This is the documentation for Version 1.1.0
Paraworld is a BDD framework using the Gherkin language for writing automated tests. The framework is written in Python 3.9. It is created to allow the ease of writing concurrent and parallel scenarios.
The framework supports the following distinct features:
- Run scenarios concurrently
- Run scenarios in parallel
- Run steps concurrently
- Apply ordering and dependency for scenarios
- Timeline visualization
- Dependency visualization
- Report visualization
To use the framework install it through pip:
pip install paraworld
Once you have installed paraworld you are ready to start writing your first BDD feature. In order to get you started we will start by writing a simple feature with scenarios and implement the functionalities.
Let's start by creating a feature to test out the performance of calling a specific API. Lets create a new file and call it api.feature. Paste the below text into the api.feature file:
# api.feature
Feature: API performance test
This feature will test the performance of calling an API
Scenario: Call API successfully
When call API endpoint
Then response status code should be 200
So the above feature file have a single scenario which is testing that calling the specified API endpoint will return a status code 200.
So now that we have written the feature in gherkin language, we are ready to run the feature file using paraworld.
Create a new python file called and paste the below code into it:
1 import os
2 from conclave.task_runner import TaskRunner
4 if __name__ == '__main__':
5 tr = TaskRunner(debugMode=True)
6 testResult =["api.feature"])
8 print("\nprogram elapsed time :", testResult.elapsed)
10 if not testResult.success:
11 print(f"Test failed")
12 os._exit(1)
Lets go through the above code. We are importing a few modules from line 1-2 and the important thing to notice above is the modules starting with conclave are the actual modules from paraworld.
Next we implements the main method in line 4 for this file and in the main method we instantiates an instance of class TaskRunner in line 5. To start the execution of the feature file we will need to call the run method of the taskrunner instance passing in the name and path of the feature file we wish to execute. As you can see we can pass in multiple feature files to be executed, but in our case we only have a single feature we wish to execute.
Once the execution of the feature file has been completed we will get back a TestResultInfo object which stores information with regards to the execution of the feature file. In line 8 we are printing out the time it elapsed time of the entire execution. Then in line 10 we check if the execution has completed successfully and if it has not then we will exit the application with exit code 1.
Lets execute the above python file:
You will see output similar to something like the below:
Lets examine the console output above. The text lines in cyan color are debug level messages. If we don't want to see the debug messages we should set the debugMode parameter to false. In our case it has been set to True in line 11 in the code.
Following the debug messages we then have lines printed out in white color like the following:
[01/06/2022, 15:39:14 Call API successfully] Run scenario: Call API successfully
[01/06/2022, 15:39:14 Call API successfully] process pid: 215
[01/06/2022, 15:39:14 Call API successfully] thread id: 139688932083456
[01/06/2022, 15:39:14 Call API successfully] execute step: When call API endpoint
In the above we have information with regards to the scenario that is being executed, which is the scenario with the title Call API successfully. We can see that the scenario is being executed inside the process with PID 215 and on the thread with id 139688932083456. Then it starts executing the step named When call API endpoint
But what happens next is we get an error:
[01/06/2022, 15:39:14 Call API successfully] failed: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/d/work/test-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/conclave/", line 48, in run
File "/mnt/d/work/test-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/conclave/", line 137, in __runSteps
raise Exception(f"Could not find matching step definition for: {step['keyword']}{step['text']}")
Exception: Could not find matching step definition for: When call API endpoint
The above error says Could not find matching step definition for: When call API endpoint What this means is the TaskRunner could not find any implementation for the specified step. We need to implement a step definition which is the code to be executed when the TaskRunner executes the above step.
Lets move on to the few last lines of the console output:
So the above snippet shows the summary of the execution being printed out. We will get a summary of all the features that have been executed with information about the status of each scenario and steps as well as their elapsed time. We can see that we have failed to execute the scenario called Call API successfully due to the missing step definition for step When call API endpoint But what is interesting is our second step Then response status code should be 200 has status of skipped.
What does the status skipped mean? Well if the TaskRunner fails to execute the previous step for whatever reason then there is no point in executing all the subsequent steps and that is why the step has been marked as skipped. Notice that we have not implemented step definitions for both steps, so even our second step will also complain with missing step definition if we only implement the first step.
So we can see that our test failed due to missing step definitions. Let's go ahead and implement the step definition for the missing steps.
A step definition is a function that matches a given step and will be executed by the TaskRunner. The TaskRunner will look through all step definitions to find the one that matches the text of the step and in turn execute that function.
In the following we will create a new python file to store our step definitions. Create a new folder named steps and in there create a new python file named and paste the below code:
# steps/
1 from typing import Match
2 from conclave.step import Step
3 from conclave.task_logger import TaskLogger
5 @Step(pattern="^call API endpoint (.+)$")
6 def callAPIendpointStep(logger: TaskLogger, world: World, match: Match[str]):
7 pass
9 @Step(pattern="^response status code should be (.+)$")
10 def validateStatusCodeStep(logger: TaskLogger, world: World, match: Match[str]):
11 pass
Let's go through the code and explain how we have defined the step definitions. In line 2-3 we have imported the paraworld modules needed to define step definitions. We have created to functions called callAPIendpointStep and validateStatusCodeStep in line 6 and 10. These functions will do nothin as of now.
In order to mark a function as a step definition we will be using a python decorator class Step. Line 5 and 9 we have added the @Step decorator to mark our two functions as step definitions. The Step decorator also takes a single parameter named pattern where the value is a regular expression that will be used by the TaskRunner to match against the text steps.
As you can see the two functions both have the same number of arguments:
- logger - an instance of class TaskLogger. This object can be used to log information and will be shown in the console.
- world - an instance of class World. The World class is an immutable key/value store that can be shared across features, scenarios and steps. It encompasses all shared variables across the entire application. We will show its usage later on.
- match - an instance of class Match. This object holds the result of the matched regular expression and can for example be used to extract capturing groups from the regular expression. We will show its usage later on.
So now that we have implemented the step definition let's make sure our test knows about the definition and re-run the feature file.
Lets open our file and modify the code to import our module
1 import os
2 from conclave.task_runner import TaskRunner
3 from steps import api_steps
5 if __name__ == '__main__':
6 tr = TaskRunner(debugMode=True)
7 testResult =["api.feature"])
9 print("\nprogram elapsed time :", testResult.elapsed)
11 if not testResult.success:
12 print(f"Test failed")
13 os._exit(1)
Then let's run the test again by executing:
The console output should now look like:
We can see from the output that the TaskRunner can now find and match out two steps and they have been executed successfully.
The code for the step definitions are not that interesting since they do nothing, so let's go ahead and implement some real functionality for the two step definitions. Open the steps/ file and modify it to look like the below:
# steps/
1 from typing import Match
2 from conclave.step import Step
3 from import World
4 from conclave.task_logger import TaskLogger
5 import requests
6 @Step(pattern="^call API endpoint (.+)$")
7 def callAPIendpointStep(logger: TaskLogger, world: World, match: Match[str]):
8 url =
9 logger.log(f"Call API: {url}")
10 resp = requests.get(url)
11 logger.log(f"response: {resp}")
12 world.setProp("ApiStatusCode", resp.status_code)
13 @Step(pattern="^response status code should be (.+)$")
14 def validateStatusCodeStep(logger: TaskLogger, world: World, match: Match[str]):
15 expectedStatusCode =
16 statusCode = world.getProp("ApiStatusCode")
17 if int(expectedStatusCode) != statusCode:
18 raise Exception(f"Expected status code {expectedStatusCode} but got {statusCode}")
19 logger.log(f"expected status code: {statusCode} SUCCESS")
Let's go through the code above and explain it. Line 8 we are extracting the url from the regular expression capturing group at index 1. This will give us whatever url the step text has supplied. Line 9 we have used the logger object to print the url to the console. Line 10 is the actual call to the url using HTTP GET. Line 11 we print out the response from the HTTP GET request. And line 12 we are using the world object to store the value of the status code under the key ApiStatusCode
Moving on to the next step definition we have line 15 which will be extracting the expected status code value from the regular expression capturing group at index 1. Line 6 we use the world object to retrieve the real status code value we have stored from the step definition in line 12. Line 17 we compare if the real status code matches the expected status code and if not we will raise an exception. Line 19 we print out that it all matches successfully.
Let us run the test again and see what we get now:
The output should show something like the below:
We can see from the output that all steps have been executed successfully and the expected status code is 200 after calling the API endpoint.
This part of the section will describe how paraworld run gherkin feature files and their scenarios. Understanding the execution flow will help you write gherkin scenarios in a much more efficient way and also avoids mistakes and troubleshooting time.
The below diagram illustrates the execution flow.
The following pseudo code describes how the execution flow looks like:
# collect all scenarios
for each feature file
get all scenarios
# run all scenarios with @setup tags first
for each scenario marked with @setup tag
does scenario have any @depends or @dependsGroups tag?
if yes:
check if any dependent scenario or group of scenarios have completed and if they have all completed then start this scenario.
Otherwise put this scenario on pending list.
does scenario have the @parallel or @concurrent tags?
if yes then start the scenario immediately in another thread or another process
If scenario is not on pending list start it immediately
# run all scenarios not marked as @setup or @teardown
for each scenario not marked with @setup or @teardown
does scenario have any @depends or @dependsGroups tag?
if yes:
check if any dependent scenario or group of scenarios have completed and if they have all completed then start this scenario.
Otherwise put this scenario on pending list.
does scenario have the @parallel or @concurrent tags?
if yes then start the scenario immediately in another thread or another process
If scenario is not on pending list start it immediately
# run all scenarios with @teardown tags
for each scenario marked with @teardown tag
does scenario have any @depends or @dependsGroups tag?
if yes:
check if any dependent scenario or group of scenarios have completed and if they have all completed then start this scenario.
Otherwise put this scenario on pending list.
does scenario have the @parallel or @concurrent tags?
if yes then start the scenario immediately in another thread or another process
If scenario is not on pending list start it immediately
paraworld adds additional functionality to the gherkin feature by allowing you to execute scenarios and steps concurrently, in parallel and/or with ordering and dependency. This allows you to write flexible scenarios that can be optimized for performance as well as ensure scenarios runs a specific order.
Below are the highlighted features that paraworld offers:
- Concurrent scenarios. You can easily write gherkin scenarios that will be run concurrently by adding a tag to your scenario, see @concurrent.
- Parallel scenarios. To allow gherkin scenarios to run in parallel you can add the tag @parallel
- Concurrent steps. You can have gherkin steps run concurrently by using the step keyword (background) in front of Given, when, then, and or use the keyword Concurrently instead.
- Groups. Gherkin scenarios can be grouped together by using the tag @group. This is useful for dependent execution where you want some scenarios to only execute after all scenarios in a given group has completed.
- dependency. You can have scenarios depends on each other by using the tags @depends or @dependsGroups to make sure that scenarios will not be executed before the dependant scenarios or group of scenarios have been completed.
- Setup and teardown. You can have scenarios that should always be executed before all other scenarios by adding the @setup tag. You can also have scenarios that must be run after all scenarios has completed by adding the @teardown tag.
Before we dive into the details for setting up concurrent scenarios, let's briefly explain what concurrency is with regards to paraworld. So in python we know that there exists such a thing called a GIL which is roughly a mutex lock around the python interpreter only allowing a single thread to execute at a time. This design is to avoid nasty deadlocks and memory leaks from multi-threaded programs. But what this also means is you will not be able to take advantage of multiple CPU cores for executing multiple threads at the same time. This can be a bottleneck for CPU bound tasks but not such a big problem for I/O bound tasks.
paraworld allows you to run scenarios in a multi-threaded environment by creating and managing threads to execute scenarios, and that is what we call concurrent scenarios. It is ideal for speeding up things that are waiting for I/O requests, such as disk, file, network etc. In order to mark a scenario as concurrent, you will have to add a gherkin tag named @concurrent to your scenario.
Feature: concurrent scenario test
Scenario login to web portal with bob
run this scenario in another thread
Given a user bob
Then login to web portal
Scenario login to web portal with jil
run this scenario in another thread
Given a user jil
Then login to web portal
Scenario login to database
this scenario will run in the same thread as the main application thread
Given a master user
Then login to database
Scenario query database
this scenario will also run in the same thread as the main application thread, but will
not start before the previous scenario has completed
Given connection to database
Then query database
From the example above we have four different scenarios and we have marked the first two scenario to run concurrently, whereas the last two scenarios will run in the same thread as the main application. What will happen is that the scenarios marked with the @concurrent tag will be scheduled to run in another thread and will start execution immediately. The third scenario will also be started but will run on the main thread and the last scenario will wait for the third scenario to finish before it can be scheduled to run on the main thread.
All the steps in a concurrent scenario will run in the same thread as the scenario unless the steps themselves are marked as concurrent steps using either keywords (background) or Concurrently, in which the steps themselves will also be scheduled to run in another thread.
paraworld also offers a way to run scenarios in parallel. Running a scenario in parallel is different from running a scenario concurrently, see section Concurrent scenarios for an explanation of concurrent scenarios. Because python interpreter has a GIL which only allows a single thread to executed at a time, any CPU bound tasks suffers from this architecture. In order to circumvent this limitation we can run multiple python process instead of running multi-threaded.
paraworld allows you to mark gherkin scenarios to be run in parallel and what that means is the scenario will be executed in another python process other than the main process. To facilitate this paraworld will manage the creation of additional process and schedule scenarios to be executed in those processes. In order to use this feature you will have to tag your scenario with the tag @parallel.
Feature: parallel scenario test
Scenario login to web portal with bob
run this scenario in another process
Given a user bob
Then login to web portal
Scenario login to web portal with jil
run this scenario in another process
Given a user jil
Then login to web portal
Scenario login to database
this scenario will run in the same process as the main application process
Given a master user
Then login to database
Scenario query database
this scenario will also run in the same process as the main application process, but will
not start before the previous scenario has completed
Given connection to database
Then query database
From the example above we have four different scenarios and we have marked the first two scenario to run in parallel, whereas the last two scenarios will run in the same process as the main application. What will happen is that the scenarios marked with the @parallel tag will be scheduled to run in another process and will start execution immediately. The third scenario will also be started but will run on the main process and the last scenario will wait for the third scenario to finish before it can be scheduled to run on the main process.
Data are local to each process, unless you store them in the World object, in which they will be synchronized and available to other processes.
paraworld allows you to run each gherkin step in a separate thread, thus you could have both multi-threaded scenarios that in themselves contain multi-threaded steps. To make steps run concurrently paraworld has extended the gherkin language to support a few additional keywords that can be used in front of steps. These are:
Any steps that contains those keyword at the beginning of the text will be scheduled to run concurrently in a separate thread.
Feature: concurrent steps test
Scenario set uncle relationship
Run this scenario in another process.
Creation of the users are done concurrently.
(background) Given a user bob
(background) Given a user jil
Then set bob as uncle of jil
Scenario set brother relationship
Run this scenario in another thread.
Creation of the users are done concurrently.
(background) Given a user jack
(background) Given a user john
Then set john as brother of jack
Scenario set sister relationship
this scenario will run in the same process as the main application process and in the same thread as the main thread.
Creation of the users are done concurrently.
Concurrently a user mary
(background) Given a user hans
Then set mary as sister of hans
The example above shows how we can have concurrent steps in different scenarios. The first scenario is being run in parallel and the first two steps in that scenario is run concurrently in a separate thread in that process.
The second scenario is being marked to run concurrently in a separate thread than the main thread but in the same process as the main process. We again have the first two steps of that scenario bein scheduled to run concurrently in a separate thread in that process.
And the last scenario we are running the scenario in the same thread and process as the main thread and process. The first two steps are scheduled to be run concurrently in a separate thread.
So you can see that concurrent steps are just a more granular way to allow functionality to be executed multi-threaded regardless of how the scenarios are being scheduled.
paraworld allows you to manage dependencies between gherkin scenarios using the tags @id and @depends. What this means is you can have scenarios waiting for other scenarios to complete before they can start executing. Each scenario have an implicit unique identifier associated, but by using the @id tag you can explicitly specify your own id for the scenario. In order for a scenario to depend on another scenario, you will need to know the unique identifier of the scenario you depends on. Using the tag @depends you will specify the id of the scenario to depend on. A scenario can depend on multiple scenarios by adding multiple @depends tags to the scenario.
Let's illustrate this with an example.
Feature: testing of dependency
Scenario: scenario 1 has unique id of A
Then step 1
Scenario: scenario 2 has id B and depends on scenario with id A
Then step 2
Scenario: scenario 3 has an implicit unique id
Then step 3
Scenario: scenario 4 depends on both scenario 1 and 2
Then step 4
Let's walk through the above example.
- The first scenario has the id tag applied and the id is A. It will start execution first
- Scenario 2 has id of B but depends on scenario with id of A, which is scenario 1.
- Scenario 3 is not depending on any specific scenarios and also does not have any explicit id
- Scenario 4 depends on scenarios with id A and B, which are scenario 1 and 2.
By using dependency tags, you do not need to write the scenarios in a specific order, but can have scenarios written in any order but explicitly control the execution flow of the scenarios.
Groups are a way to organize the gherkin scenarios into logical categories. The main purpose of having groups is to allow ordered execution and dependency management for gherkin scenarios. It allows you to write tests where scenarios can depend on other scenarios. For example a scenario can be depending on all scenarios that belongs to a certain group to complete their execution before it can be started. By introducing groups you don't need to add dependency for each individual scenarios, but instead can depend on a group.
The way to use groups is to use the @group and @dependsGroups tags in your scenarios. Let's illustrate this with an example:
Example 1:
Feature: testing of groups
Scenario: scenario 1 belongs to group A
Then step 1
Scenario: scenario 2 belongs to group B
Then step 2
Scenario: scenario 3 depends on group A
Then step 3
Scenario: scenario 4 belongs to group A
Then step 4
Let's walk through the example above. As we can see we have 4 scenarios, where the first and last scenario belongs to group A, and the second scenario belongs to group B. The third scenario does not belong to any group but is depending on group A.
The execution order is as follows:
- Scenario 1 starts execution
- Scenario 2 waits for scenario 1 to finish then starts execution
- Scenario 3 waits for scenario 2 to finish and then checks that it is depending on group A, but since group A contains scenario 1 and scenario 4, and only scenario 1 has finished execution, then scenario 3 is skipped for now.
- Scenario 4 starts execution
- Once scenario 4 is completed then scenario 3 will start execution, because now all scenarios in group A has completed.
A scenario can only be part of a single group, but a scenario can depend on multiple groups.
Example 2:
Feature: testing of multi groups dependency
Scenario: scenario 1 belongs to group A
Then step 1
Scenario: scenario 2 depends on group A
Then step 2
Scenario: scenario 3 belongs to group B
Then step 3
Scenario: scenario 4 belongs to group A
Then step 4
So in the above example scenario 2 now depends on both group A and B. What this means is that no matter what, scenario 2 will always run last, beause it has to wait for all the other scenarios to complete.
paraworld supports what are called setup and teardown. What this means is you can have scenarios that should always run before all other scenarios by using the tag @setup. This can be useful when you have some prerequisites scenarios that needs to be performed before other scenarios can start. And you can also have scenarios that must always run after all other scenarios have completed regardless of whether those scenarios failed or completed successfully. To do this you should mark the scenarios with the @teardown tag.
Feature: testing of setup and teardown
Scenario: scenario 1
Then step 1
Scenario: scenario 2 will always run before all other scenarios
Then step 2
Scenario: scenario 3 will run last after all other scenarios have completed
Then step 3
Scenario: scenario 4
Then step 4
Let's break down the example above.
- Scenario 2 is marked with the @setup tag and as such will be scheduled to run first
- Scenario 1 will then be started
- Scenario 4 will execute after scenario 2
- Scenario 3 will execute last since it has been marked with the tag @teardown
So setup and teardown features are useful if you need to ensure proper setup of all your scenarios and cleanup afterwards.
Take a look here to learn more about the timeline visualization.
Take a look here to learn more about the dependency graph.
Take a look here to learn more about the report visualization.
Here is a complete reference of all the classes and methods available in paraworld.
Here is a complete refereance of all the available tags in paraworld