This folder contains reference training scripts for semantic segmentation. They serve as a log of how to train specific models, as provide baseline training and evaluation scripts to quickly bootstrap research.
All models have been trained on 8x V100 GPUs.
You must modify the following flags:
python3 --lr 0.02 --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_resnet50 --aux-loss
python3 --lr 0.02 --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_resnet101 --aux-loss
python3 --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large --aux-loss --wd 0.000001
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --lr 0.02 --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_resnet50 --aux-loss
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --lr 0.02 --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_resnet101 --aux-loss
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --dataset coco -b 4 --model deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large --aux-loss --wd 0.000001
--data-path DATA_PATH
dataset path
--dataset DATASET dataset name, [coco | camvid]
--model MODEL model
--aux-loss auxiliar loss
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
--epochs N number of total epochs to run
-j N, --workers N number of data loading workers (default: 16)
--lr LR initial learning rate
--momentum M momentum
--wd W, --weight-decay W
weight decay (default: 1e-4)
--print-freq PRINT_FREQ
print frequency
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
path where to save
--resume RESUME resume from checkpoint
--start-epoch N start epoch
--test-only Only test the model
--pretrained Use pre-trained models from the modelzoo
--local_rank LOCAL_RANK
Local rank
--world-size WORLD_SIZE
number of distributed processes
--dist-url DIST_URL url used to set up distributed training
--amp Automatic Mixed Precision training
--padding-channel Padding the channels of image to 4
--nhwc Use NHWC
--crop-size CROP_SIZE
--base-size BASE_SIZE