using Pure.DI;
using UnityEngine;
public class Clock : MonoBehaviour
private const float HoursToDegrees = -30f, MinutesToDegrees = -6f, SecondsToDegrees = -6f;
private Transform hoursPivot;
private Transform minutesPivot;
private Transform secondsPivot;
public IClockService ClockService { private get; set; }
public void Start()
// Injects dependencies
public void Update()
var now = ClockService.Now.TimeOfDay;
hoursPivot.localRotation = Quaternion
.Euler(0f, 0f, HoursToDegrees * (float)now.TotalHours);
minutesPivot.localRotation = Quaternion
.Euler(0f, 0f, MinutesToDegrees * (float)now.TotalMinutes);
secondsPivot.localRotation = Quaternion
.Euler(0f, 0f, SecondsToDegrees * (float)now.TotalSeconds);
public interface IClockService
DateTime Now { get; }
public class ClockService : IClockService
public DateTime Now => DateTime.Now;
internal partial class Composition
public static readonly Composition Shared = new();
private static void Setup() =>
Running this code sample locally
- Make sure you have the .NET SDK 9.0 or later is installed
dotnet --list-sdk
- Create a net9.0 (or later) console application
dotnet new console -n Sample
- Add reference to NuGet package
dotnet add package Pure.DI
- Copy the example code into the Program.cs file
You are ready to run the example 🚀
dotnet run
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
private readonly Lock _lock;
private ClockService? _singletonClockService43;
public Composition()
_root = this;
_lock = new Lock();
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
_lock = _root._lock;
public Clock BuildUp(Clock buildingInstance)
if (buildingInstance is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buildingInstance));
if (_root._singletonClockService43 is null)
using (_lock.EnterScope())
if (_root._singletonClockService43 is null)
_root._singletonClockService43 = new ClockService();
Clock transientClock0;
Clock localBuildingInstance106 = buildingInstance;
localBuildingInstance106.ClockService = _root._singletonClockService43;
transientClock0 = localBuildingInstance106;
return transientClock0;
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
ClockService --|> IClockService
Composition ..> Clock : Clock BuildUp(Pure.DI.UsageTests.Unity.UnityBasicScenario.Clock buildingInstance)
Clock o-- "Singleton" ClockService : IClockService
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Unity.UnityBasicScenario {
class Clock {
class ClockService {
class Composition {
+Clock BuildUp(Pure.DI.UsageTests.Unity.UnityBasicScenario.Clock buildingInstance)
class IClockService {