cd ci && bash
First, you should make sure something below.
- The CI Test in 1 node can pass in master node container.
- Copy master node container environment to other node servers.
- Make sure the account name, contrainer name is the same in different node servers.
- Set up password free login between the master node container and other node servers.
Second, set your node server info. You can set up like:
## The account in server
export HOST_NAME="username"
## Severs IP, begin with the master node server IP, and split by ","
export ADDR_ARRAY=","
## Container name
export CONTAINER_NAME="megatron-deepspeed"
Third, run.
cd ci && bash
bash dataset/
bash dataset/
cd examples/aquila && bash
First, you should make sure something below.
- The pretrain in 1 node run successfully in master node container.
- Copy master node container environment to other node servers.
- Make sure the account name, contrainer name is the same in different node servers.
- Set up password free login between the master node container and other node servers.
- Make megatron-deepspeed repo and dataset at same path in different node servers.
Second, set your node server info. You can set up like:
## The account in server
export HOST_NAME="username"
## Severs IP, begin with the master node server IP, and split by ","
export ADDR_ARRAY=","
## Container name
export CONTAINER_NAME="megatron-deepspeed"
Third, run.
cd examples/aquila && bash
If you have an your own jsonl text dataset, and you want to use it in Megatron-Deepspeed, you can do something to change it to proper format.
For example, look file megatron-deepspeed/dataset/
, you need to change some main parameter by your own, there contain:
- tokenizer-type
- tokenizer-model or (vocab-file and merge-file)
- json-keys
- input
- output-prefix