by the arguments of unchanged must be non-null and must be allocated in the old-state of the expression.

9.26. Cardinality Expressions (grammar) {#sec-cardinality-expression}



For a finite-collection expression c, |c| is the cardinality of c. For a finite set or sequence, the cardinality is the number of elements. For a multiset, the cardinality is the sum of the multiplicities of the elements. For a finite map, the cardinality is the cardinality of the domain of the map. Cardinality is not defined for infinite sets or infinite maps. For more information, see Section 5.5.

9.27. Parenthesized Expressions (grammar) {#sec-parenthesized-expression}

A parenthesized expression is a list of zero or more expressions enclosed in parentheses.

If there is exactly one expression enclosed then the value is just the value of that expression.

If there are zero or more than one, the result is a tuple value. See Section 5.13.

9.28. Sequence Display Expression (grammar) {#sec-seq-comprehension}


[1, 2, 3]
seq(k, n => n+1)

A sequence display expression provides a way to construct a sequence with given values. For example

[1, 2, 3]

is a sequence with three elements in it.

seq(k, n => n+1)

is a sequence of k elements whose values are obtained by evaluating the second argument (a function, in this case a lambda expression) on the indices 0 up to k.

See this section for more information on sequences.

9.29. Set Display Expression (grammar) {#sec-set-display-expression}



A set display expression provides a way of constructing a set with given elements. If the keyword iset is present, then a potentially infinite set (with the finite set of given elements) is constructed.

For example

{1, 2, 3}

is a set with three elements in it. See Section 5.5.1 for more information on sets.

A multiset display expression provides a way of constructing a multiset with given elements and multiplicities. For example

multiset{1, 1, 2, 3}

is a multiset with three elements in it. The number 1 has a multiplicity of 2, and the numbers 2 and 3 each have a multiplicity of 1.

A multiset cast expression converts a set or a sequence into a multiset as shown here:

var s : set<int> := {1, 2, 3};
var ms : multiset<int> := multiset(s);
ms := ms + multiset{1};
var sq : seq<int> := [1, 1, 2, 3];
var ms2 : multiset<int> := multiset(sq);
assert ms == ms2;

Note that multiset{1, 1} is a multiset holding the value 1 with multiplicity 2, but in multiset({1,1}) the multiplicity is 1, because the expression {1,1} is the set {1}, which is then converted to a multiset.

See Section 5.5.2 for more information on multisets.

9.30. Map Display Expression (grammar) {#sec-map-display-expression}


map[1 := "a", 2 := "b"]
imap[1 := "a", 2 := "b"]

A map display expression builds a finite or potentially infinite map from explicit mappings. For example:

const m := map[1 := "a", 2 := "b"]
ghost const im := imap[1 := "a", 2 := "b"]

See Section 5.5.4 for more details on maps and imaps.

9.31. Endless Expression (grammar) {#sec-endless-expression}

Endless expression gets it name from the fact that all its alternate productions have no terminating symbol to end them, but rather they all end with an arbitrary expression at the end. The various endless expression alternatives are described in the following subsections.

9.31.1. If Expression (grammar) {#sec-if-expression}


if c then e1 else e2
if x: int :| P(x) then x else 0

An if expression is a conditional (ternary) expression. It first evaluates the condition expression that follows the if. If the condition evaluates to true then the expression following the then is evaluated and its value is the result of the expression. If the condition evaluates to false then the expression following the else is evaluated and that value is the result of the expression. It is important that only the selected expression is evaluated as the following example shows.

var k := 10 / x; // error, may divide by 0.
var m := if x != 0 then 10 / x else 1; // ok, guarded

The if expression also permits a binding form. In this case the condition of the if is an existential asking "does there exist a value satisfying the given predicate?". If not, the else branch is evaluated. But if so, then an (arbitrary) value that does satisfy the given predicate is bound to the given variable and that variable is in scope in the then-branch of the expression.

For example, in the code

predicate P(x: int) {
  x == 5 || x == -5
method main() {
  assert P(5);
  var y := if x: int :| P(x) then x else 0;
  assert y == 5 || y == -5;

x is given some value that satisfies P(x), namely either 5 or -5. That value of x is the value of the expression in the then branch above; if there is no value satisfying P(x), then 0 is returned. Note that if x is declared to be a nat in this example, then only the value 5 would be permissible.

This binding form of the if expression acts in the same way as the binding form of the if statement.

In the example given, the binder for x has no constraining range, so the expression is ghost; if a range is given, such as var y := if x: int :| 0 <= x < 10 && P(x) then x else 0;, then the if and y are no longer ghost, and y could be used, for example, in a print statement.

9.31.2. Case and Extended Patterns (grammar) {#sec-case-pattern}

Patterns are used for (possibly nested) pattern matching on inductive, coinductive or base type values. They are used in match statements, match expressions, let expressions, and variable declarations. The match expressions and statements allow literals, symbolic constants, and disjunctive (“or”) patterns.

When matching an inductive or coinductive value in a match statement or expression, the pattern must correspond to one of the following:

  • (0) a case disjunction (“or-pattern”)
  • (1) bound variable (a simple identifier),
  • (2) a constructor of the type of the value,
  • (3) a literal of the correct type, or
  • (4) a symbolic constant.

If the extended pattern is

  • a sequence of |-separated sub-patterns, then the pattern matches values matched by any of the sub-patterns.
  • a parentheses-enclosed possibly-empty list of patterns, then the pattern matches a tuple.
  • an identifier followed by a parentheses-enclosed possibly-empty list of patterns, then the pattern matches a constructor.
  • a literal, then the pattern matches exactly that literal.
  • a simple identifier, then the pattern matches
    • a parameter-less constructor if there is one defined with the correct type and the given name, else
    • the value of a symbolic constant, if a name lookup finds a declaration for a constant with the given name (if the name is declared but with a non-matching type, a type resolution error will occur),
    • otherwise, the identifier is a new bound variable

Disjunctive patterns may not bind variables, and may not be nested inside other patterns.

Any patterns inside the parentheses of a constructor (or tuple) pattern are then matched against the arguments that were given to the constructor when the value was constructed. The number of patterns must match the number of parameters to the constructor (or the arity of the tuple).

When matching a value of base type, the pattern should either be a literal expression of the same type as the value, or a single identifier matching all values of this type.

Patterns may be nested. The bound variable identifiers contained in all the patterns must be distinct. They are bound to the corresponding values in the value being matched. (Thus, for example, one cannot repeat a bound variable to attempt to match a constructor that has two identical arguments.)

9.31.3. Match Expression (grammar) {#sec-match-expression}

A match expression is used to conditionally evaluate and select an expression depending on the value of an algebraic type, i.e. an inductive type, a coinductive type, or a base type.

All of the variables in the patterns must be distinct. If types for the identifiers are not given then types are inferred from the types of the constructor's parameters. If types are given then they must agree with the types of the corresponding parameters.

The expression following the match keyword is called the selector. A match expression is evaluated by first evaluating the selector. The patterns of each match alternative are then compared, in order, with the resulting value until a matching pattern is found, as described in the section on case bindings. If the constructor had parameters, then the actual values used to construct the selector value are bound to the identifiers in the identifier list. The expression to the right of the => in the matched alternative is then evaluated in the environment enriched by this binding. The result of that evaluation is the result of the match expression.

Note that the braces enclosing the sequence of match alternatives may be omitted. Those braces are required if lemma or lambda expressions are used in the body of any match alternative; they may also be needed for disambiguation if there are nested match expressions.

9.31.4. Quantifier Expression (grammar) {#sec-quantifier-expression}


forall x: int :: x > 0
forall x: nat | x < 10 :: x*x < 100
exists x: int :: x * x == 25

A quantifier expression is a boolean expression that specifies that a given expression (the one following the ::) is true for all (for forall) or some (for exists) combination of values of the quantified variables, namely those in the given quantifier domain. See Section 2.7.4 for more details on quantifier domains.

Here are some examples:

assert forall x : nat | x <= 5 :: x * x <= 25;
(forall n :: 2 <= n ==> (exists d :: n < d < 2*n))
assert forall x: nat | 0 <= x < |s|, y <- s[x] :: y < x;

The quantifier identifiers are bound within the scope of the expressions in the quantifier expression.

If types are not given for the quantified identifiers, then Dafny attempts to infer their types from the context of the expressions. It this is not possible, the program is in error.

9.31.5. Set Comprehension Expressions (grammar) {#sec-set-comprehension-expression}


const c1 := set x: nat | x < 100
const c2 := set x: nat | x < 100 :: x * x
const c3 := set x: nat, y: nat | x < y < 100 :: x * y
ghost const c4 := iset x: nat | x > 100
ghost const c5: iset<int> := iset s
const c6 := set x <- c3 :: x + 1

A set comprehension expression is an expression that yields a set (possibly infinite only if iset is used) that satisfies specified conditions. There are two basic forms.

If there is only one quantified variable, the optional "::" Expression need not be supplied, in which case it is as if it had been supplied and the expression consists solely of the quantified variable. That is,

set x : T | P(x)

is equivalent to

set x : T | P(x) :: x

For the full form

var S := set x1: T1 <- C1 | P1(x1),
             x2: T2 <- C2 | P2(x1, x2),
             :: Q(x1, x2, ...)

the elements of S will be all values resulting from evaluation of Q(x1, x2, ...) for all combinations of quantified variables x1, x2, ... (from their respective C1, C2, ... domains) such that all predicates P1(x1), P2(x1, x2), ... hold.

For example,

var S := set x:nat, y:nat | x < y < 3 :: (x, y)

yields S == {(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2) }

The types on the quantified variables are optional and if not given Dafny will attempt to infer them from the contexts in which they are used in the various expressions. The <- C domain expressions are also optional and default to iset x: T (i.e. all values of the variable's type), as are the | P expressions which default to true. See also Section 2.7.4 for more details on quantifier domains.

If a finite set was specified ("set" keyword used), Dafny must be able to prove that the result is finite otherwise the set comprehension expression will not be accepted.

Set comprehensions involving reference types such as

set o: object

are allowed in ghost expressions within methods, but not in ghost functions2. In particular, in ghost contexts, the check that the result is finite should allow any set comprehension where the bound variable is of a reference type. In non-ghost contexts, it is not allowed, because--even though the resulting set would be finite--it is not pleasant or practical to compute at run time.

The universe in which set comprehensions are evaluated is the set of all allocated objects, of the appropriate type and satisfying the given predicate. For example, given

class I {
  var i: int

method test() {
  ghost var m := set x: I :: 0 <= x.i <= 10;

the set m contains only those instances of I that have been allocated at the point in program execution that test is evaluated. This could be no instances, one per value of x.i in the stated range, multiple instances of I for each value of x.i, or any other combination.

9.31.6. Statements in an Expression (grammar) {#sec-statement-in-an-expression}


assert x != 0; 10/x
assert x != 0; assert y > 0; y/x
assume x != 0; 10/x
expect x != 0; 10/x
reveal M.f; M.f(x)
calc { x * 0; == 0; } x/1;

A StmtInExpr is a kind of statement that is allowed to precede an expression in order to ensure that the expression can be evaluated without error. For example:

assume x != 0; 10/x

Assert, assume, expect, reveal and calc statements can be used in this way.

9.31.7. Let and Let or Fail Expression (grammar) {#sec-let-expression}


var x := f(y); x*x
var x :- f(y); x*x
var x :| P(x); x*x
var (x, y) := T(); x + y   // T returns a tuple
var R(x,y) := T(); x + y   // T returns a datatype value R

A let expression allows binding of intermediate values to identifiers for use in an expression. The start of the let expression is signaled by the var keyword. They look much like a local variable declaration except the scope of the variable only extends to the enclosed expression.

For example:

var sum := x + y; sum * sum

In the simple case, the pattern is just an identifier with optional type (which if missing is inferred from the rhs).

The more complex case allows destructuring of constructor expressions. For example:

datatype Stuff = SCons(x: int, y: int) | Other
function GhostF(z: Stuff): int
  requires z.SCons?
  var SCons(u, v) := z; var sum := u + v; sum * sum

The Let expression has a failure variant that simply uses :- instead of :=. This Let-or-Fail expression also permits propagating failure results. However, in statements (Section 8.6), failure results in immediate return from the method; expressions do not have side effects or immediate return mechanisms. Rather, if the expression to the right of :- results in a failure value V, the overall expression returns V.PropagateFailure(); if there is no failure, the expression following the semicolon is returned. Note that these two possible return values must have the same type (or be implicitly convertible to the same type). Typically that means that tmp.PropagateFailure() is a failure value and E is a value-carrying success value, both of the same failure-compatible type, as described in Section 8.6.

The expression :- V; E is desugared into the expression

var tmp := V;
if tmp.IsFailure()
then tmp.PropagateFailure()
else E

The expression var v :- V; E is desugared into the expression

var tmp := V;
if tmp.IsFailure()
then tmp.PropagateFailure()
else var v := tmp.Extract(); E

If the RHS is a list of expressions then the desugaring is similar. var v, v1 :- V, V1; E becomes

var tmp := V;
if tmp.IsFailure()
then tmp.PropagateFailure()
else var v, v1 := tmp.Extract(), V1; E

So, if tmp is a failure value, then a corresponding failure value is propagated along; otherwise, the expression is evaluated as normal.

9.31.8. Map Comprehension Expression (grammar) {#sec-map-comprehension-expression}


map x : int | 0 <= x <= 10 :: x * x;
map x : int | 0 <= x <= 10 :: -x := x * x;
imap x : int | 10 < x :: x * x;

A map comprehension expression defines a finite or infinite map value by defining a domain and for each value in the domain, giving the mapped value using the expression following the "::". See Section 2.7.4 for more details on quantifier domains.

For example:

function square(x : int) : int { x * x }
method test()
  var m := map x : int | 0 <= x <= 10 :: x * x;
  ghost var im := imap x : int :: x * x;
  ghost var im2 := imap x : int :: square(x);

Dafny finite maps must be finite, so the domain must be constrained to be finite. But imaps may be infinite as the examples show. The last example shows creation of an infinite map that gives the same results as a function.

If the expression includes the := token, that token separates domain values from range values. For example, in the following code

method test()
  var m := map x : int | 1 <= x <= 10 :: 2*x := 3*x;

m maps 2 to 3, 4 to 6, and so on.

9.32. Name Segment (grammar) {#sec-name-segment}



A name segment names a Dafny entity by giving its declared name optionally followed by information to make the name more complete. For the simple case, it is just an identifier. Note that a name segment may be followed by suffixes, including the common '.' and further name segments.

If the identifier is for a generic entity, it is followed by a GenericInstantiation which provides actual types for the type parameters.

To reference a prefix predicate (see Section or prefix lemma (see Section, the identifier must be the name of the greatest predicate or greatest lemma and it must be followed by a hash call.

9.33. Hash call (grammar) {#sec-hash-call}

A hash call is used to call the prefix for a greatest predicate or greatest lemma. In the non-generic case, just insert "#[k]" before the call argument list where k is the number of recursion levels.

In the case where the greatest lemma is generic, the generic type argument is given before. Here is an example:

codatatype Stream<T> = Nil | Cons(head: int, stuff: T,
                                  tail: Stream<T>)

function append(M: Stream, N: Stream): Stream
  match M
  case Nil => N
  case Cons(t, s, M') => Cons(t, s, append(M', N))

function zeros<T>(s : T): Stream<T>
  Cons(0, s, zeros(s))

function ones<T>(s: T): Stream<T>
  Cons(1, s, ones(s))

greatest predicate atmost(a: Stream, b: Stream)
  match a
  case Nil => true
  case Cons(h,s,t) => b.Cons? && h <= b.head && atmost(t, b.tail)

greatest lemma {:induction false} Theorem0<T>(s: T)
  ensures atmost(zeros(s), ones(s))
  // the following shows two equivalent ways to state the
  // coinductive hypothesis
  if (*) {
  } else {

where the HashCall is "Theorem0#<T>[_k-1](s);". See Section and Section

9.34. Suffix (grammar) {#sec-suffix}

A suffix describes ways of deriving a new value from the entity to which the suffix is appended. The several kinds of suffixes are described below.

9.34.1. Augmented Dot Suffix (grammar) {#sec-augmented-dot-suffix}

Examples: (expression with suffix)


An augmented dot suffix consists of a simple dot suffix optionally followed by either

  • a GenericInstantiation (for the case where the item selected by the DotSuffix is generic), or
  • a HashCall for the case where we want to call a prefix predicate or prefix lemma. The result is the result of calling the prefix predicate or prefix lemma.

9.34.2. Datatype Update Suffix (grammar) {#sec-datatype-update-suffix}

Examples: (expression with suffix)

a.(f := e1, g:= e2)
a.(0 := e1)
(e).(f := e1, g:= e2)

A datatype update suffix is used to produce a new datatype value that is the same as an old datatype value except that the value corresponding to a given destructor has the specified value. In a member binding update, the given identifier (or digit sequence) is the name of a destructor (i.e. the formal parameter name) for one of the constructors of the datatype. The expression to the right of the := is the new value for that formal.

All of the destructors in a datatype update suffix must be for the same constructor, and if they do not cover all of the destructors for that constructor then the datatype value being updated must have a value derived from that same constructor.

Here is an example:

module NewSyntax {
  datatype MyDataType = MyConstructor(myint:int, mybool:bool)
                    | MyOtherConstructor(otherbool:bool)
                    | MyNumericConstructor(42:int)

  method test(datum:MyDataType, x:int)
    returns (abc:MyDataType, def:MyDataType,
             ghi:MyDataType, jkl:MyDataType)
    requires datum.MyConstructor?
    ensures abc == datum.(myint := x + 2)
    ensures def == datum.(otherbool := !datum.mybool)  // error
    ensures ghi == datum.(myint := 2).(mybool := false)
    // Resolution error: no non_destructor in MyDataType
    //ensures jkl == datum.(non_destructor := 5) // error
    ensures jkl == datum.(42 := 7)
    abc := MyConstructor(x + 2, datum.mybool);
    abc := datum.(myint := x + 2);
    def := MyOtherConstructor(!datum.mybool);
    ghi := MyConstructor(2, false);
    jkl := datum.(42 := 7); // error

    assert abc.(myint := abc.myint - 2) == datum.(myint := x);

9.34.3. Subsequence Suffix (grammar) {#sec-subsequence-suffix}

Examples: (with leading expression)

a[lo .. hi ]
(e)[ lo .. ]
e[ .. hi ]
e[ .. ]

A subsequence suffix applied to a sequence produces a new sequence whose elements are taken from a contiguous part of the original sequence. For example, expression s[lo..hi] for sequence s, and integer-based numeric bounds lo and hi satisfying 0 <= lo <= hi <= |s|. See the section about other sequence expressions for details.

A subsequence suffix applied to an array produces a sequence consisting of the values of the designated elements. A concise way of converting a whole array to a sequence is to write a[..].

9.34.4. Subsequence Slices Suffix (grammar) {#sec-subsequence-slices-suffix}

Examples: (with leading expression)

a[ 0 : 2 : 3 ]
a[ e1 : e2 : e3 ]
a[ 0 : 2 : ]

Applying a subsequence slices suffix to a sequence produces a sequence of subsequences of the original sequence. See the section about other sequence expressions for details.

9.34.5. Sequence Update Suffix (grammar) {#sec-sequence-update-suffix}


s[1 := 2, 3 := 4]

For a sequence s and expressions i and v, the expression s[i := v] is the same as the sequence s except that at index i it has value v.

If the type of s is seq<T>, then v must have type T. The index i can have any integer- or bit-vector-based type (this is one situation in which Dafny implements implicit conversion, as if an as int were appended to the index expression). The expression s[i := v] has the same type as s.

9.34.6. Selection Suffix (grammar) {#sec-selection-suffix}



If a selection suffix has only one expression in it, it is a zero-based index that may be used to select a single element of a sequence or from a single-dimensional array.

If a selection suffix has more than one expression in it, then it is a list of indices to index into a multi-dimensional array. The rank of the array must be the same as the number of indices.

If the selection suffix is used with an array or a sequence, then each index expression can have any integer- or bit-vector-based type (this is one situation in which Dafny implements implicit conversion, as if an as int were appended to the index expression).

9.34.7. Argument List Suffix (grammar) {#sec-argument-list-suffix}


(a, b)

An argument list suffix is a parenthesized list of expressions that are the arguments to pass to a method or function that is being called. Applying such a suffix causes the method or function to be called and the result is the result of the call.

Note that method calls may only appear in right-hand-side locations, whereas function calls may appear in expressions and specifications; this distinction can be made only during name and type resolution, not by the parser.

9.35. Expression Lists (grammar) {#sec-expression-list}


                // empty list
a, b

An expression list is a comma-separated sequence of expressions, used, for example, as actual araguments in a method or function call or in parallel assignment.

9.36. Parameter Bindings (grammar) {#sec-parameter-bindings}


a, b
a, optimize := b

Method calls, object-allocation calls (new), function calls, and datatype constructors can be called with both positional arguments and named arguments.

Formal parameters have three ways to indicate how they are to be passed in:

  • nameonly: the only way to give a specific argument value is to name the parameter
  • positional only: these are nameless parameters (which are allowed only for datatype constructor parameters)
  • either positional or by name: this is the most common parameter

A parameter is either required or optional:

  • required: a caller has to supply an argument
  • optional: the parameter has a default value that is used if a caller omits passing a specific argument

The syntax for giving a positional-only (i.e., nameless) parameter does not allow a default-value expression, so a positional-only parameter is always required.

At a call site, positional arguments are not allowed to follow named arguments. Therefore, if x is a nameonly parameter, then there is no way to supply the parameters after x by position. Thus, any parameter that follows x must either be passed by name or have a default value. That is, if a later (in the formal parameter declaration) parameter does not have a default value, it is effectively nameonly.

Positional arguments must be given before any named arguments. Positional arguments are passed to the formals in the corresponding position. Named arguments are passed to the formal of the given name. Named arguments can be given out of order from how the corresponding formal parameters are declared. A formal declared with the modifier nameonly is not allowed to be passed positionally. The list of bindings for a call must provide exactly one value for every required parameter and at most one value for each optional parameter, and must never name non-existent formals. Any optional parameter that is not given a value takes on the default value declared in the callee for that optional parameter.

9.37. Assigned Expressions {#sec-assigned-expression}



For any variable, constant, out-parameter, or object field x, the expression assigned(x) evaluates to true in a state if x is definitely assigned in that state.

See Section 12.6 for more details on definite assignment.

9.38. Termination Ordering Expressions {#sec-termination-ordering-expressions}

When proving that a loop or recursive callable terminates, Dafny automatically generates a proof obligation that the sequence of expressions listed in a decreases clause gets smaller (in the lexicographic termination ordering) with each iteration or recursive call. Normally, this proof obligation is purely internal. However, it can be written as a Dafny expression using the decreases to operator.

The Boolean expression (a, ..., b decreases to a', ..., b') encodes this ordering. For example, the following assertions are valid:

method M(x: int, y: int) {
  assert (1 decreases to 0);
  assert (true, false decreases to false, true);
  assert (x, y decreases to x - 1, y);

Conversely, the following assertion is invalid:

method M(x: int, y: int) {
  assert (x decreases to x + 1);

Currently, decreases to expressions must be written in parentheses to avoid parsing ambiguities.

9.39. Compile-Time Constants {#sec-compile-time-constants}

In certain situations in Dafny it is helpful to know what the value of a constant is during program analysis, before verification or execution takes place. For example, a compiler can choose an optimized representation of a newtype that is a subset of int if it knows the range of possible values of the subset type: if the range is within 0 to less than 256, then an unsigned 8-bit representation can be used.

To continue this example, suppose a new type is defined as

const MAX := 47
newtype mytype = x | 0 <= x < MAX*4

In this case, we would prefer that Dafny recognize that MAX*4 is known to be constant with a value of 188. The kinds of expressions for which such an optimization is possible are called compile-time constants. Note that the representation of mytype makes no difference semantically, but can affect how compiled code is represented at run time. In addition, though, using a symbolic constant (which may well be used elsewhere as well) improves the self-documentation of the code.

In Dafny, the following expressions are compile-time constants3, recursively (that is, the arguments of any operation must themselves be compile-time constants):

  • int, bit-vector, real, boolean, char and string literals
  • int operations: + - * / % and unary - and comparisons < <= > >= == !=
  • real operations: + - * and unary - and comparisons < <= > >= == !=
  • bool operations: && || ==> <== <==> == != and unary !
  • bit-vector operations: + - * / % << >> & | ^ and unary ! - and comparisons < <= > >= == !=
  • char operations: < <= > >= == !=
  • string operations: length: |...|, concatenation: +, comparisons < <= == !=, indexing []
  • conversions between: int real char bit-vector
  • newtype operations: newtype arguments, but not newtype results
  • symbolic values that are declared const and have an explicit initialization value that is a compile-time constant
  • conditional (if-then-else) expressions
  • parenthesized expressions

9.40. List of specification expressions {#sec-list-of-specification-expressions}

The following is a list of expressions that can only appear in specification contexts or in ghost blocks.


  1. The semantics of old in Dafny differs from similar constructs in other specification languages like ACSL or JML.

  2. In order to be deterministic, the result of a function should only depend on the arguments and of the objects it reads, and Dafny does not provide a way to explicitly pass the entire heap as the argument to a function. See this post for more insights.

  3. This set of operations that are constant-folded may be enlarged in future versions of dafny.