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Thumbnail generator for Election Leaflets

This is a Lambda function that produces thumbnails from raw leaflets and puts the resulting files in a deterministic structure for compatibility with sorl-thumbnail.

It uses sorl-thumbnail under the hood and accepts the same options as the thumbnail templatetag. Output files are named as follows:



The Lambda function can consume either CloudFront or S3 events, so it can be used as new leaflets are uploaded, or to backfill thumbnail URLs as they're requested.


The pre-emptive processing of thumbnails from S3 events needs configuration for the thumbnail specs we want to create. This is done in the SPECS constant in the handle_s3 function in src/, which expects a tuple of tuples. The first element is the size spec, e.g 600 or 300x400. The second element is the options dict, eg {"crop": "top", "upscale": True}.


❗ Currently must be built from a Linux machine, Docker support coming soon for Macs ❗

Deployment is a four-stage process, covering S3 and CloudFront. You must have a Democracy Club AWS profile active.

  1. Run make deploy_cf
  2. Note the FunctionArn returned and update it in the thumbs/* behaviour in the CloudFront distribution. This will take 10-15 minutes to update.
  3. Run make deploy_s3
  4. Note the FunctionArn returned and update it in the Events -> el-resize-image property for the S3 bucket