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232 lines (188 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (188 loc) · 10.7 KB


This Action simplifies the use of fauna-schema-migrate. It can be used to deploy a mono repo to Fauna, or it can be used to follow a Domain Driven approach with multiple repositories getting deployed to one database.

Manages the following ressources in GitHub and deploys it afterwards to Fauna:

  • Graphql schema*
  • UDFs
  • Indexes
  • Roles
  • Collections
  • Access providers

* We added simple Grapqhlql schema support on top of fauna-schema-migrate, that uses the Fauna /import endpoint with "merge" mode. The schema.gql file needs to be at the root level of your repository.

YAML Definition

Add the following snippet to the "steps" section of your main.yml file:

  - name: Run Fauna Migration
    uses: Dechea/Fauna-IaC_Action@v1
      GITHUB_PAT: '<string>'
      FAUNA_TOKEN: '<string>'
      DATABASE: '<string>'
      DOMAINS: '<string>' 
      # FAUNA_REGION: '<string>'
      # FAUNA_CHILD_DB: '<string>'
      # MUTATION_TEST: '<boolean>' # Optional
      # DEBUG: "<boolean>" # Optional


Variable Usage
GITHUB_PAT (*) The key used to access your github repos.
FAUNA_TOKEN (*) The token used to access your Fauna database.
DATABASE (*) The target database where you want to apply the migration.
DOMAINS (*) Comma separated list with the repository names of the domains. <organization>/<repository>@<branch>
FAUNA_REGION The domain where your databases are hosted 'eu', 'us', 'classic', 'preview'
FAUNA_CHILD_DB The token used to access your Fauna child database used to run unit and integration tests.
MUTATION_TEST Runs mutations on top of your unit tests (Only Jest supported ATM). See Stryker-Mutator
DEBUG Turn on extra debug information. Default: false.

(*) = required variable.


Depending if you're following a Mono or Domain Driven repository approach, follow the corresponding prerequisite paths.

Mono Repo: One repo - one database (Traditional approach)

Domain driven repositories: You will run all business logic in one databases, so that you have the full performance power of Fauna and every team has everytime a fully working database with all domains (Theoratically no need anymore for a staging environment). But every team has an own repository with their own responsibility, so your teams can develop and ship features independently. Trying to get the best of both worlds - autonomy and performance.

Mono Repository

1. Follow the steps from fauna-schema-migrate

2. Create a PAT (Personal access token)

The PAT must have read & write access to the repositories. In the case of private repositories you'll want to create a machine user, add the machine user to the repositories that you want to checkout and then generate a token for the machine user.

Domain Driven Repository

1. Create in Fauna the domain relevant databases.

  • One database for production
  • One child database for staging (Optional)
  • One child database for each domain e.g. Dev_User, Dev_Invoice

We have structured our databases in Fauna that way:

| <ProductName>*
|-- Production
|---- Staging
|---- Domains*
|------ USR_User
|------ INV_Invoice

* Empty database - only needed for structure

2. Create for every domain one repository in GitHub


  • Repo 1: USR_User
  • Repo 2: INV_Invoice

3. Follow the prefix naming pattern for all ressources

To achieve, that multiple teams can publish to one database, we have to follow a naming pattern to avoid merge conflicts because of duplicated collections, UDFs etc. We're working with a unique prefix for every domain e.g. USR for User or INV for Invoice and so on. This pattern needs to be applied as a prefix to your ressources and divided by a "_" from the rest of the name:

  • Collections (e.g. "USR_Address" or "USR_SomethingElse")
  • Indexes (e.g. "USR_GetAddressByUserId" or "USR_SomethingElse")
  • Roles (e.g. "USR_GetAddressByUserId" or "USR_SomethingElse")
  • UDFs (e.g. "USR_Administrator" or "USR_SomethingElse")
  • Graphql schemas (e.g. "USR_Schema" or "USR_SomethingElse")
  • Repository name (e.g. "USR_Schema" or "USR_SomethingElse") (Optional)
  • Fauna domain databases (e.g. "USR_User" or "USR_SomethingElse") (Optional)

Good to know: If you follow these pattern, it's also relatively easy to have a code coverage report for every domain independently. You can do a code coverage inclusion in every repo for the files that are starting with the prefix of your own domain and then publish it e.g. to Sonarcloud.

4. Create a PAT (Personal access token)

The PAT must have read & write access to the repositories. In the case of private repositories you'll want to create a machine user, add the machine user to the repositories that you want to checkout and then generate a token for the machine user.


Mono Repo: Deployment to Production database

name: Build and Deploy
on: [push]
    concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} # Recommended if you intend to make multiple deployments in quick succession.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run Fauna Migration
        uses: Dechea/Fauna-IaC_Action@v1
          GITHUB_REPOSITORIES: 'Dechea/Fauna_Schema@main'
          GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.SCHEMA_PAT_GITHUB }}
          FAUNA_DATABASE: 'Production'
          FAUNA_REGION: 'eu' # selects the EU URLs for fauna:,
          FAUNA_SECRET: ${{ secrets.FAUNA_TOKEN_PRODUCTION }} # token for Production database
          MUTATION_TEST: 'true'

Domain Repos: Deployment to Production database

name: Build and Deploy
on: [push]
    concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} # Recommended if you intend to make multiple deployments in quick succession.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run Fauna Migration
        uses: Dechea/Fauna-IaC_Action@v1
          GITHUB_REPOSITORIES: 'Dechea/ORC_Schema@main,Dechea/USR_Schema@main,Dechea/CLS_Schema@main,Dechea/HES_Schema@main'
          GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.SCHEMA_PAT_GITHUB }}
          FAUNA_DATABASE: 'Production'
          FAUNA_REGION: 'eu' # selects the EU URLs for fauna:,
          FAUNA_SECRET: ${{ secrets.FAUNA_TOKEN_PRODUCTION }} # token for Production database
          MUTATION_TEST: 'true'

Domain Repos: Deployment to Domain Development database

name: Build and Deploy
on: [push]
    concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} # Recommended if you intend to make multiple deployments in quick succession.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run Fauna Migration
        uses: Dechea/Fauna-IaC_Action@v1
          GITHUB_REPOSITORIES: 'Dechea/HES_Schema@$GITHUB_REF_NAME,Dechea/ORC_Schema@main,Dechea/USR_Schema@main,Dechea/CLS_Schema@main'
          GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.SCHEMA_PAT_GITHUB }}
          FAUNA_DATABASE: 'USR_User_Dev'
          FAUNA_REGION: 'eu' # selects the EU URLs for fauna:,
          FAUNA_SECRET: ${{ secrets.FAUNA_TOKEN_USR }} # token for USR_User_Dev database
          MUTATION_TEST: 'true'

Get coverage report

name: Build and Deploy
on: [push]
    concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} # Recommended if you intend to make multiple deployments in quick succession.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run Fauna Migration
        uses: Dechea/Fauna-IaC_Action@v1
          GITHUB_REPOSITORIES: 'Dechea/HES_Schema@$GITHUB_REF_NAME,Dechea/ORC_Schema@main,Dechea/USR_Schema@main,Dechea/CLS_Schema@main'
          GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.SCHEMA_PAT_GITHUB }}
          FAUNA_DATABASE: 'USR_User_Dev'
          FAUNA_REGION: 'eu' # selects the EU URLs for fauna:,
          FAUNA_SECRET: ${{ secrets.FAUNA_TOKEN_USR }} # token for USR_User_Dev database
          MUTATION_TEST: 'true'
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: Get coverage report artifact
          name: coverage-files
          path: coverage

How it works

We have repositories created for every domain. Every repo has the structure defined by fauna-schema-migrate. It includes collections, UDFs, Indexes, roles that are related to that domain. But we're using only one database. So one repo can't apply simply their infrastructure to the database. Instead we have to assemble it first with all other domain repos, run the tests and then apply it to the database. This is what this Action does.
For that we using the data provided in the "GITHUB_REPOSITORIES" variable. We clone the repositories, merge it, apply it to the given FAUNA_DATABASE and run all the tests.


  • Bring support for multiple test runners (Jest ✅, AVA ❌, Mocha ❌ etc.)
  • Automatically code coverage upload to Sonarcloud, codecov etc.
  • Run test in parallel
  • Apply migration to multiple databases at once


1. What happens if one domain introduce a breaking change?

Currently the whole Action would fail, because we run all tests from all Domains. Only if all tests passing, the changes will be applied to production.

2. Where do I need to put my GraphQL schema?

Your GraphQL schema needs to be put at the root level of your repository.


If you’d like help with this pipe, or you have an issue or feature request, let us know. Pull requests are welcome!

If you’re reporting an issue, please include:

  • the version of the action
  • relevant logs and error messages
  • steps to reproduce