The intent of this document is to describe a design of a solution to a problem described in a solution discovery report. Completion of this document means the proposed solution architecture is ready for implementation, but not all user stories may be detailed or solved in the first iteration (P1).
Teams’ capabilities included are –
Static tabs (Personal Tab)
Scope –
This document should contain everything needed for a developer to build this solution. This may be the customer development team, or a partner developer. Completion of this document is not a guarantee that this solution will progress to the build phase.
Persona Responsibilities
End user - As a user I want to search for help content.
- As a user I want to get What’s new in the product
- As user I want to see the scenario-based content
- As a User I want to notice new content
- As a user I want to discover features in Teams
- As a user I want to switch off/on the notification (subscribe /unsubscribe)
- As user I want to give feedback to app
- As a user I want to be able to share the article with a person or team
- As a user I want to like a article/movie
- As a user I want to configure the scenario/feature that I see in movie
- As a user I want to discover the content based on categories/TAGS
- As a user I want to be guided what I need to learn from product to learn the basics (plus comparison with org)
Admin user - As admin I want to add/change/remove new article.
- As Admin I want to add/change/remove new Video
- As Admin I want to add/change/remove new Tag
- As admin I want to add/change/remove new what’s new
- As admin I want to add/change/remove new Learning Teams Path
- As admin I want to push some of the content as notification
- As admin I want to be notified when need feedback appear
Bot - BOT will be used to notify the user if any post is shared to teams channel.
Personal tab – Home page for all users to get all content, getting started, trending topics.
Team scope - The Teams channel scope will be used to post shared messages.
The expected max user load in a tenant is 700 users and the maximum learning content to be created by app is 10-15 for large organization.
The application can be categorically divided based on the major feature integration and the below usage pattern is defined in such a way:
User can Usage pattern
End user in personal tab High usage
- Search content from external / internal resources.
- Share learning contents
Getting started Medium
- Complete getting started learning content.
User can Usage pattern
High usage
- Adding new content
- Edit existing content
- Delete existing content
Partner/Dependent service Dependency Owner/Contact
Microsoft Graph APIs Access user, their joined team and subordinates’ information. Microsoft Graph team
Read security groups, Teams channel details.
Store Manager
Tables Entity Table Name Description
LearningPathEntity Contains the learning path details of each users.
LearningEntity Contains the learning content(Article/Video) details added by admin user.
FeedbackEntity Contains the feedback submitted by user.
UserEventLogs Contains all user activity telemetry logs. E.g. view count of article/video, search key.
UserReactionEntity Contains like /dislike response provided on learning content by users to identify trending topic.
UserEntity Contains the use who have bot installed
TeamEntity Contains teams details where bot is installed.
8 AppSettings Contains Bot Framework service base url to send notification to usrs.
Tech stack: .NET 6 using C#, React JS with TypeScript, Node JS, Fluent UI.
Hosting environment: Microsoft Azure
External services: Microsoft Graph API.
Azure resources:
Azure App Service
Azure Bot Service
Azure Table Storage
Azure Key Vault
Azure Application Insights
Azure Bing Search API.
High level design to show the high-level data workflow and resources proposed to be used in app.
App service plan will host one web app built on .NET 6 for running bot service and React web app.
The app service implements the bot experience by providing end points for user communication. The app service hosts the react app for task dashboard.
App endpoint is registered as messaging end point in bot registration portal and provides an endpoint /api/messages to process bot requests/response.
App service hosts React application for tabs and provides custom APIs in back end for fetching and storing data securely.
Single Sign On experience is implemented in React application for seamless user authentication.
Azure bot service is developed using BOT SDK v4. Web app endpoint is registered as end point in bot registration portal.
The app leverage Microsoft Bing search APIs for getting external content.
- Use case API Delegated Permissions Application Permission
1 Bing search NA NA
The app leverage Microsoft Graph APIs for getting user profile photo and getting user’s subordinates etc.
Call APIs Type Permission Payload Purpose
Get All learning content /api/learning GET Must be a valid tenant user NA Get list of all learning content for admin dashboard.
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get learning content by learning content id /api/learning/${learningId} GET Must be a valid tenant user NA Get learning content
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get All trending topics content based on content type /api/learning/selectiontype/${selectiontype} GET Must be a valid tenant user NA Get list of all content based on type. Trending topic/faq.
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get learning path of user /api/learning/{useraadId} GET Must be a valid tenant user NA Get list of learning path of logged in user
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get user role to verify admin user /api/userole GET Must be a valid tenant user NA Verify a user role
isAdminUser: boolean;
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get search result /api/search POST Valid tenant user { List of bing/internal search result
Should searchText: string;
requestedBy: string;
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
204 for no content
400 for bad request when incoming payload is incorrect
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Update user reaction link/dislike /api/reaction POST Valid tenant user { Post user reaction
Should be postId: string;
reactionState: string;
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Submit user feedback /api/feedback POST Valid tenant user { Add a new feedback
postId: string;
helpfulStatus: string;
IsHelpful: boolean;
rating: number;
feedback: string
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Add new learning content /api/learning POST Valid tenant user { Add new learning content
must be a admin id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
204 for no content
400 for bad request when incoming payload is incorrect
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Update learning content /api/ learning PATCH Valid tenant user { Update a learning content
Should be a admin user id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Delete learning content /api/learning/{postId} DELETE Valid tenant user NA Delete a learning content
Should be admin user
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get all learning content for admin /api/learnings GET Valid tenant user NA All learning content for admin
Should be admin user
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Get learning content by id /api/learning/{id} GET Valid tenant user NA Get learning content
id: string;
sectionType: string;
title: string;
itemType: string;
source: string;
primaryTag: string;
secondaryTag: string;
itemlink: string;
knowmoreLink: string
tileImageLink: string;
createdOn: Date;
createdBy: string;
Response status code:
200 for successful response
404 no results found when entity is not found
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Export feedback /api/feedback/export GET Valid tenant user NA Get all user feedback to export
postId: string;
helpfulStatus: string;
IsHelpful: boolean;
rating: number;
feedback: string;
submittedBy: string;
submittedOn: Date
Response status code:
201 for created successful response
400 for bad request when wrong payload is passed
500 for any internal server error
403 for forbidden when user is not valid tenant user
Security and privacy should cover -
- Authentication
- App service authentication – Single Sign-On experience is implemented in React application for seamless user authentication.
- Authorization
End user/ admin will be identified based on the UPN based application settings.
The proposed solution structure will follow below project skeleton where each azure app will be created as a separate web app. Common class library will have additional repositories along with Bot builder.
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Partition key of the table RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID LearningPathId String Unique ID of each record same as RowKey LearningContentId String Unique Id of the learning content (Article/Video) CompleteState int 0 = not started, 1= in progress, 3 = completed LastModifiedOn Date Last modified date time in UTC UserAadId String User azure active directory id
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Partition key of the table RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID LearningId String Unique id of each learning content same as RowKey SectionType int 0 = GettingStarted, 1= Scenarios, 3= Trending Now, 4 = Learning Path Title String Title of content Description String Description of learning content. ItemType Int 0 = video, 1= Article Source Int 0 = Internal, 1= external PrimaryTag String Primary tag of learning content. SecondaryTag string Secondary tag of learning content. ItemLink String Video/image URL. KnowmoreLink String External web url in string to read the article. Length Number Length in minutes to read the article or to watch the video TileImageLink string Image link used in video/article thumbnail CreatedOn DateTIme Created on date time in UTC CreatedBy string User AAD Id of admin who added the content.
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Partition key of the table RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID FeedbackId Stirring Unique ID of each feedback same as RowKey FeedbackType Int 0 = General, 1= LearningContent, 2 = LearningPath LearningContentId String GUID value of learning content HelpfulStatus int 0 = Super, 1= medium, 2= Not Helpful IsHelpful boolean 0 = Not helpful, 1= helpful Rating Int Ratings 1 to 5 Feedback String User provided text up to 500 characters CreatedBy String User AAD id CreatedOn DateTime Created on date in UTC
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Table partition key. RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID ReactionID String Unique GUID id same as RowKey LearningContentId String Unique id of learning content. ReactionState in 0 = Like . 1= dislike CreatedOn DateTime Created on date in UTC CreatedBy String User AAD id
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Table partition key. RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID UserId String User AAD id ConversationId String Bot conversation id to send notification BotInstalledOn String Date time when bot installed for that user in UTC ServiceUrl string Teams base service URL , used to send card to user. TenantID string Tenant id of user Status Boolean User notification subscription status. CreatedOn Datetime Date time when bot was installed.
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Table partition key RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID TeamId String Team unique id where bot in installed ChannelId String Teams channel id where notification to be sent. BotInstalledOn String Date time when bot installed
Property Name Type **Description **
PartitionKey String Table partition key RowKey String Runtime generated random GUID EventId String Unique Id of each event same as RowKey LearningContentId String Unique ID of learning content EventType Int 0= Article, 1= Video,2 = search CreatedOn Datetime Timestamp of event. UserAadId String User AAD id. SearchKey String Bing search key text entered by user. TenantId String Tenant id of user SharedToUser String JSON format user AAD ids where article shared. SharedToTeam String JSON format teams IDs where article shared
All tenet users will be considered as valid app users.
User who will be part of admin Security group will be considered as admin users.