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BarloqueApothecary barloque ~kJoguer says, "Such a fine city is our fair capital Barloque. The other cities can offer not the wonders of hither shop keepers."
BarloqueApothecary buy ~kJoguer says, "In faith, I grow most of mine own stock. There is little that thou could offer me that I have need of."
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_GOOD bye ~kJoguer says, "Must thou make such haste in thy departure? I shall be sorry to see thee go."
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_NEUTRAL bye ~kJoguer says, "Must thou make such haste in thy departure? I shall be sorry to see thee go."
BarloqueApothecary cor NOTH ~kJoguer says, "Cor Noth hath an oddly assortment of folk."
BarloqueApothecary council ~kJoguer says, "The council doth rule the land in the absence of our King."
BarloqueApothecary duke ~kJoguer says, "Thou should understand that the death of the Duke is a bane. His nephew, even more incompetent than Kalior has taken the reigns of power."
BarloqueApothecary echo ~kA woman's voice calls from the other room, "Joguer, bring thyself hither! Thy dinner will be ice before it sees the likes of thee."
BarloqueApothecary echo ~kA woman's voice yells from the other room, "~BJoguer, dost thou listen to me not? 'Tis thrice I have called thee now. Attend to me. Joguer?"
BarloqueApothecary echo ~kA woman irately calls from the other room, "~BJoguer! Get thee to bed. I'll stay awake no more waiting for thee to shut thy bauble shop!"
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_BAD emote ~kJoguer hums to himself, oblivious of your presence.
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_GOOD hello ~kJoguer says, "Ah, my gentle friend, how good it is to see thy countenance once again."
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_NEUTRAL hello ~kJoguer says, "Ah, %LORDLADY, how good it is to see thy countenance once again."
BarloqueApothecary help ~kJoguer says, "As the foremost expert and sage on herbs, roots, berries, mushrooms and other tidbits of foliage, I am humbly at thy service. By my troth, I can even teach a trick or two."
BarloqueApothecary jasper ~kJoguer says, "Thou will never find a more skilled artisan of stone than the man in Jasper who owns the hands of Afiera D'xor."
BarloqueApothecary jonas ~kJoguer says, "Well I don’t pay much attention to all of them politics, but I don’t see anything wrong with what Jonas has done."
BarloqueApothecary marion ~kJoguer says, "The most fertile of soil can be found near yonder Marion."
BarloqueApothecary night ~kA woman irately calls from the other room, "~BJoguer! Get thee to bed. I'll stay awake no more waiting for thee to shut thy bauble shop!"
BarloqueApothecary potions ~kJoguer says, "'Tis my believe that the priestesses produce potions that cleanse the mind of spells. Be fair warned, quaffing such oft comes with a high price."
BarloqueApothecary princess ~kJoguer says, "May the Princess have the strength to combat this new threat, Akardius."
BarloqueApothecary pupil ~kJoguer says, "In faith, I have not time for teaching. Mayhap, thou will seek me again when I have time to spare."
BarloqueApothecary sell ~kJoguer says, "I sell the finest herbs and roots."
BarloqueApothecary teach ~kJoguer says, "Mayhaps, thou could learn how to warm the air from one such as me. Or if thou has my favor, I will consider teaching thee how to fade clear of sight."
BarloqueApothecary tos ~kJoguer nods his head and half smiles when Tos is mentioned. It is obvious that he is refraining from voicing his opinions on the town.
BarloqueApothecary trick ~kJoguer says, "Mayhaps, thou could learn how to warm the air from one such as me. Or if thou has my favor, I will consider teaching thee how to fade clear of sight."
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_BAD ~kJoguer says, "No greater waste hath occurred than frivolous discarding of valued spell reagents by those who hath no awareness of their true value to those who practice acts of sorcery."
BarloqueApothecary MOOD_GOOD ~kJoguer says, "Were thou ever to find thyself near the mysterious stone circle that lies deep beyond the cragged mountains, and if thou possess tenacity in great measure, then, as I understand and breathe, thou will find means to the center and to the magic source within."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "How now! Curious enough, our fledgling neighbor blacksmith who hath recently removed himself and his shop likewise from yonder Tos, has a most peculiar fascination with magical wands. I know not wherefore he collects them."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Dost thou know that some mushrooms found in the wild can grant sustenance to those who consume them. 'Tis truly a wonder the different types of magics such foliage can deliver, be it as reagents or food stock."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Learning the magic of the different gods be like treating thyself to a vast meal. Some foods, thou will find, do not go together. And oft, thou must cleanse thy palette before moving on to another entree. Like a fine dry wine, there are potions that can cleanse thy mind of unwanted learning."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "I beseech thee, allow it into my knowledge if thou doth feel warm in greater measure than pleases thy body. I would to keep the temperatures to the level of expectation required by my precious greenery within. Or if thy find comfort in such extreme warmth, mayhap I could one day teach thee the magic of heat."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "To the south of our beauteous city and deep within the Badlands, the Faren priestess doth reside. I take her to be high spirited and a pure ally to the breadth of nature, yet be fair warned the woman hath a temper seen not in the careful bounds of simple civilization."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "If thou art weary in thy feet, tongue twisted Pritchett doth host a pleasant inn across from mine shop. 'Tis true, indeed."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "I know not why the ships sail no more."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Ah, I find nothing more intriguing than the wondrous nature of the reagents, how little they are, yet how big. Alas, I could spend all of my days here studying them."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Nature hath spawned many a plant and rock, more indeed than one can put to numbers. 'Tis mine own belief that each pebble and every twig doth hold some essence of power that we will one day tap and put to use in our spell crafting."
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Can I help thee to find a certain herb or mushroom?"
BarloqueApothecary ~kJoguer says, "Hmm. Interesting indeed that the elderberries of the early season behold smaller and more jagged leaves than the those late comers of autumn."
BarloqueBartender barloque ~kMeidei says, "Barloque be the capital city. Once she has properly embraced the bosom of Shal'ille, she will be able to truly bring the kingdom to peace."
BarloqueBartender buy ~kMeidei says, "I seek new recipes and oft run low on common things like torches."
BarloqueBartender bye ~kMeidei says, "May Shal'ille guide thee to righteousness."
BarloqueBartender cards ~kMeidei hands you a deck of unusual playing cards and says, "Dost thou lack in knowledge, the rules of this card game?"
BarloqueBartender cor NOTH ~kMeidei says, "A horrid city is Cor Noth. The University strays from the teachings of Shal'ille and the inhabitants are wanton atheists. What's worse, the ivory chapel of Shal'ille hath been soiled by deviant guilds."
BarloqueBartender council ~kMeidei says, "The five appointed councilors are sure to be wondering if their jobs are in jeopardy. I know not where they are right now. Mayhap Pritchett knows their whereabouts."
BarloqueBartender crowns ~IA crown is an arbitrary denomination of money, reagents, gems or items that the players agree to. Typically, one crown equals 50 shillings. High stake games have been known to have a single crown equal 10,000 shillings.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSlave`n card - ~I %NAME is booted out of this game and must pay up immediately. Remaining players continue. ~BIf only one player remains, that player has won the game.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gVagabond`n card - ~I Nothing happens, play passes to the next player.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gServant`n card - ~I must pay 1 Crown to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSerf`n card - ~I must pay 2 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gFreeman`n card - ~I may draw again if 2 Crowns are paid to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gTradesman`n card - ~I must pay 4 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gEsquire`n card - ~I must pay 10 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~bClergy`n card - ~I each player must give %NAME 1 Crown immediately.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~rLord Mayor`n card - ~I collect 1/10 of the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~rPrince`n card - ~I collect 1/2 of the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~r~BKing~B`n card - ~I ~Bwin the game and collect all of the Kitty!
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~rLord Mayor`n card - ~I collect 1/10 of the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gTradesman`n card - ~I must pay 4 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gFreeman`n card - ~I may draw again if 2 Crowns are paid to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSerf`n card - ~I must pay 2 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSerf`n card - ~I must pay 2 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSerf`n card - ~I must pay 2 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gSerf`n card - ~I must pay 2 Crowns to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gServant`n card - ~I must pay 1 Crown to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gServant`n card - ~I must pay 1 Crown to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gServant`n card - ~I must pay 1 Crown to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender draw %NAME draws the ~gServant`n card - ~I must pay 1 Crown to the Kitty.
BarloqueBartender duke ~kMeidei says, "A new pox has formed in Tos."
BarloqueBartender faren ~kMeidei says, "An inconsequential god is that Faren. Stray not from the path of Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender feudal ~kMeidei hands you a deck of unusual playing cards and says, "Dost thou lack in knowledge, the rules of this card game?"
BarloqueBartender fey ~kMeidei says, "The Fey Elhai be the most treasured children of Shal'ille. 'Twas foul Qor who corrupted the Fey Dirhai and began the horrid war for dominance o'er the Vale of Sorrows."
BarloqueBartender hello ~kMeidei says, "Welcome and praise Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender help ~kMeidei says, "I tend the bar, sell food, and pledge myself to the goddess Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender jala ~kMeidei says, "Poor Jala. Had Shal'ille not already pledged herself to mending the land, mayhap she could have saved her fair sister from foul Qor."
BarloqueBartender jasper ~kMeidei says, "I once thought those of Jasper should take to farming. All that is produced now are these blasted rebels and criminals. Mayhap the Justicar should pay them a visit."
BarloqueBartender kalior ~kMeidei says, "The mighty wicked has fallen."
BarloqueBartender kateriina ~kMeidei says, "With the tutelage of Xiana, Kateriina is growing into a fine and compassionate woman."
BarloqueBartender kitty ~IMeidei will not keep track of your winnings and losses. You must select one player to keep tabs on who owes whom how much. This allows you to bet with any type of wager such as shillings, reagents and food.
BarloqueBartender kraanan ~kMeidei says, "Lord Kraanan be the husband to the holy Shal'ille. I must therefore tolerate his followers, despite their warring ways."
BarloqueBartender marion ~kMeidei says, "Marion is a peaceful and loving town under the caring guidance of good Shal'ille, praise be her name."
BarloqueBartender node ~kMeidei says, "I tell thee, a magical mana node devoted to good appears when the Fey Dirhai are repelled from the forest."
BarloqueBartender princess ~kMeidei says, "With the tutelage of Xiana, Kateriina is growing into a fine and compassionate woman."
BarloqueBartender qor ~kMeidei says, "Speak thee not her wicked name! There is none so base as that vile harpy! Avoid her seductive ways and stay true to Shal'ille!"
BarloqueBartender riija ~kMeidei says, "That changeling Riija is a prattler and a buffoon! Stay thee away from his twisted ways!"
BarloqueBartender rules Rules to play ~BFeudal Lords~B - ~I Players take turns picking (say ~kdraw`n~I) from the deck. Select one person to keeps track of how many ~g~Bcrowns~g`n~I each player owes. After every five draws, that person should announce each player's debt and what the total size of the ~rkitty~n~I is. The player who draws the ~BKing~n~I card, wins the entire kitty and all other players must pay that person what they owe.
BarloqueBartender sell ~kMeidei says, "If thou seeks food, common items, a peaceful game of chess, or to hear of the greatness of Shal'ille, then seek thee no further."
BarloqueBartender shal'ille ~kMeidei says, "Praise be Shal'ille! The Lady of Gentle Rains protects all the world from the vile and wicked. Do you know of her ways?"
BarloqueBartender tos ~kMeidei says, "Tos lies beyond the badlands to the south. May Shal'ille protect thee if thou wish to travel to her wicked walls."
BarloqueBartender vale ~kMeidei says, "The Vale of Sorrows as it is now called was molded by gentle Shal'ille for her favorite folk, the Fey Elhai. Those cursed Fey Dirhai spoil the most holy of lands."
BarloqueBartender ways ~kMeidei says, "Shal'ille is the goddess of peace and serenity. Dedication to her shall bring thee good health, which is forsooth the only necessity of life."
BarloqueBartender xiana ~kMeidei says, "Xiana teaches the sermons of Shal'ille at her temple. By my faith, a wise lady."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_BAD ~kMeidei says, "If thou refuses the litany of Shal'ille, thou will surely perish and be damned to Qor!"
BarloqueBartender MOOD_BAD ~kMeidei says, "Bow thyself down before Shal'ille and beg for her forgiveness!"
BarloqueBartender MOOD_BAD ~kMeidei ignores you as he silently prays.
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Thou seems of gentle sort. Know this, a node of good magic lies in the vale of the fey."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Praise Shal'ille the Calm! May she bid thee good health!"
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Shal'ille blesses thee."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Lady Shal'ille, prithee bless those who come to my establishment and eat from my kitchens and drink from my kegs, bless those who follow the Princess, bless those who embrace your gentle bosom, bless those who refuse you for they know not what they do, bless the rats in hopes that they will become your servants of good, bless my family."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Lady Shal'ille, I pray thee bless the farmers in the fields, bless the builders who give us shelter, bless the trees that give us shade, bless the rivers that give us water, bless the Guides that help us in our travels and bless the Guardians for smiting us not."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "Verily, the simple spells of our Lady hath more potency when employed by devoted follower of the utmost goodness."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_GOOD ~kMeidei says, "May Shal'ille protect us from the wagtails who try to fool us with weapons that are not as they appear. I doubt it not, she can do that."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMeidei says, "Shal'ille, I pray thee bless the children and the poor."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMeidei says, "Praise Shal'ille the Gentle! Study thou her ways!"
BarloqueBartender MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMeidei says, "Follow her peaceful ways, and Shal'ille will bless thee."
BarloqueBartender MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMeidei says, "I beg thy pardon, fair customer... . ~I Shal'ille, prithee bring peace to the countryside... .~I Now what can I get for thee?"
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "If thou hath shillings in great measure, they would be safe in a bank, but they would be better served if given to charity in the name of Shal'ille. If thou give them to me, I will distribute them to the poor for thee."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Seek thee Rook for lore of the vile monsters that plague our land. After falling from grace of the Princess, I believe he hath moved to Cor Noth."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "If thou are intent on fighting, start with the rats. They are easy and overpopulated."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "The Priestess Xiana can instruct thee on the spells of blessed Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Seek thee the temple of Shal'ille and pray for redemption! It lies in the deep woods of Ileria, north of Marion."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Gems and herbs can oft be employed to work magic. I pray thee, use them only for the will of Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Rest and eat in here rather than on the road. 'Tis best for thy body. Also for thy soul, for I will tell thee of blessed Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Others will say that battling opponents more potent than thee will make thy body stronger. While this be true, combat is not the way to salvation. Only through the peaceful teachings of Shal'ille can thou find thyself content!"
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "If thou ask me, I believe those tokens cursed. Bring them not before me. Surely for some wicked reason, the council wishes to study them."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Thou appears weighed down by equipment. Thou may wish to seek the Vaultman here in Barloque, or better yet give thy items to the needy in the name of Shal'ille."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Beware the Cragged Mountains, they hide the vile temple of Qor and her sinful servants!"
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Ran er'Hoth be the Wise Man of Marion. He is versed in the ways of Shal'ille and mayhap can teach thee her magic."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "I am told there is a man in Tos who teaches a spell of blessed Shal'ille. I know not his name."
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "The Priestess Xiana can learn thee more of the scriptures of Shal'ille. Thou must take pilgrimage to her one day!"
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei says, "Forsooth, the servants of Qor brings forth those horrid rats from the deep sewers to plague our lands."
BarloqueBartender ~kBowing his head, Meidei silently mouths a prayer to Shal'ille.
BarloqueBartender ~kMeidei glares at you with fire in his eyes and says, "Pray tell, dost thou follow the ways of Shal'ille?"
BarloqueBlacksmith armor ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I never use no armor, since I found out I can just think about a shield and it appears. Perhaps I could try to teach you."
BarloqueBlacksmith Barloque ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Barloque is my new home. Uh, it may be too good fer the likes of me."
BarloqueBlacksmith buy ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "What you got? I'll look at weapons and armor. Maybe other interestin' stuff if you got any."
BarloqueBlacksmith bye ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "G'bye."
BarloqueBlacksmith cor NOTH ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Rook lives in Cor Noth. He can teach you how t' fight."
BarloqueBlacksmith council ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I care little for the politics of the council."
BarloqueBlacksmith Duke ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "It is a shame to hear of Kalior's demise. I hope that Duke Akardius does not raise the taxes."
BarloqueBlacksmith expedition ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "What expedition?"
BarloqueBlacksmith forge ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I use the forge to... forge weapons and armor."
BarloqueBlacksmith hello ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "'ello."
BarloqueBlacksmith help ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Uh... I can make armor... or... uh... a weapon. I'll also buy old stuff if it ain't broke or if it's unusual even if everyone else thinks it ain't worth nothin'. M' mum says I gots an eye for quality."
BarloqueBlacksmith Jasper ~kFehr’loi Qan says, "Quintor’s the smith in Jasper. He was my friend a long time ago, but then his wife left him and he hasn’t been, uh, the same since. I hear he found himself a friend though, I think the name was Queasy, or something."
BarloqueBlacksmith jonas ~kFehr’loi Qan says, "Well I don’t know much about politics and the like, but I do know that Jonas could never make a fairer ruler than Princess Kateriina."
BarloqueBlacksmith Marion ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Colhorr's up in Marion. We go drinking once a month and talk about, well, makin' weapons and stuff."
BarloqueBlacksmith Princess ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "The Princess is a nice lady. She uh...has lots to do."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD rycksher ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "He also knows a bunch of gossip about the designers."
BarloqueBlacksmith sell ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I sell armor and weapons."
BarloqueBlacksmith smith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Uh... I'm a smith. Can I help you?"
BarloqueBlacksmith teach ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Um, I can try to show you how to make a magic shield."
BarloqueBlacksmith Tos ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I left Tos. I got m' reasons."
BarloqueBlacksmith wand ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "You got a wand? Let me see it."
BarloqueBlacksmith weapon ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Weapons are good if you want to... kill stuff."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I don't like being here. Every morning, that bad fish smell."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I'm gettin' mad now. You better leave before I give you a good punch."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Don't look at me that way. I'll take you outside and give you a good bruisin'."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Are you makin' fun of me? I don't like people makin' fun of me and I'm bigger than you."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Stop hangin' around m' shop, little person, or I'll give you what for."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I don't like strangers hangin' around my shop."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "What are you lookin' at? You wantin' to fight me?"
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_BAD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I'm not happy. Somebody pawned a magic weapon of on me and it turns out that it wasn't magical at all."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "The ocean air smells so good up here. I should go out for a cool swim before I get back to the forge."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Oh, it's good to be alive."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "You're my friend."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I'm glad you are here. I don't like those strangers that come in to my shop."
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_GOOD ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I'm happier up here in Barloque, ain't you?"
BarloqueBlacksmith MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Anything else I can help you with? I got to get on with my work."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "There's a lot of Guilds around here. Frular, down the street, he makes 'em official like."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I didn't like having m' shop across the, uh, street from that graveyard. Every night, I would hear such a ruckus. But Kraanan protected me from the zombies."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I wasn't scared of nothin' dead. That's not why I left Tos."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "If you want to try out these weapons, take 'em down to Tos. The Arena of Kraanan's a good place to practice. Nobody really gets hurt there."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "If you're bored, people 'round here usually have an errand or two, if you're willin' to work."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Some weapons are better for fightin' certain monsters than others, y'know."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I once went to the, uh, temple of Kraanan. It's hard to get to. I got lost a couple times near that ancient place with the stones."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "Do you follow Kraanan the Fist? He's the strongest god."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan says, "I, uh, still don't know many people in town. Rycksher always had good gossip 'bout everybody in Tos. I don't know no nothin' 'bout Barloque."
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan carefully examines a half finished hammer.
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kFehr'loi Qan mumbles a short prayer to Kraanan.
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kWiping the sweat from his brow, Fehr'loi Qan returns to his work.
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kYour eyes sting slightly from the soot in the air.
BarloqueBlacksmith ~kThe heat from the furnace makes it uncomfortably warm in here.
BarloqueClerk bye ~kCaramo says, "Fare thee well and honor Jala's Truth."
BarloqueClerk council ~kCaramo says, "The Council of Meridian, appointed by the King, governs thy kingdom. Common law, however, is at the mandate of the Justicar's office."
BarloqueClerk hello ~kCaramo says, "Welcome to the office of the Justicar, %NAME."
BarloqueClerk jonas ~kCaramo blushes, her cheeks flushing pinkly.
BarloqueClerk rebels ~kCaramo says, "Everyone has a right to their own mind about things, this is no exception."
BarloqueInnKeeper barloque ~kPritchett says, "I am rather new to the Capital City, but I hath gaineth acceptanceth from the people hither here. When I am able to buyeth my title, not a soul wilt not know I am from here not."
BarloqueInnKeeper bye ~kPritchett says, "Bye, I mean, by my troll, it 'twas good to have sighted you. Fare and be well."
BarloqueInnKeeper cor NOTH ~kPritchett says, "It 'tis a well enough town, Cor Noth is. It 'tis a pity that her river is so very verily unclean."
BarloqueInnKeeper council ~kPritchett says, "Akardius and the Princess struggle to gain the influence of the Council. Seek out Joguer. He may know the individual agendas of each council member."
BarloqueInnKeeper duke ~kPritchett says, "The Duke was a scoundrel, but I am not sure that his grizzly death was fitting, even for one such as he."
BarloqueInnKeeper hello ~kPritchett says, "Hello, er... goodly met, fair travelfolk."
BarloqueInnKeeper help ~kPritchett says, "This here be the finest inn in yonder Barloque. Thee should relaxeth for a bit."
BarloqueInnKeeper Izzio ~kPritchett says, "I have seen the man standing right outside the gates. Not by the docks mind you, but the southern side. You can sometimes catch him when you are heading toward the Princess' castle. I have heard though that he moves about."
BarloqueInnKeeper jasper ~kPritchett says, "Ha, thee hath never seeneth a low-brow town such as wither Jasper, why the new faction wouldeth chooseth to settle there is beyond me."
BarloqueInnKeeper marion ~kPritchett says, "Many a good food cometh frometh Marion. In fate, it 'tis a bountiful place."
BarloqueInnKeeper need a courier? ~kPritchett says, "I doth nay need nary a courier at hither time."
BarloqueInnKeeper princess ~kPritchett says, "Hail Kateriina! I pray she has the strength to combat this new threat."
BarloqueInnKeeper rebels ~kPrichett whispers, "Well, don’t telleth anyone I said this, but this whole thing with the rebels tisn’t really that bad. What thy mean is people need shaking upeth every so often."
BarloqueInnKeeper sailed ~kPritchett says, "Ah, that's a story if thee hath the time."
BarloqueInnKeeper sailor ~kPritchett says, "Aye, I was a sailor. One of the last. Back in those yonder days when the ships still sailed."
BarloqueInnKeeper ships ~kPritchett says, "Ah, that's a story if thee hath the time."
BarloqueInnKeeper story ~kPritchett says, "It was many years hither past... we were the last ship to sail from Barloque quay. Well, there be still some fishing boats that go out, but with those tides, no true sailing vessel can get very far from our shore before having to headeth back."
BarloqueInnKeeper tides ~kPritchett says, "Aye, it hath become too dangerous to sail in those unpredictable tides. They rip your ship apart faster than you can spit. It 'tis as if the gods themselves do not be wanting man to sail beyond the coastal waters."
BarloqueInnKeeper time ~kPritchett says, "It was many years hither past... we were the last ship to sail from Barloque quay. Well, there be still some fishing boats that go out, but with those tides, no true sailing vessel can get very far from our shore before having to headeth back."
BarloqueInnKeeper tos ~kPritchett says, "All of my colleagues and me here in Barloque hath knowledge indeed that Tos hath not the making of a great city! Yonder years ago, we wert at war with wither Tos."
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kPritchett says, "Are thee just going to hangeth out here all day, you waddleaxer?!"
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kPritchett says, "Is there not something better hither yonder that thee could be doing?"
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "Havest ye had pleasure to meeteth fair Madelia? She be my sweet beloved. Indeed and for suits, she wilt one day hither be mine wife."
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "If thy seekeths the finest clothing, then seekest no more, for I will tell thou of my love, Madelia. She makeths the finest clothes for our Princess in yonder nearby Castle."
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "I am indeedeth the luckiest man alive, for I have caught the eye of Madelia. Soon I will asketh her hand for marriage."
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "I am very glad to see thou here. How fareth thou?"
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "Telleth me, goodly noble knave, where do thy hail frometh?"
BarloqueInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_GOOD ~kPritchett says, "If it beeth entertainment that thyself seekeths, I could recommendeth the Bhrama and the Falcon or the Bookmaker's house next door hither. I hear them gamblingeth lateth at night sometimes."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "If thy monsters art causing thou too much havoc, maychanceth thee should seeketh Rook. He hath used to be here in Barloque to adviseth the Princess on such matters."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Methought me heardeth that there be mystical treefolk neareth the forests of Faronath. It 'tis said they wieldeth great magic."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Thee would serveth the common folk good, if thee were to fighteth the rats that swarmeth out from the nearby yonder sewer. The land be plagued with them and they be easy enough to dispatcheth."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "I do be seek you, there are those who can teacheth valuable skills to thy if thy asketh."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "I haveth heardeth that there be four or five temples out in the wilderness where thee may findeth the means of casting new spells."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "I do not knoweth not why so many people carry around mushrooms and berries. They all seemeth to be going in and out of Joguer's place across the street."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "In the old days, we used to sayeth that the only way to becometh a better sailor was to braveth a stronger storm at sea. I hear the sameth goes for fighting monsters."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Even if thee do not haveth a room here at the Brownestone, it 'tis still a good place to resteth up."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Truth be toldeth, I misseth my days as a sailor."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Ah, do thoueth smell that sea air? How I misseth my days on the sea."
BarloqueInnKeeper ~kPritchett says, "Thee know, it 'tis not so hard to picketh up the eloquent way those in Barloque speaketh. Why I think in my short time thither, I have masteredeth it."
BarloqueMerchant axwaddle ~kHerbutte says, "An axwaddle is a lazy person, you uncouth drumble."
BarloqueMerchant barloque ~kHerbutte says, "Barloque is the only city worthy of attention. The others are but barnyards for the common cattle."
BarloqueMerchant buy ~kHerbutte says, "I offer fair values for thy gems and jewels. Mind you, I have quite an eye for flaws."
BarloqueMerchant bye ~kHerbutte says, "To thee, Anon."
BarloqueMerchant clepsydra ~kHerbutte says, "The clepsydra in the center of North Barloque is a clock. I presume thou are not so simple that thou can read it not."
BarloqueMerchant cor NOTH ~kHerbutte says, "Promise had Cor Noth as an offspring of grand Barloque, yet those young students add only waste to her river and sully her fine streets. Its clock tower is a common sundial compared to our fair clepsydra."
BarloqueMerchant council ~kHerbutte says, "The council fill their cups with more than what's offered. They should let the Princess rule the land and return to the level of Advisors."
BarloqueMerchant degree ~kHerbutte says, "Thou mockest me now!"
BarloqueMerchant drumble ~kHerbutte says, "Dost thou speak the language not? A drumble is a sluggish haskard."
BarloqueMerchant duke ~kHerbutte says, "Mayhap with the Duke out of the way, the Princess can take her rightful crown."
BarloqueMerchant fellow ~kHerbutte says, "Thou mockest me now!"
BarloqueMerchant gem ~kHerbutte says, "I am the only fair dealer. Seek not Skivlat for a lowly axwaddle is he."
BarloqueMerchant haskard ~kHerbutte says, "My word, never have I seen such a haskard as thee. A haskard is a fellow of low degree."
BarloqueMerchant hello ~kHerbutte says, "Good morrow."
BarloqueMerchant help ~kHerbutte says, "I am Meridian's first most jeweler. If thou hath gems to sell or if thou hath need of jewels, then I am at thy service. If not, then find ye the door behind thee."
BarloqueMerchant jasper ~kHerbutte says, "Jasper hath but one value, the gems her mines produce."
BarloqueMerchant jewel ~kHerbutte says, "I am the only fair dealer. Seek not Skivlat for a lowly axwaddle is he."
BarloqueMerchant jonas ~kHerbutte says, "I just don’t see what he hopes to gain by this, it’s not like they will ever let him have a title of his own, besides traitor."
BarloqueMerchant marion ~kHerbutte says, "Thou jests. Marion is not a town of any stature."
BarloqueMerchant princess ~kHerbutte says, "On my allegiance, the Princess Kateriina be worthy to rule. She hath been properly bred for such, unlike that villainous Duke."
BarloqueMerchant pritchett ~kHerbutte says, "Pritchett doth belong elsewhere. His common tongue hath no control over the proper speak of Barloque. He doth create his own language."
BarloqueMerchant rabble ~kHerbutte says, "The poor, of course. Only here in Barloque can thou truly find worthwhile gentlefolk."
BarloqueMerchant rat ~kHerbutte says, "Rat!?" Herbutte jumps back, "Oh no! Where be it?"
BarloqueMerchant sell ~kHerbutte says, "I presume thou hast gold enough to view my gems."
BarloqueMerchant skivlat ~kHerbutte says, "I am the only fair dealer. Seek not Skivlat for a lowly axwaddle is he."
BarloqueMerchant Solomon ~kHerbutte says, "What of Solomon? He may be a friend to me, but he hath no sway here in Barloque."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD stories ~kHerbutte says, "What doth thou think of me? I shall not tell thee Frular's secrets!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_NEUTRAL stories ~kHerbutte says, "I am of no mood to talk of my fair neighbor's dealings."
BarloqueMerchant tokens ~kHerbutte says, "The tokens be fascinating magical objects the council seeks to study. If thou ever happens upon one, seek ye the council and rewarded wilt thou be."
BarloqueMerchant tos ~kHerbutte says, "I have not been to a more disagreeable spot than Tos. The city streets doth run rampant with the most unworthy of cretins."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Alas, this world brims with inadequate drumble. How I long to have words with a civilized gentleman of the proper class."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Wilt thou buy nothing more?! Thy useless countenance merely wastes space in my shop."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte casts a withering glance at you.
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Be gone, thou artless rump-fed giglet!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Away, thou surly idle-headed puttock!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Trouble me no more, thou mewling ill-breeding foot-licker!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Remove thyself, thou wayward common-kissing gudgeon!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Enough, thou infectious fool-born bugbear!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Away with thee, thou craven pox-marked lout!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "Leave, thou fobbing half-faced hugger-mugger!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte says, "I say be gone, thou spongy milk-livered codpiece!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte yells, "Thou droning onion-eyed malt-worm, leave me!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_BAD ~kHerbutte yells, "Thou tottering doghearted barnacle, I wish never to see thy face again!"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_GOOD ~kHerbutte says, "Perchance, wouldst thou have thy gems appraised, good gentle?"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHerbutte says, "No reason do I see for ever setting foot outside of Barloque, except perchance to pay visit to the glorious Castle of her Highness."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHerbutte says, "Astounded am I at the utter incompetence abound in this world. Take for example, that drumble Solomon, hath thou ever set eyes upon another man who wears his belly so far from his back."
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHerbutte says, "How may I be of service to thee?"
BarloqueMerchant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHerbutte says, "Doth thou smell that sea air? Verily, 'tis refreshing. Thou wilt find it not quite so hale in any other city."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "I won't traffic with those vanishing tokens. In faith, even the council knows not why they teleport out to the wilds."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "The clepsydra keeps perfect time. 'Tis a pity the dreary rabble knows not how to read it."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "No better place is there than Barloque. Mayhaps there be no worse place than the foul docks and sewers."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "By my troth, we've no rat problem. 'Tis but rumors spread by the lesser cities."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "Madelia is naught but a lightskirt. Were she not the only clothier of merit, she would surely be selling something else by the docks."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "Frular deals in guild halls in the thin walled building beside me. Mine ears know quite a few stories of his clientele."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "Vermin infest our streets, and no, I speak not of rats. I refer to the new residents, that groundling Fehr'loi Qan and that candlewaster Pritchett."
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte says, "To the south east, the Bourgeois Castle foliage blooms beautifully this time of year. 'Tis a magnificent palace befitting of our proud Kateriina."
BarloqueMerchant ~kA slight sneer comes to Herbutte's lips as he looks you over.
BarloqueMerchant ~kHerbutte cranes his head slightly as if listening to the eastern wall.
BarloqueTailor barloque ~kMadelia says, "Nearby Barloque is the capital city of our fair kingdom. By my troth, I do prefer her to the crusted streets of Tos."
BarloqueTailor bye ~kMadelia says, "Fare thee well, my %LORDLADY."
BarloqueTailor cor NOTH ~kMadelia says, "If thou can not afford my fine apparels, Cor Noth houses a tailor of lesser skill."
BarloqueTailor council ~kMadelia says, "I do not involve myself in the affairs of the council save where Her Highness is concerned."
BarloqueTailor duke ~kMadelia says, "The Duke is dead. It is funny that he has as much to offer Meridian now as he did in life."
BarloqueTailor hello ~kMadelia says, "Good morrow, my %LORDLADY. How may I tailor thee?"
BarloqueTailor hello ~kMadelia says, "Good day to thee, my %LORDLADY. Doth thou require a new gown?"
BarloqueTailor insect ~kMadelia says, "There be no insect here. To great lengths, I have gone to rid this room of moths."
BarloqueTailor jasper ~kMadelia says, "Strong and hard working are the mining men of yon Jasper. I must say that Jonas fits in well there."
BarloqueTailor marion ~kMadelia says, "'Tis a sweet place, thither Marion. Yet, I pray thee, tell me what is there to do in such a quaint spot?"
BarloqueTailor princess ~kMadelia says, "Hail Kateriina. Her Highness hath brought me from the filth of yon Tos to the magnificent glory of hither castle."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_BAD sex ~kMadelia says, "My head doth pound with pain at this time."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_GOOD sex ~kMadelia looks you over with an approving smile and says, "Mayhap later."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL sex ~kMadelia says, "Can thou see not, I am busy at work."
BarloqueTailor tos ~kMadelia says, "I pray thee, speak not of Tos. Her lights are far behind me."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_BAD ~kMadelia says, "I dread the thought of going back to Tos. 'Twas a most ugly affair when I left Frisconar."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_BAD ~kMadelia says, "Her Highness doth require my full attention on this gown. I pray thee, be gone from mine room."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_BAD ~kYou hear some girlish giggles coming from the back room. Madelia yells to the door, "Thou had better be hard at work back there."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kMadelia says, "Dost thou belong to a guild? Frular, the guild creator, is a ~Ivery good ~Ifriend of mine."
BarloqueTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kMadelia says, "I do believe that Frular is the most handsome man in all of the kingdom. Perchance, thou were sent not to me by his wife?"
BarloqueTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMadelia says, "Oh dear Pritchett, he tries in such great measure to blend with the nobility. If only he could properly learn the tongue of Barloque as I have. In faith, I do love him."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "I use only the best of material."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "Hast thou seen those atrocious red pants? For soothe, cheaper garments could be made not. I laugh at those ill-bred enough to wear them."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "If thou seeks to be entertained, thou will find Her Highness' library to be most exhilarating."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "Pledge thyself to Her Highness and thou wilt find learning of skills and magic to be of greater ease."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "The princess hath a heart made of pure gold. Thou art most welcome to use her banquet room for any of thy grand gatherings."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "'Tis strange, every now and again the door to the tower is locked. I know not what goings about happen within the chamber of the Mocker."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "The Brownstone Inn is a perfect place to settle down for the night. If thou sees dear Pritchett within, I pray thee, tell him that I have forgotten not our plans to dine together."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "In faith, 'tis difficult not to speak in the manner befitting the nobles of Barloque. Thou must only know when to use thees, thous, thys and wherefores. Try it and thou will see how easy it is."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "I am without blue mushrooms. 'Tis time to make nice to that simpkin Frisconar."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia says, "Thou should always have an excess of quality apparel. And a healthy variety for thy every occasion."
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia stitches up a beautiful embroidered ballroom gown.
BarloqueTailor ~kMadelia sorts through a box of fine threads and wonders aloud, "Now where did I leave my goldenrod?"
BarloqueTailor ~kA young girls voice calls from the other room, "Mistress, we are finished with the hems. May we go out and play now?" Madelia curtly calls back, "I will check thy work when I finish with my customer."
BarloqueVaultman barloque ~kObert says, "Thou wilt never find a more noble city than this here Barloque."
BarloqueVaultman buy ~kObert says, "I've no need to buy a thing from thee. 'Tis space and what could be stored in it that I deal."
BarloqueVaultman bye ~kObert says, "Your servant always, my %LORDLADY, fare thee well."
BarloqueVaultman bye ~kObert says, "I humbly thank you. Good day to thee, my %LORDLADY."
BarloqueVaultman cor NOTH ~kObert says, "Hath thou seen the mockery Cor Noth makes of fine Barloque's clepsydra with their, dare I say, clock. 'Tis an insult to our intelligent brain, says I."
BarloqueVaultman council ~kObert says, "I wonder what the council of five will do now? Perhaps Meidei knows."
BarloqueVaultman duke ~kObert says, "Surely Kalior hath made one enemy too many. This time his dealings hath surely earned him his trip to the grave."
BarloqueVaultman hello ~kObert Cair'bre says, "Good morrow, my %LORDLADY. To what do I owe the honor of thy presence?"
BarloqueVaultman hello ~kObert Cair'bre says, "Hail and well met, my %LORDLADY. How fare thee?"
BarloqueVaultman help ~kObert Cair'bre says, "I am at thy service, good noble. For a fee that thou will find none too exorbitant, I will store a number of goods for thee. 'Twill be safe from harm or theft, I assure thee."
BarloqueVaultman jasper ~kObert says, "In all its beauty, Jasper has surely taken a turn for the worse. I can barely believe the reports that the rebel talk is originating there."
BarloqueVaultman marion ~kObert says, "Many a year has it been since I have had presumption to visit thither Marion. What hear thou of her farmers? They must be well, for their summer crop was bountiful and sweet."
BarloqueVaultman princess ~kObert says, "Hail her grace! The Princess grows beautifully into her rule. I pray Akardius' false claims to the throne do not slow her ascent."
BarloqueVaultman sell ~kObert says, "'Tis not my business to sell the goods housed within mine warehouses, for the true owners would like it not."
BarloqueVaultman tokens ~kObert says, "Thou would not to leave tokens here for I have born witness that they move by their own desire. Thou could better profit thyself by offering those willful tokens to the council."
BarloqueVaultman tos ~kObert says, "A plague on Tos! In times long past, we took up arms against her. Our weapons now sit idle in their sheaths, but the stain of their insults disappears not."
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_BAD ~kObert says, "I pray thee, be on thy guard in hither docks. A magnificent city is Barloque, but not so much in that it hath not a bad side."
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_BAD ~kObert says, "It appears that the Duke shall not claim the crown. The land shall see new trouble as another pretender tries to usurp the throne."
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_BAD ~kObert says, "I am rather busy as thou can see. Make haste with thy business."
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_BAD ~kThe smell of fish hangs in the air.
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_GOOD ~kObert says, "With nary a ship in port in over a score of years, I found myself easily in the means of acquiring these unused warehouses. And that proved most wise on the part of me, for now nearly every soul in the land comes to fill my buildings with their collectibles."
BarloqueVaultman MOOD_GOOD ~kObert says, "My children hath grown so much in so few years. How fare thy kin?"
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "Dost thou hear, hither sewers of Barloque and thither sewers of Jasper meet one another in a most disagreeable fashion. 'Tis said much danger lies betwixt the two."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "'Tis said that one man, who be both a rascal and a cur, dwelleth in our sewers. I ask thee, what business hath any man below the cobblestone of this fair city?"
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "I do beseech thee, take thyself to the Bourgeois Castle and pledge thy allegiance to the Princess."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "Alas, poor Pritchett doth try badly to masque as a native of Barloque. Mayhap, someone need teach the knave how to speak properly. His tongue doth create words which make sense not."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "If thou hast need of a bank to store thy shillings, I would suggest a journey to the First Royal Bank of Jasper."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "Methinks, thou may find the most interesting items stashed within the cupboards of the shop keepers. They may part with said items, if favors are done in exchange."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "'Tis true enough, I do own the lot of these warehouses. Alas, save one. The guildhall on the west side. A rowdy bunch are they and not likely to give up their space to me or any one besides me for that matter."
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "How now! What's the matter?"
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "How now! From where, pray tell, dost thou find all of these baubles which thou bringest for me to store?"
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert says, "'Tis good indeed, that I possess near all of Barloque's warehouses, for they quickly fill with all that noble folk like thyself wish to store."
BarloqueVaultman ~kWith a grunt, Obert moves a crate to the back door.
BarloqueVaultman ~kObert packs up a crate of goods and marks it with a number.
BasicInnKeeper Archetype ~kRycksher says, "You have a memory as long as mine, I see."
BasicInnKeeper 3DO ~kRycksher says, "All hail the original design team, they put a great many hours into this land."
BasicInnKeeper Bacon ~kRycksher says, "She makes things, lots of things. The world would seem pretty empty without her stuff."
BasicInnKeeper band ~kRycksher says, "This isn't the only music they play, you know."
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_BAD barloque ~kRycksher says, "We here in Tos hate Barloque. I'm not sure why, but we probably have a pretty good reason. Those pompous people up there, all snooty with all their money and riches and gold. They aren't in need of a bartender, are they?"
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD barloque ~kRycksher says, "Oh, don't get me started on Barloque. We hate those guys. They, uh, they did something or other to us. So we hate them."
BasicInnKeeper Bazzano ~kRycksher says, "He's the Man. I mean it, he is the hook up man. Anything I need, Tom can get."
BasicInnKeeper bye ~kRycksher says, "Huh, you're leaving? But you hardly even danced. Or tipped the bartender."
BasicInnKeeper Carlson ~kRycksher says, "He's a big bully. He makes us say things we don't want to say. Ran er'Hoth isn't really crazy, you know. Peter said he would beat the old man up if he didn't act crazy. Well, I'm not going to let him push me around. Freedom, I say, ~BFREEDOM!~B"
BasicInnKeeper Charles ~kRycksher says, "Charles is an ass prodder. Oh, my bad. I mean Associate Producer."
BasicInnKeeper Chris ~kRycksher says, "He always has a smile on his face. What does he know that we don't?"
BasicInnKeeper Cole ~kRycksher says, "He offered me a choice once. Join him or die. I said I'd join and he didn't know what to do. Then I said I'll choose to die, and he's even more confused. Wish he would make up his mind on what he wants, damn Gemini."
BasicInnKeeper Corpuz ~kRycksher says, "Watch your back with this guy."
BasicInnKeeper cort ~kRycksher says, "Cort is the Watcher of the Arena. He was appointed by the Duke around the same time I got this job. We're old school chums. So I'm a little older than he is... he was just a fast learner."
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_BAD council ~kRycksher says, "A pox on the Council!"
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD council ~kRycksher says, "I'll drink to the Council!"
BasicInnKeeper Croddy ~kRycksher says, "She is on a mission. Beware!"
BasicInnKeeper drink ~kRycksher says, "I serve imported brew here. If you want the cheap stuff, it's in pitchers in the feast hall next door."
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_BAD duke ~kRycksher says, "Poor Kalior. He was the common man's ruler. His death is a warning of the dark times to come."
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD duke ~kRycksher says, "Poor Kalior. He was the common man's ruler. His death is a warning of the dark times to come."
BasicInnKeeper Ellis ~kRycksher says, "There's TWO of them now? Shal'ille help us."
BasicInnKeeper fehr'loi ~kRycksher says, "Fehr'loi Qan is an imbecile. We used to make fun of him. But he showed us. Up and moved his shop to Barloque. Making a lot more money now, I hear. I think he was bribed to leave Tos."
BasicInnKeeper frisconar ~kRycksher says, "Frisconar, he's a strange guy, always whining about something. 'oh, I think I'm getting the Orc plague.', 'oh, why did Madelia have to leave me, I'm so lonely and pitiful. Pity me.' or 'oh, Rycksher, why do you get all the ladies, I'm a little loser, I don't get any of the ladies. The ladies don't like me. Wah-wah.'"
BasicInnKeeper gift ~kRycksher says, "Sure, if you offer me something, I'll wrap it up for you. It's part of my job, though I'll need something to cover my expenses."
BasicInnKeeper Gilmer ~kRycksher says, "Is he here?! Damn, he's going to take my job as bartender."
BasicInnKeeper Giovannini ~kRycksher says, "Tony is ~Iso money~I. He doesn't even know how money he is."
BasicInnKeeper hackey ~kRycksher says, "Yeah, hackey sack, that's all they do. You didn't really think they spent their time working, did you?"
BasicInnKeeper Halley ~kRycksher says, "Don't mess with him. He's a big meany!"
BasicInnKeeper Hanke ~kRycksher says, "Just don't call him ~IJhankee~I."
BasicInnKeeper Hassan ~kRycksher says, "Throw a problem at Asif and he will put his head to it, just like a hackey sack."
BasicInnKeeper Hawkins ~kRycksher says, "What can I say, he once paid my salary."
BasicInnKeeper hello ~kRycksher says, "What?... oh. Welcome to the Grand Ballroom of his lordship, Akardius, Duke of Tos, Protectorate of the People, and, er... um, oh yeah, future Sovereign of all Meridian."
BasicInnKeeper help ~kRycksher says, "I'm Rycksher, the bartender. The Duke appointed me to make sure the Ballroom guests are having a good time. Are you having a good time? Like the Music? Have a gift to be wrapped? Need a drink?"
BasicInnKeeper island ~kRycksher says, "What island? My brother Paddock, mentioned there was some newly discovered island."
BasicInnKeeper Kennedy ~kRycksher says, "He's just doing this in his spare time. He's really a screen writer."
BasicInnKeeper Kirmse ~kRycksher says, "I wouldn't be here if not for those guys."
BasicInnKeeper Laroche ~kRycksher says, "A spirited lass, she is, she is."
BasicInnKeeper Lencioni ~kRycksher says, "Call him Prego, everybody does."
BasicInnKeeper madelia ~kRycksher says, "Madelia makes clothes. She moved to the Bourgeois Castle to make the big money. I think she had a thing for me."
BasicInnKeeper man and wife ~kRycksher says, "Huzzah! A toast to the couple!"
BasicInnKeeper Might & Magic ~kRycksher says, "A great place to have fun. You should check it out."
BasicInnKeeper Mike ~kRycksher says, "Haven't seen him around here in a while, but I owe a lot to him."
BasicInnKeeper Mitchell ~kRycksher says, "The whole world would not be so moody if not for that Andy character."
BasicInnKeeper music ~kRycksher says, "At the Bard's request, the orchestra may play a different song. They know all the tunes in Meridian."
BasicInnKeeper new world computing ~kRycksher says, "Never been to Xeen. I hear it's nice."
BasicInnKeeper O'Hara ~kRycksher says, "I don't like him. He makes me say things. In fact, he makes everybody say things. You think we like being told what to say? No! We want the freedom to say what's on our mind, not just what Kevin tells us to say. That son of a... "
BasicInnKeeper paddock ~kRycksher says, "My brother Paddock owns Familiars. He's the best bartender in the world. In case you haven't guessed, I'm the second best."
BasicInnKeeper Plotkin ~kRycksher says, "She's amazing. I ought to know, look at me."
BasicInnKeeper Prego ~kRycksher says, "What, you think I made it up?"
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_BAD princess ~kRycksher says, "She must be sitting smugly in her little castle. A pox on her! A pox on her!"
BasicInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD princess ~kRycksher says, "A pox on the Princess!"
BasicInnKeeper qan ~kRycksher says, "Fehr'loi Qan is an imbecile. We used to make fun of him. But he showed us. Up and moved his shop to Barloque. Making a lot more money now, I hear. I think he was bribed to leave Tos."
BasicInnKeeper Schubert ~kRycksher says, "That guy is nuts! He wants to rule the world by changing the laws of physics."
BasicInnKeeper Schwein ~kRycksher says, "Be nice to him, he's just here to help."
BasicInnKeeper Sellers ~kRycksher says, "Steve, Mike, Chris or Charles?"
BasicInnKeeper skivlat ~kRycksher says, "Skivlat has the perfect job. He just sits around counting money all day. I wish I were him."
BasicInnKeeper songs ~kRycksher says, "Don't you like the music?"
BasicInnKeeper Steve ~kRycksher says, "I think he's part of the mafia."
BasicInnKeeper Stidolph ~kRycksher says, "He worked on Generations. At least that's what they say."
BasicInnKeeper Theige ~kRycksher says, "It's good to be the King."
BasicInnKeeper Toepfer ~kRycksher says, "One day she'll take a relaxing vacation and get away from it all. Yeah, right."
BasicInnKeeper Tos ~kRycksher says, "Tos is my home town. I know everybody here. Go ahead, ask me about anyone in town."
BasicInnKeeper Vogel ~kRycksher says, "Traitor!"
BasicInnKeeper watcher ~kRycksher says, "Cort is the Watcher of the Arena. He was appointed by the Duke around the same time I got this job. We're old school chums. So I'm a little older than he is... so I helped him with his studies. Really."
BasicInnKeeper Weissman ~kRycksher says, "That guy just can't play a normal game of hackey sack. Always has to make up new rules."
BasicInnKeeper Wells ~kRycksher says, "Watch out for this guy. There is a lot more to him than you think. That quiet exterior is just an act, I tell you."
BasicInnKeeper wrapped ~kRycksher says, "Sure, if you offer me something, I'll wrap it up for you. It's part of my job. However the wrapping paper isn't free."
BasicInnKeeper Green ~kRycksher says,"Goes by Psychochild, right? An apt name if I ever saw one."
BasicInnKeeper Psychochild ~kRycksher says,"Have you seen the hours he keeps? If that's not crazy, what is?"
BasicInnKeeper Foley ~kRycksher says,"This place needs a good artist like her. I think she'll do just fine."
BasicInnKeeper Rob ~kRycksher says, "Look around you, %LADLASSIE, this place wouldn't be here if not for Rob. In fact, most of the world would not exist. You'd be still stuck in the forests of Meridian."
BasicInnKeeper Christopher ~kRycksher says,"That Ellis brother is a brave soul for signing up for duty in this world!"
BasicInnKeeper Gilroy ~kRycksher says,"He's got two qualities I love, drunken AND surly. Runs a nice gathering place, too, I hear."
BasicInnKeeper Zach ~kRycksher says,"That guy keeps this place available for you to visit. Make sure to thank him if you get a chance."
BasicInnKeeper Near Death Studios ~kRycksher says,"Truth be told, I like Near Death Studios a bit more than my previous owners. Hail NDS!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD aebu sikal ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD aebu sikal gah tamaal ~kSolomon says, "This is a whagzii phrase that we say to only the stupidest people which means 'go and put your head into the oatmeal pot'. Yes, only the stupidest people!! Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD bagab ~kSolomon says, "Bagab? Ha, ha ha ha ha, why a bagab is a person who hasn't the sense to wear shoes! Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD bagab ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD barloque ~kSolomon says, "Well, they stop indigents and farm animals at the front gate of Barloque, so either way you will have no luck, 'O No-Mannered One'. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD barloque ~kSolomon says, "When you are in Barloque, all of the best is available! And I might know, as they all come to see Solomon for their most exquisite fancies! Ha, ha ha ha ha!! When you are in Barloque, Tabu, see the shop of my very dear friend Herbutte! A very refined gentleman! Be sure to give him my kindest regards."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL barloque ~kSolomon says, "It is the city of Meridians' old Kings, and very, very wealthy! Yes, I travel there often for my business and know the people well, and I tell you, noble one, that there is unimaginable wealth in Barloque. And such refined taste! The best business."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD baszoo ~kSolomon says, "Baszoo means only that there is nothing more that we can say on the subject, that it is now in the hands of time and in the hands of the gods."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD binghi ghaloob ~kSolomon says, "Binghi ghaloob means 'you have terrible manners like a donkey with gas, and I hope you rot in your own bile'. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD binghi ghaloob ~kSolomon says, "Binghi ghaloob? Binghi ghaloob does not precisely translate to your language. The meaning of binghi ghaloob is quite complicated."
CornothGrocer bung ~kSolomon says, "What would you like it to mean, my friend?"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD bye ~kSolomon says, "Avoid the wrath of your own ignorance, my friend. Ha, ha ha ha ha! Aebu sikal gah tamaal! Good bye, siidhika! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD bye ~kSolomon says, "Keep the fair wind at your heels, my friend. I am missing you already."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL bye ~kSolomon says, "Blessings upon you. I am counting the days until you come back to see us."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD cor NOTH ~kSolomon says, "How did you get past the front gate? All these taxes I pay, I really must speak with the constable. Ha, ha ha ha ha!! No, really I don't believe that. This is a free city, where everyone is afforded free access and freedom to speak. Even blockheads, and hamsters such as yourself!! Ha. ha ha ha ha!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD cor NOTH ~kSolomon says, "You should consider this your second home, Tabu. Come back and see us often."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL cor NOTH ~kSolomon says, "I call this my home that is away from my home, for although my homeland is so very far away, and nothing will replace my homeland in my heart, Cor Noth is the most precious and free jewel in all of Meridian."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD council ~kSolomon says, "Bah!! What do you know of the council, siidhika?"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD council ~kSolomon says, "They are a very wise number of men, very wise indeed. And entrusted to make decisions over all the land! Sometimes, though, I think that they could use the advice of a woman... "
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL council ~kSolomon says, "A group of very fine gentleman, Tabu, very fine! Entrusted by the King, no less! And always willing to teach and share wisdom, I hear."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD dhami zeet ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD dinki ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD dinki padarapoo my ~kSolomon says, "Ha, ha ha ha ha!! Dinki padarapoomy is a word from the Maldive language which means 'carpenter who has nailed his own feet to the doorjamb'. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD diweafi ~kSolomon says, "Yes, Tabu, diwesafi means... how do you say it? Comprehension. Like a divine comprehension. Like that, but a little different too."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD diwesafi ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD duke ~kSolomon says, "A sad state of affairs. I am still reeling from the news of our Duke's death. I do hope that the taxes are not further increased."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD duke princess ~kSolomon says, "Aebu sikal gah tamaal!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD frisconar ~kSolomon says, "Always sick, that man, just as his business is! Unhealthy. He lives with a broken heart from Madelia, no other ailment.! Haga dhami zeet!! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD frisconar ~kSolomon says, "That is good, siidhika, take your business to that cretin!! Bah!! You will get exactly what you seek! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD gah ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ghazzabu ~kSolomon says, "Yes, that ghazzabu is a large and stupid animal that we hunt in my homeland with large stones, which we drop upon their heads from the greatest height imaginable. Splat!! Everywhere brains. But for all those brains the stupid ghazzabu still cannot think like a clever animal!! Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ghazzabu ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ghiza ~kSolomon says, "This means morning of large breakfast, and is a great compliment in whagzii."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ghiza haga ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ghum dikka ~kSolomon says, "Ah, yes, ghum dikka! Well that is a thing from my far home that we use to clean the baby after he has eaten too much kaab farlu."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ghum dikka ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD haatik ~kSolomon says, "This means simply 'it is my pleasure'."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD haatik ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD haga dhami zeet ~kSolomon says, "Ah, those are words from my native tongue that mean 'a man with water running through the spaces in his head'. Funny, yes? Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD hagzjaffe ~kSolomon says, "From my homeland, this is a great beast with terrible teeth and a terrible roar that flees from sudden movements or the smallest noises!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD hello ~kSolomon says, "Yes? Exactly what does siidhika precisely want, exactly?"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD hello ~kSolomon says, "Solomon is at your service, noble one. Ghiza Tabu, haatik."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL hello ~kSolomon says, "Come in, Tabu, come in. It has been so long since you came to see us!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD herak ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD herbutte ~kSolomon says, "I wonder would such a gentleman as Herbutte have you in his shop? No, I do not think so. I am too tolerant in so many ways!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD herbutte ~kSolomon says, "I believe that he is related to royalty! Yes, I think that it is true!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL herbutte ~kSolomon says, "A very fine gentleman, and also... my friend! Herbutte has a shop full of beautiful things in Barloque."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD jasper ~kSolomon says, "I hear that Jasper is the center of the unrest that threatens to send the land into chaos."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD jasper ~kSolomon says, "Did you know that Jasper was once a separate kingdom, and stayed in rebellion long after the King in Meridian declared that they must surrender? That will tell you something about Jasper. A very terrible war followed. The fortress of the old Jasper Warlords, Wryn’s Keep, stands to this day as testament. The people of Jasper, I believe, still want their independence to this time! There are many secrets in Jasper, even today. Especially today."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL jasper ~kSolomon says, "Although the mines in Jasper have run dry and the miners moved away, there are still a considerable number of gems that come out of the western Cragged Mountains, and Jasper in particular. Of course with the rebellion centered there, many more means to acquire wealth now are available now."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD jhonee ~kSolomon says, "That is from my native tongue of whagzii. Jhonee means, approximately, little squirrel."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD jhonee ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD joguer ~kSolomon says, "That is good, siidhika, take your business to that cretin!! Bah!! You will get exactly what you seek! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD joguer ~kSolomon says, "I would not even bother to make comment on this simple merchant. Like the hagzjaffe, with big teeth that never bites. Chat chat , but the quality of his merchandise? Below standard."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD kaab farlu ~kSolomon says, "Kaab farlu? Ah, Tabu, a delicious mixture of beans and fermented lettuce! It is very delicious, but a dish one must always remember to never feed the baby. That is very bad."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD kaab farlu ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD kagdur ~kSolomon says, "Kagdur is a word from the whagzii which means something like 'absurd clarity of vision', or something like that. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD kagdur ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD lady aftyn ~kSolomon says, "Yes, Tabu, the very definition of a Lady. So generous and kind, Lady Aftyn, that she no has opened a Sanctuary in Marion where she cares for the sick and the unfortunate! And with her own money! Yes, Tabu, her children are most upset by her actions since the death of her husband, a very wealth Lord that I knew so very well, may the gods smile at his soul... The children are still in Barloque, such scandal, making many noises about their mother squandering their inheritance on her charitable work and on the workings of Shal'ille! Goodness me, Tabu, goodness me."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD madelia ~kSolomon says, "Yes, she is a very desirable sort, a terrible heartbreaker! Poor jhonee!! She scorned Frisconar, and rightfully so, for he is dumma, unhealthy. Now I hear she has a great love affair with Frular the Guildmaster! But noble one, you did not hear that from me, for he is a married man! Oh dear, such scandal! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL madelia ~kSolomon says, "She is in Barloque, and what an accomplished dressmaker. She makes all of the clothing for the royalty, and it is said that she has great influence!! Yes, great influence!! It is just as well that she spurned the love of that dinki padarapoomy Frisconar!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD marion ~kSolomon says, "You will be in good company there, siidhika, amongst the swine, Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD marion ~kSolomon says, "Marion is so very stable, and the people so funny in their ways!! But the forests surrounding Marion are deep, and hold many secrets! I have seen some incredible things that have been brought out of these forests. I believe that the discovery of the Vale of Sorrow is just the beginning of incredible things that future explorers might find! Imagine the trade then, Tabu, the commercial opportunities!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL marion ~kSolomon says, "A simple town of simple folk. Farmers! The very stones of the earth! An honest town, my friend. We must all thank the farmer and the farm!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD morrigan ~kSolomon says, "That is good, siidhika, take your business to that cretin!! Bah!! You will get exactly what you seek! Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD morrigan ~kSolomon says, "That ghazzabu does not know a dragon scale from an orc tooth! Ha, ha ha ha ha!! One of my customers sold him three dozen edible mushrooms at great profit, for Morrigan thought that he was buying purple mushrooms!! Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD my baszoo ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD padarapoo ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD princess ~kSolomon says, "With the fall of the Duke and the maturing of our Princess, Kateriina shall soon have the crown on her head."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ran er'hoth ~kSolomon says, "Many laugh at that man, but he is a prophet, and has visions and premonitions that tell many tales of our tomorrows. Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ran er'hoth ~kSolomon says, "Ran er'Hoth is without knowing, as the wind is without knowing. Baszoo!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD rook ~kSolomon says, "What do you ask me of Rook for, silly siidhika? Don't get any ideas, you don't need to challenge Rook to impress us! We are already impressed with your dim wits, dinki padarapoomy. Baszoo."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD rook ~kSolomon says, "Ah yes, Rook indeed! The sad tale of Rook is a sad tale of impossible love! We cannot know if it is a love of duty or of the woman herself, but his love for the Princess came to complicate his duty to her as the Major of the Royal Guards, and he was forced to leave the court! Dueling for her honor! Tragic, eh? Now he spends his days taking students at the weapon school and waiting for a message from her that it is time to return to her side. Just waiting and waiting, for a message that may never arrive. But he is a hard man and will wait until he dies. Baszoo."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL rook ~kSolomon says, "Rook, yes Rook? Ahhh, Rook! Yes Rook is a great weapon master, who once served as the Major of the Royal Guards before retiring to this fine city and opening the weapon school. He is a stern man, but he is understanding, and we in Cor Noth are honored to have him here. They say that in his years at court he was a fierce duelist when his temper flared, but he is not this way anymore. Baszoo."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD rycksher ~kSolomon says, "Go find him in the Duke's castle, siidhika, and chat with him! And when you are there, tell him to come around my shop so I can box his ears for him!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD rycksher ~kSolomon says, "I wonder what he'll do now."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL rycksher ~kSolomon says, "Oh, he is a terrible gossip! Always ready to speak on any other person! I frown upon gossip."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD sepkas ~kSolomon says, "The sepkas? You don't know what the sepkas are? Ha, ha ha ha, you are so funny!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD sepkas ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer siidhika ~kSolomon says, "Siidhika is a word from my home, very far away, which means 'a dimwit possessing only the outlook of a vacant manure heap'. Ha, ha ha ha ha!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD tabu ~kSolomon says, "Tabu is a word from my people meaning 'treasured and well-disposed friend'."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD tabu ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD tamaal ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD tos ~kSolomon says, "Is this where you have come from, little dried fish person, have you come from Tos? Well it is a short trip back, and I think that you should make it soon. You should go home and study hard before you come back out among the rest of us, siidhaki."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD tos ~kSolomon says, "Tos is the financial center of Meridian. Many business people are loathe to say that aloud, but I will tell you that it is true."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL tos ~kSolomon says, "The memory of Kalior shall forever stay with Tos. It was he who made it the grand city that it is. I wonder if it shall all fall into decay?"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD wagzidi ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD wagzidi herak ~kSolomon says, "This is the man, in my home country, who must stand in the market and collect spare sepkas from the farmers and their families. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD whagzii ~kSolomon says, "That is the native tongue of my homeland, many miles from here."
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD whagzii ~kSolomon says, "Why do you ask me questions about these words? I don't trust you with understanding anything, siidhika, and especially not the words of an ancient and venerable tongue such as whagzii. But do not despair, for no good can come of it! It is not your fault that you were born a buffalo among men. Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Perhaps you would be able to better get along with those that you have dealings with, siidhika, if you would pay closer attention to what the other party wants! Every transaction, every conversation has two sides, but how would I expect a wagzidi herak to understand that!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Ah, prattlemouth! How you remind me of the fool of Tos, Rycksher. Always talk . Gossip and talking, and the business of everyone else. Ha, ha ha ha!! Well you won't get any gossip in my shop!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "What is that stench? Oh, it's you, my friend! I am so sorry, so sorry, I would have completely overlooked you in all of your insignificance if it were not for that terrible smell you exude!! Ha, ha ha ha ha! Oh, siidhika bagab, I am so sorry but you are repulsive, like fried liver and stink grass! Ha, ha ha ha ha!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Be careful siidhika, that you do not drop some of your fleas on my carpeting and tapestry work, I will have to get a Kraanan mender in to de-louse the shop. Ha, ha ha ha ha!! No offense, ghazzabu, but indeed you are a pathetic specimen, ha, ha ha ha ha! What can I do for you? I am afraid that I do not sell soap or ghum dikka!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Do you continue to befoul my modest and humble shop, beetle stain? Ah, that is truly the trouble with leaving the door open, siidhika, one never knows what offending debris may waft in with the next breeze! Ha, ha ha ha ha!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Ah, be sure to scrape off your feet before coming in to my shop next time, dung boy! This is a shop where nice people wish to pass time, not the barnyard you frequent, billy goat! Haga dhami zeet, sidhika."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "I have a few small apartments upstairs, which will occasionally come up for rent. There are no vacancies now, but check with me later if you are interested."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "You have definitely come to the right place for your magical reagent requirements!! Although I may not carry everything that you need, but what I have is the best quality! Just between the two of us, I feel quite sorry for those customers of mine that must do business with Joguer."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Oh, that Rook! What a sad friend that I have in that man Rook. He hides from his lost love as though it were a forgotten love, yes? Oh yes, he is in love, but his love is for the Princess and may never be realized. Ah, so tragic and so complicated!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "And what has happened to the merchant Qesino of Jasper? Yes, an innkeeper from Jasper, perhaps you knew him for he was a prosperous man. Generous? No! Prosperous? Yes! But now he has gone missing, and with a large amount of ~Igold~I."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Bung dabba!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Think of my shop as though it were your own, noble one. As your own."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Relax, and enjoy my hospitality, my dear friend. Although it is modest I offer you every comfort that I possess."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Look around, Tabu, take all of my time that you wish to take. When you are in my shop you may leave time and trouble together at the door, where they may be occupied with each other while you are my guest."
CornothGrocer MOOD_GOOD ~kSolomon says, "Providence has truly blessed me today with your presence, Tabu. I am blessed every way."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "I have heard from travelers of an ancient building out in the forest that was a dwarven hall. This makes me very curious."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "If you are traveling from city to town, I believe you will find that people may have errands for you to deliver to their remote destinations! Oh, the countryside is hardly safe for an unarmed messenger!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "It is a strange and bountiful land, noble one. Many of the exotic items that you come across in your wanderings will have a market when you reach the towns, so preserve what you can. There are some items that I am always looking for, and will draw a fine price in gold."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Many of the things in my shop must come across the southern passes in the Cragged Mountains. It is a perilous journey, Tabu, for these passes are the home of the most fearsome trolls. And for the past few years now I hear reports of orcs and mutated ants there as well. It's no wonder our import prices rise!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Cor Noth is the center of trade and other activities of culture in this land, noble one. You must take the time to enjoy this fine city while you are here. I am certain you will find it to your liking!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "I have an extensive collection of magical reagents here, many of them quite rare. I offer the best prices for quality goods as well, my friend, so see me before you go to Tos, Barloque or Marion. We can reach an agreement, jhonee tabu, because we are old friends."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "My friends come from every part of this world to visit me and enjoy the hospitality, Tabu. I am blessed by their presence, by the generosity of the gods, and by the many, many stories of my guests!! Oh, I hear stories from every part of the kingdom."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Yes, and have you been to see the madman in Marion? Ah Tabu, what ravings! What diwesafi! What kagdur! Many years ago he walked the land and I knew him then, and I believe that he is a prophet. Yes, truly!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "My dear friend Herbutte has a very fine shop in Barloque. And what a gentleman he is, of the most regal bearing!! And his shop also is full of beautiful things, perhaps if I do not have what you need he will. Be sure to tell him that I sent you!!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Yes, beautiful things. Exotic, beautiful things."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "I am sure, noble one, that I must have something here that you have been living without for much too long."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "What happiness that you are here today, Tabu. I have just received merchandise that I am sure you will appreciate."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "It is my tremendous fortune to have you here to visit, Tabu. May I show you anything in particular? Or have you come today to sell?"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Please, you are my guest. Be comfortable and enjoy the modest jewel that is my shop."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "Binghi ghaloob, my friend, binghi ghaloob."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "How happy I am to see you, noble one."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kSolomon says, "I am your humble servant, Tabu, honored to count you among my friends. Please be kind enough to pass the time with me."
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kSolomon says, "It is my understanding that the uncut seraphym, found around Konima's Island, can be worked by a jeweler into a polished state. And how beautiful it is then, Tabu. And for the jewelers, it is but a hobby!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Only flawless reagents are useful for the casting of spells, Tabu. There are some orc teeth, plus the more rare dragonfly eyes and kriipa claws that simply are inferior!"
CornothGrocer MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kSolomon says, "Everyone is talking about this new school of magic, the Riija school. From what I can understand, Tabu, it is characterized by extreme power at high cost, but that ultimately it is quite frail. Flawed, overall."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD avar ~kD'Franco says, "Go on, you. That's enough with your prying."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD avar ~kD'Franco says, "Probably get a whole feather bed out of just one of those beasts, if what I hear is true. I think we don't have the luxury of time on this one, we march an army right through that human settlement and take the whole damned island with one move. Simple like, just like that."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL avar ~kD'Franco says, "I say hit them before they hit us, and hit them hard."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD barloque ~kD'Franco says, "Is that where you hail from, stranger? What a joke. It's a cesspool of corruption and royal dogma."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD barloque ~kD'Franco says, "A complete waste of space. A blemish on the face of this land. The entire city ought to be ~Iburned~I to the ground, and its inhabitants sent off into the wilderness to fend for themselves. Snobs and thieves, the lot of them."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL barloque ~kD'Franco says, "A nice place, I guess. If you like all the trappings of the royalty, or if you need the sort of artificial solace that a royal family provides. I don't need it, and I wouldn't live there. Not on a bet."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD bye ~kD'Franco says, "Good riddance. Humpf."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD bye ~kD'Franco says, "Come back and see us soon, %NAME!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL bye ~kD'Franco says, "Goodbye. Be careful now."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD cor NOTH ~kD'Franco says, "Mind your own business, you. Don't go disturbing honest folk in here with your sniveling."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD cor NOTH ~kD'Franco says, "Cor Noth is a great town, loyal and patriotic to this kingdom. I think it has become a bit ~Itoo~I tolerant, if you know what I mean. An awful lot of foreigners here, most of them suspicious."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL cor NOTH ~kD'Franco says, "I love this town. Great place. I served in her forces, and would put my life forward to defend her without hesitation."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD council ~kD'Franco says, "Don't you go sticking your nose into my business, stranger. I don't know you from Konima."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD council ~kD'Franco says, "Not a bad bunch of guys, if you enjoy conversation with impotent old men. Myself, I've got no time for it."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL council ~kD'Franco says, "You're full of questions, aren't you? Well, the Council is kind of a hold-over from the days when the King still ruled from Barloque. It's mostly a ceremonial position now, a kind of honorary entitlement."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD duke ~kD'Franco says, "I salute Kalior, even in death!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD duke ~kD'Franco says, "An honorable man."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL duke ~kD'Franco says, "Akardius had better do something with the army. Kalior spent the better part of his years making it the best in the land."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD grassy knoll ~kD'Franco says, "There were three shooters."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD hello ~kD'Franco says, "Humpf."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD hello ~kD'Franco says, "Hail, %NAME! Come in and make yourself comfortable."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL hello ~kD'Franco says, "Hello! Welcome to the Cibilo Creek Inn."
CorNothInnKeeper Izzio ~kD'Franco says, "Yea, I've seen him. That sorry excuse for a peddler has been in here. I hope he is not polluting the King's way with his presence again. That man needs to get a real job and stop forcing his wares on the weary travelers coming into town."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD jasper ~kD'Franco says, "What are you doing snooping around my inn? Be on your way, you."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD jasper ~kD'Franco says, "Traitors! The people of Jasper are traitors! Duke Akardius will take care of them, in good time... "
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL jasper ~kD'Franco says, "Stay away from Jasper, if you want my advice. That is a dangerous, deceptive place."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD king ~kD'Franco ignores you.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD king ~kD'Franco says, "Kill Zarcos, and people I know will reward you beyond your wildest fantasies."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL king ~kD'Franco pretends you didn't say anything.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD marion ~kD'Franco says, "I don't like the looks of you, not the least little bit."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD marion ~kD'Franco says, "Watch your back in Marion. Royalists, you know."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL marion ~kD'Franco says, "Marion's a great town, if you like sitting around and watching the corn grow."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL money ~kD'Franco says, "Forget it. I don't loan money out."
CorNothInnKeeper need a courier? ~kD'Franco says, "Not right now, %NAME. Perhaps later."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD orc ~kD'Franco says, "What do you know about fighting orcs? Mind your own business."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD orc ~kD'Franco says, "We should flood the warrens."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL orc ~kD'Franco says, "Those awful beasts should be exterminated. We tried, some years back, and I lost a lot of friends in the campaign. Slowed them down for a while, checked their advance but you can bet they'll be back in all their force and fury."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD princess ~kD'Franco says, "Who are you poking around other peoples business like some kind of a Royal spy? Get out of here, you. I've got nothing to say to you."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD princess ~kD'Franco says, "Hang the rich."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD princess ~kD'Franco says, "She should stand trial for her family's crimes against this country... that is, if she purports to be the representative of the Zarcos family. And if she isn't, why then she should get out of the palace and make an honest living like the rest of us."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL princess ~kD'Franco says, "Princess Kateriina Zarcos? I don't abide by her right to succession, or with the manner that her family has run this land into the ground over the last up-teen generations. That's right, ~Igenerations~I."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD princess ~kD'Franco says, "You've got to be kidding if you call that pathetic wench the heir to any throne."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD Tangee Bluff ~kD'Franco says, "I'm not talking to you about that."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD Tangee Bluff ~kD'Franco says, "I don't know what happened... it was... hey, so I kind of lost it, okay? So I didn't know what to do, I couldn't make sense of anything, I panicked, okay? But you just don't know what you'll do at a moment like that until you're there, you know that? Do you know that?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL Tangee Bluff ~kD'Franco says, "We were marching all day in the sun, climbing a rocky trail about two days south of Jasper. It was hot, and we hadn't seen a thing since we set out. Gotta give the orcs that, if they don't want you to see them then you won't see them. But they hit us just before sundown, in from both sides. Squeezed the scouts out, isolated them and slaughtered them to the man. They came in three waves, and by the end of an hour they were gone. We lost half the battalion, all Cor Noth men, about two hundred and twenty. We turned around that night, and dragged the wounded home back through the pass."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD tos ~kD'Franco says, "Don't you have anything better to do than disturb an honest businessman with your prattle? You annoy me."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD tos ~kD'Franco says, "Tos is truly the capital of Meridian, and those that say differently can hang. I consider it to be the center of government, the seat of real power."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL tos ~kD'Franco says, "Cor Noth may be the best place to come for interesting conversation and ideas, but Tos is the business center of Meridian. I try to get over there as often as possible."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD tova ~kD'Franco says, "Tova is an idiot."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD troll ~kD'Franco says, "Take your questions somewhere else."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD troll ~kD'Franco says, "They are demons, warbeast slaves to the orcs when their armies march because of some ancient malevolent pact. I have seen it with my own eyes, in the battle at Tangee Bluff."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco pointedly yawns.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco absently picks his nose.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco wipes his brow and scowls.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco just looks at you, shaking his head.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco doesn't let you out of his sight.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco wipes his hands on his shirt and scowls at you.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco mumbles to himself distractedly.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco eyes you and spits.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco clears his throat noisily.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco says, "Humpf. I think you should be going."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco bangs dishes around as he cleans up, clearly annoyed.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco sneers at you.
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_BAD ~kD'Franco says, "You're a liberal, aren't you!?!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "Two words, and two words only. Civil war. Think about that."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "Descendants of Konima or not, I say we jump on those militaristic people on the island with both feet. Wipe them out, and now. Or should we just wait around for them to do the same to us?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "The Royals are building support, secret-like. I'm not so young that I don't remember what it's like under a corrupt King's rule, and no way am I going back to that. They'll have to bury me first."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "The King lives yet, although he is in hiding. I don't where he is or when he'll resurface, but you can bet he will. Crazy? Crazy like a fox, that old man."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "I hear that there's a ~Isubstantial~I bounty for the loyal citizen who finds the old fox King Zarcos. That's not public knowledge now. I also suspect that if someone were to find him and he met with some kind of accident, that person would make some ~Iinfluential~I friends indeed."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "The Princess is a ~Itraitor~I. Akardius needs to pull the troops together, as this land is in a state of emergency. Orc Warrens! Armies of bird-beast men! We need strong leadership, and as for the Princess? Throw her to the dogs!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "After we take care of the orcs and the avar and the so-called human settlement at Ko'catan, something needs to be done about Jasper. They are a rebellious people, prone to violence and insubordination. Their history shows that quite clearly."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "That Yevitan up in Jasper is a man to watch. Scheming and clever, I know he's up to ~Isomething~I."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "The time when we needed a Royal Family for anything in this land is ~Iover~I. It's just sentimental nonsense. Nostalgia and schlock. Bah!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "I haven't been over to Konima's Island, and I'll tell you the truth I don't think I want to go. But I've seen some of the goods from those ~Ipeople~I and I'm here to say that their workmanship doesn't hold up to what we have here in Meridian."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "Always great to see you."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "Far'Nohl was a great man that turned to evil. He ruled this kingdom many years ago before his treachery met with an evil demise. But now his restless spirit wanders the earth again. He is evil incarnate."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_GOOD ~kD'Franco says, "I have heard from a traveler that there is a dictator that rules those island people. She claims to have seen him... she says that he is old and decrepit, but a direct descendant of Konima himself!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Oh dear! Who shall raise the army to stop the orcs? We know where they are; but is there a force that can stop them?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "You know, with all the changes in the land, the new faction, Jonas leading the rebels, these attacks on the nodes, one starts to wonder just what lies ahead for us."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I pray that Kalior's military does not disintegrate in his absence. It will take a strong leader to fill those boots. Who is going to stop this civil unrest?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I lament at the fall of Kalior. He may have been the only one capable of stopping the threats imposed upon this land. Hail Kalior! May his memory live forever!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "These island people, the so-called followers of Konima... who is to say that they're our allies? What do we really know about them? They are an unknown element, and we need to treat them accordingly. Keep them at an arm's length."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "These tokens that the Meridian Council carries are mysterious items indeed. I have even heard that those that carry such a token are immune to the effects of death!"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "To improve your abilities as a warrior, go and talk to Rook. His house is here in Cor Noth, right up the street. He is one of the finest swordsmen that ever lived, and is certainly the finest teaching his craft today. Even if his allegiances are... suspect, at best."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "To regain your strength from your journeys and from fighting, an inn is the best place to rest. You're safe here, and we'll see to all of your needs."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "When you're just beginning the path of the warrior, stick to fighting creatures that are not ~Itoo~I powerful. I started with giant rats and baby spiders before I went into the army and really learned the business of fighting."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Often the townspeople in Meridian need errands run for them, or favors. If you can help them out it is a good way to receive a reward of one type or another. We've all got to make a living."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Many of the townsfolk in these parts have spent some time adventuring themselves, and have ~Ispecial~I knowledge themselves that you may profit from. The trick is in getting on the right side of them to learn their minds."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "There is now a fifth temple where the dedicated may go to study in their school of magic, from my understanding. That is the Riija temple, thought for many, many years to be lost and now rumored to be on a remote and mysterious island."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting fed up with all this superfluous magic use in the towns. Some spellcaster makes it dark, and then it's too light from someone else's trickery, maces and apples lying all over the place... I won't stand for it in my place, and you can bet the Duke is looking into it. It's harassment, plain and simple."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "When business was good, everybody was happy. Duke Kalior kept the wheels turning and the money changing hands. He was and still is a great man."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Brigands and thieves running all over the land... what next? Someone has to keep those murdering, thieving swine in check. Thank Faren for the courage of those who do."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I have heard that at the heart of these orc warrens is a huge amount of treasure, should any party of adventurers be valiant and persistent enough to make it there."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Not all opinions are of equal value. Some opinions are better than other opinions. Since this is my establishment, my opinion is the best opinion available."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Check out the news globe there in the corner, there are some interesting posts."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "The Bards are a great addition to this town. Always helpful, full of information."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "These red sky days are a curious event. I stay inside the inn here when they occur, where it's safe."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Some strange reports coming from the mysterious island. They say there is a race of bird-like men there with a deadly magic all their own."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I served with Duke Kalior's Army when the call to duty came. Cor Noth Light Infantry, Third Battalion under General D'Accor. I was at Tangee Bluff, no doubt you've heard of the battle there."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Anyone can speak their mind freely in my inn. You are free to express yourself here, provided you use good manners."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I could tell you stories about the Third Orc Campaign that would make your hair stand on end... but I don't like to talk about it. I saw too much, I tell you, too much."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "I am proud to be from Cor Noth. Fourth generation, and my family has a long record of service and patriotism."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Business keeps this country up and on its feet."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Money. You may not like it, but you have got to have some."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "All are welcome at the Cibilo Creek Inn, and all may speak their minds freely. We only ask that you keep a civil tongue for the benefit of our other patrons."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Come in and make yourself comfortable. What is the news from outside these walls?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Can I get you anything?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "What?"
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Ouch."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Must have been something I ate."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "Darned heartburn is acting up."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco belches loudly and says, "Excuse me."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kD'Franco says, "An innkeeper couldn't ask for a better town to set up shop in than Cor Noth. Between the university here, and all the travelers passing through, this place is always busy. Cor Noth is the crossroads of Meridian, no doubt about it."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kD'Franco says, "It's nice to be alive, here and now."
CorNothInnKeeper MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kD'Franco says, "Nice to have you here."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD avar ~kRook says, "They are very dangerous, from the tales I have heard. I understand that the Avar can field armies, as we can! I do not think that you will ever see such a force in these parts, though."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD barloque ~kRook says, "Thou art unfit to bespeak the name at all, knave. Go on, be about your business."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD barloque ~kRook says, "I wish I'd never left, curse the day that I first set foot in this dry place, but the choice was not mine to make, don't you see. In time we must all obey our masters. And as importantly, those that advise our masters."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL barloque ~kRook says, "'Tis not a fairer place in the world than the royal Barloque. By my life there is not."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD bye ~kRook watches you leave, very carefully.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD bye ~kRook says, "Fare well to you, my friend."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL bye ~kRook says, "Good day."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD cave orc ~kRook says, "I have not yet encountered a Cave Orc, though you can be sure that they are as formidable as their mountainous counterparts to the south of here."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD cor noth ~kRook says, "Go out and see it, knave."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD cor noth ~kRook says, "Cor Noth is in a strong position strategically, in a flanking position for any attack on Barloque that might come from Tos, or the mountains beyond. It is no accident that I have chosen this place for my ~Itemporary~I exile."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL cor noth ~kRook says, "It is a fair, provincial town. Suitable enough for my academy, though I must say it is dominated by bookworms and squidheads."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD council ~kRook says, "Flee, fool. Scatter."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD council ~kRook says, "Old men. What position is there for a lame panel of toothless half-wits in our current situation? Take them for a long walk, and come back alone, I'd be happier for it."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL council ~kRook says, "Once respected, certainly, but my view is that it is time that they move to a strictly advisory role are replaced with younger, more aggressive thinking citizens."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD cylill ~kRook says, "An honorable officer, and a veteran with an impeccable career. He is on the wrong side though, serving with the Duke's Army, and I fear that we may someday meet across the field from one another."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD dragonfly ~kRook says, "Most remarkable, if what one hears is true! You will not encounter Dragonfly on the Meridian mainland, however. They are confined to Konima's Island."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD duke ~kRook says, "What a waste. All these years competing for the throne. Why couldn't he have died years ago and made Kateriina's rightful ascension to the throne easier?"
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD duke ~kRook says, "I guess I have lost the chance to kill the pig myself."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL duke ~kRook says, "This Akardius makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Someone ought to watch him."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD hello ~kRook watches you, slowly running his fingertips back and forth across his upper lip.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD hello ~kRook says, "Come in. It is a pleasure to see you again."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL hello ~kRook says, "Good day, %SIRMADAM."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD jasper ~kRook says, "I have no time for this talk."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD jasper ~kRook says, "A thorn in the side of this kingdom since the beginning of time, the people of Jasper have launched more campaigns against the throne than all the orc hoards combined."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL jasper ~kRook says, "A rebellious place, and a tough people, natural irregulars. Fine soldiers."
CorNothSergeant jonas ~kRook snorts contemptuously, "Humph, what next? King Jonas? HAH! That blubbering buffoon couldn’t lead an army of brain dead trolls, let alone his own faction."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD jonas d'accor ~kRook says, "He has been a little more tight-lipped. I've also heard he has been wandering a bit more frequently.... Wonder what he's up to."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD king zarcos ~kRook says, "Even now his forces gather, in anticipation of coming battle."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD kriipa ~kRook says, "I have not yet seen this monster, for they live far off in the jungles on Konima's Island."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD lupogg king ~kRook says, "There is but one way to attack the Lupogg King, and that is with numbers. Send in different leads to engage him, and pull those warriors back when they become wounded."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD marion ~kRook says, "Bah."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD marion ~kRook says, "The Royalists have many loyal allies in Marion. The rank and file of every King's Army throughout every war in this lands' history has marched from Marion under the banner of the Zarcos family. The people of Marion stand by the King even now."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL marion ~kRook says, "A fine town. Ever loyal, ever valiant, ever strong."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD medei ~kRook says, "An utter fool."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD morrigan ~kRook says, "A loyal ally to the King."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD orc pitboss ~kRook says, "Only the mightiest warrior should pit their skills against the Orc Pitboss in solo combat, for he is incomprehensibly fast and stronger than two men."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD orc chieftain ~kRook says, "Only the mightiest warrior should pit their skills against the Orc Pitboss in solo combat, for he is incomprehensibly fast and stronger than two men."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD orc wizard ~kRook says, "The Orc Wizard is found in the caves and underground passages of the Orc Warrens. They possess powerful magic, but I cannot say their strength."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD princess ~kRook says, "Thou hast not the honor to speak such a noble name without besmirching it by proxy. Leave mine sight, patch, ere I run you through the guts and leave you to die like the dog you are."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD princess ~kRook says, "To this maiden I have pledged mine life, and now await the chance to hold my strength to the test. I know that she had to send me away, just as I know that the time will come when she shall require my loyal service again. I await that time, and practice my skills."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL princess ~kRook says, "How now! What news of this fair lady do you bring?"
CorNothSergeant rebels ~kRook says, "Do I think they are a threat? Don’t make me laugh, I mean their headquarters is located in a bar."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD regifan du bukise ~kRook says, "In truth this Regifan is not a threat to man or beast, he is a rodent with ideas. I have but little use for academics, intellectuals, and the like, for I have heard enough of their theories on why this land suffers."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD rugby ~kRook says, "I played when I was younger, of course... stand-off, in the academy and for Barloque. I cannot play any more, however, as those hooligans from Marion fractured my spine in a dirty tackle."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD Shadowbeast ~kRook says, "I have heard that the shadowbeast has the ability to darken the area around itself. I have never seen such a beast, but I know it to be a formidable opponent."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD teach ~kRook says, "I take students on a as necessary basis."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD tos ~kRook says, "Moron. Go and bother someone else, or I'll have one of my understudies dispatch you."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD tos ~kRook says, "A den of iniquity. We will live to see Tos burned to the ground, sieged and put to the sword. You have my word as a gentleman on that."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL tos ~kRook says, "The business center of Meridian. Need I say more? Naturally I don't have much occasion to travel there."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ultima ~kRook says, "Ha ha ha ha ha! What's this? Where? Ultra what?"
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "Leave me."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "I haven't time for you. Leave this place."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "Our conversation is over. Leave me now."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook mumbles, "Impudent upstart, power is so important to him now that he is determined to take others down with him."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook pointedly ignores you.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "Get thee gone. I am weary from the burden of your company, and my patience grows thin."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "I have no more time to waste with your like. Be gone."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "Thou dost not want to anger me, be certain of that. Go, before you err beyond mine temper, knave."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook says, "Go back to your Duke and tell him to keep his servants about his own house, where they won't get hurt. If you stay here I cannot promise your safety, slave. Get thee along to thy mommy."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook's eyes become narrow slits, as he watches you with calculated venom.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook nods his head slowly, watching you move about the room.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_BAD ~kRook is fuming mad.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD ~kRook says, "King Zarcos lives, but is in hiding somewhere in Barloque. The time is right for him to return."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD ~kRook says, "I live by the code of honor and that of the blade. There is no question that cannot be resolved within these sacred laws."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_GOOD ~kRook is so clearly a little man with an over-active ego.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "'Tis a swordsman that thou fancies thyself? Mayhap I could show thee some guidance in your discipline, if thou art practiced enough and ready to progress."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Dost thou work then with the battle axe, to master its finer points? I too have dedicated my life to the combative skills and their perfection, and now earn my fortunes by teaching what I can. When thou art ready to learn more skills, perhaps I will help thee for a price."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "If thou art following the path of the archer, then thou hast come to the wrong place, for I know nothing of that weapon except that those that fight by bow do so without honor. If thou art following the path of the archer, then get thee gone to the company of rogues and ambushers, for that is who would use such a weapon."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Dost thou use the mace as thy weapon of preference? 'Tis an honorable weapon, and deadly in the hands of one versed in its mastery."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Of the traditional weapons, I would take the long sword above all others. It is the mainstay of the King's Army, and as such I have spent the best of my life dedicated to the perfection of its art."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The ways of magic are the ways of priests, the weak, the blind. Forsooth the ways of magic are the ways of those without the mettle to fight with honor, and distinction."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "For the enterprising traveler, there are often messages that must be carried back and forth between parties across the land. Thou will'st certainly gain favor and often profit by playing the envoy."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The short sword is an honorable weapon, the weapon of the ancient gladiators of Tos. It is no match for the long sword in its reach, but it is deadly close-in."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "There will be trouble soon between the factions. Fighting trouble."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "If you wish to improve your skills as a warrior, you must fight against opponents that are worthy, nay, even beyond your abilities."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "You will not advance your abilities if you are not willing to take risks. If you want to grow stronger, you must face great danger, and be willing to take wounds."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Kateriina needs to take the throne now. All things point to it. She is of age, Kalior is no more, and that fledgling politician, Akardius, is not fit to rule."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Thou hast come seeking the finest master swordsman to ever grace this land, and thou stands now before him. What dost thou humbly ask?"
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "There are some warriors that seek solace in the mighty Kraanan. They have developed spells, potions and wands in his powerful name... I feel certain that Kraanan himself is angered at these weaklings, and at their inability to wield a blade. A warrior hasn't time to pray in battle."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "On what side dost thou stand, friend? Barloque or Tos? If thou com'st from the Duke's camp, why then state thy business and we shall see to it now. But if thou dost side with the Princess, why then thou art most welcome, and consider my house as your own."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "If a man is not afraid to die, then it is of no avail to threaten him."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The ultimate honor for a warrior is to pick the time and the place of his own death."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Training, training, training. That is the way behind the greatest warriors, every one."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The shield is a useful tool, and if thou will fight with one, choose yours carefully."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The great yetis of the ice caves to the west are a challenge even to fighters of the most developed ability."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "The orcs are powerful swordsmen, though certainly lacking in the subtly that come with study. But do not underestimate them. You may end up paying for that mistake with your life."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Yes, I am the greatest swordsman who has ever lived. The greatest."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Pick your battles carefully. You will retain your enemies forever, for the most powerful of them will never forgive, or forget."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "You must never back down from ~Iany~I fight, against ~Iany~I foe. Never concede, nor surrender an inch of ground. Even if you are killed, it will be with your pride."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Keep your wits sharp, and your strategy two steps before the strategy of your foe. Strategy and skill will prevail over even the most powerful enemy who fights with skill alone."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "You stand before a master. Bow."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "Gather together the ten most gifted sword fighters of the land, and send them at me in a single wave. I will deliver to thee ten bodies, ten headless peasants, and would be without a scratch."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook is a man with a legendary temper, with the reputation as the greatest duelist of the age.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook has the mannerisms of a well-groomed military officer, although beneath his impeccable manners lies the temper of a gut-shot troll.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook says, "What can I do for you today?"
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook taps a little rhythmic patter out with his fingers against the back of his left hand.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook eyes you coolly.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook stands very, very straight and watches your every movement.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kRook is possessed with a sense of grace and agility that is evident immediately to any in his presence.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kStanding before this little man it isn't hard to see that his reputation as the deadliest swordsman alive is believable. His every move is careful, smooth.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "The orc scimitar is a ungainly weapon, heavy and off balance. Certainly not the weapon for a officer, though it is quite fearsome in the hands of those practiced in the skill. There are those around that would be able to teach a warrior those skills. Not myself, mind you."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "Look straight into the eyes of your enemy, as your battle approaches and when battle is engaged. Do not shift your gaze to their hands, their sword, or any distraction that they might encourage. The battle will be won or lost through their eyes."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "The swordsman rules the day. Or swordswoman, for many of the finest warriors in this land are female, as I should know, for they all pass through these doors seeking the advice of the ~Imaster~I."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "I am to understand that there is a great teacher on the faraway land at Ko'catan who teaches the bow. A fantastic weapon for the hunting, but forsooth I cannot say that a warrior would use it with honor in the field of battle."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "If thou might wish to dedicate thyself to the scimitar, then I have heard that there is a man in Jasper that might be persuaded to help thee with that. I have heard that there is a teacher there who has great skills at the orc weapon."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "The future of this land is as a map is, where the mileposts will instead be swords. It is a map where the piled corpses of the enemies of the crown will lie as thick road lines to mark the passage of the valiant forces of the Princess Kateriina."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "I am loyal to none save the crown and to the lineage of the Zarcos line, a family of most royal bearing. Their direct bloodline has ruled this fair land for two centuries and half another, a bloodline that now sustains in the rightful heiress Kateriina. No others will ever challenge this right by sword as long as I stand."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "I have killed twenty-four men in duels alone. Do you think you live by honor? By chivalry? It is up to you how you want to live, and how you die. If you live with dignity and honor then death is of no consequence."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook seems easily offended.
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "Thy karma is much more profoundly effected when thou dost kill another person as to when thou dost kill a beast."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "A large foe like the Lupogg King should only be attacked in sufficient numbers to deal many blows, or thou is doomed indeed."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kRook says, "Keep this in mind: that when one is attacked with magic, the power of thine weapons and thine armor will protect thee if thy gear be strong enough."
CorNothSergeant MOOD_NOT_GOOD ~kRook says, "If thou will dedicate thyself with equal ardor to the combative arts as thou dedicates thyself to meaningless prattle, you will surely be a giant."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD barloque ~kHester Gilk says, "I don't have occasion to travel, ah, to Barloque with frequency."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD barloque ~kHester Gilk says, "Barloque is a, ah, a sort of a shell of a city, almost a perfect metaphor for the state of governmental affairs here in Meridian. Nothing left but the trappings of royalty. Some, ah, some pieces of decaying grandeur. So what."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL barloque ~kHester Gilk says, "The sea is very beautiful at Barloque. I think the city itself is a bit, ah, a bit dry."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD bye ~kHester Gilk watches you briefly, and then goes back to her sewing.
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD bye ~kHester Gilk says, "Good bye. Be careful."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL bye ~kHester Gilk says, "Ah yes, goodbye."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD cor NOTH ~kHester Gilk says, "Well, I haven't been here long enough to form a strong opinion one way or the other."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD cor NOTH ~kHester Gilk says, "Cor Noth is the city of my exile. Of all the cities in Meridian, I believe that Cor Noth is the most palatable, but it is not the home that I have left behind. I have much work to do here."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL cor NOTH ~kHester Gilk says, "Yes, this is, ah, this is a lovely place, my new home. It has been very welcoming toward me. You could say that I am grateful."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NOT_BAD council ~kHester Gilk says, "The Council? I understand that they are, ah, very wise and venerable men."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD duke ~kHester Gilk says, "Which one? The dead or the living?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD duke ~kHester Gilk says, "D'Franco is surely abashed at the death of Duke Kalior."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL duke ~kHester Gilk says, "It appears that even without Kalior, his plans to earn the throne may still throw Meridian into civil war."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD hello ~kHester Gilk nods without looking up from her sewing.
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD hello ~kHester Gilk says, "Hello. Is there something I can show you?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL hello ~kHester Gilk says, "Yes, hello."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD jasper ~kHester Gilk says, "I don't know anything about this place."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD jasper ~kHester Gilk says, "You could say that I have an, ah, an affinity for Jasper, and the people of Jasper. Like me, the people of Jasper have borne the abuses of power on their spirits, and on, ah, on their independence. You might also say that I am involved with their struggle, and with their future."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL jasper ~kHester Gilk says, "I have many recent friends in Jasper. The people there have many troubles to overcome, many hurdles."
CorNothTailor marion ~kHester Gilk says, "I understand that it is a quaint city, although I must admit that I have not yet visited the town. I am looking forward to that time."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD princess ~kHester Gilk says, "I think I have heard something about her."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD princess ~kHester Gilk says, "She is a fool, and, ah, and must step down in the face of progress. I fear, though, that she will continue to resist our evolution toward progress. Don't we have the right to self-determination? Yes, we do. There is no room for sentimentality or nostalgia in the present. Life is pressing."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL princess ~kHester Gilk says, "Yes, the Princess Kateriina. A fascinating woman, I understand. Yes, the people seem most fond of her."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NOT_BAD solomon ~kHester Gilk says, "I trust Solomon implicitly. He has been, ah, a good friend."
CorNothTailor tos ~kHester Gilk says, "When I first arrived in Meridian, of course I went to Tos. But I couldn't settle there, I will say that it is far too busy for me. Cor Noth is much more to my liking."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NOT_BAD yevitan ~kHester Gilk says, "Yevitan is a very interesting man, ah, he has certainly survived a great deal. He an enemy to be respected, or a powerful ally to his friends. "
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "There is more. It is said that Joguer has been making regular trips to Tos, where each time he makes huge deposits in the bank. Yes, ah, very large sums. And this is told to me directly from a person who has heard it from Skivlat, the banker. That makes it as good as true."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "Caramo has much more influence over the office of the Justicar than you might imagine. In fact, she not only counts the votes, but is responsible for implementing the Justicar's decisions. That is, ah, however she interprets them to be."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "There has been quite a bit of talk about Frisconar lately. Have you heard? It seems that he has been connected with the recent rise in the dubious activities of the Necromancers! Fantastic! What do you suppose his motives would be, ah, if it were true, that is."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "Have you heard any new news of the affair between Herbutte and the Princess?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "I have heard that Frular and Rook are going into, ah, business together. I have heard that they are raising an army, with Frular's funds and, ah, Rook's expertise."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "Word is out that Madelia has become the Princesses closest confident. Who knows what effect this will have on court politics?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kHester Gilk says, "The rumors continue that Akardius and Alkahazar keep the deal made with Kalior, and are now conspiring together for the throne. They are surely a force if this is true."
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kYou get the feeling that Hester Gilk is pointedly ignoring you.
CorNothTailor MOOD_BAD ~kThere is something about this shop that makes you decidedly ~Iuncomfortable~I.
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "There are, ah, people that will help those in need and, ah, that have the resources to afford such help. People that I am connected with, that I trust regardless of their motives."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "Be especially careful in Tos. They have two dukes, one dead, one alive, both equally dangerous."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "The Royalists too have their means... spies, soldiers, secrets. Beware the princess followers, and be not taken in by her charm."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "Most of the business leaders in this land are in collaboration, attempting to establish an ideological stronghold to defend their interests. Do not believe whatever information you may receive to the contrary, for there is also an enormous amount of misinformation."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "You must be very careful what you say to others about your political views in Meridian, especially in Tos. You never know where that information will, ah, will end up."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "For a price, you can receive any sort of help that you might need, help with ~Iany~I circumstances."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "Please take all the time that you need to look, ah, look around the shop. We shall talk when you are done."
CorNothTailor MOOD_GOOD ~kHester Gilk says, "We look out for each other. I keep, ah, an eye out for you, and you keep an eye out, ah, out for me."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "There seems to be quite a lot of, ah, excitement that has been stirred up between the factions of the Duke and the Princess. Seems to be very serious."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "We must stand up for each other, the common people."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "No one knows what is the origin of the famous tokens of the Councilors. That they are great sources of power, there can be no doubt, for I have heard that they are capable of teleporting themselves around!"
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "This land does not need a strong King to get it, ah, back onto its feet, it needs a strong Queen. The men in this land have had their chances to straighten things out, and have continually failed."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "I understand that there is a lot of trouble in Tos after dark, that it is not safe to be on the streets near the graveyard. No one has yet explained why the dead rise in that city and attack the citizens."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "I have heard something about an ancient Dwarven Hall somewhere out in the wild lands. What do you suppose that is?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "I have heard that a large black market is springing up around that new green mineral from the Island of the Illusionist."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "Can I help you find some thing in particular? I've got something here, ah, I've... "
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "Have you heard why the blacksmith Fehr'loi Qan moved his shop from Tos to Barloque? Do you suppose it has anything to do with the forces of the Princess and the Royals building up a large, ah, large stockpile of weapons and armor?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "You may judge for yourself the quality of my work, but if I may say so the clothing I have here is without parallel."
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk says, "Are you looking for a particular, ah, a particular style or color of garment?"
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk stitches adeptly at a silk blouse.
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk seems to follow your progress around the shop while she returns to work on her sewing.
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kYou see that the excellent reputation that this shop has earned is well deserved. It is exceedingly well-organized, tidy, and comfortable.
CorNothTailor MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kHester Gilk ties a neat knot at the end of a stitch and nips it off neatly with her teeth.
DarkWizard Ancient one ~kMaleval says, "Why don't you ask the priestesses about them. I would be interested to hear their response."
DarkWizard ancient ones ~kMaleval says, "Please, do not demean your intellect by believing that the only powers in our world are those of some glorified heroes."
DarkWizard Brax ~kMaleval says, "I remember the people of Brax as very industrious... perhaps too narrow in their vision... or perhaps merely very unlucky."
DarkWizard buy ~kMaleval says, "I have means of getting all that I desire. Keep your precious little items."
DarkWizard Components ~kMaleval says, "Crafting a spell requires concentration, practice and special reagents."
DarkWizard faren ~kMaleval says, "If there was no Faren would the winds cease to blow? The winds have been blowing for longer than people have believed in the thunder god."
DarkWizard hello ~kMaleval glares at you, then flashes a dark smile, "Greetings."
DarkWizard help ~kMaleval says, "I can help you better understand magic and how you learn it."
DarkWizard Hunter ~kMaleval says, "They will be no match for the dark forces which they supposedly hunt. Their undoing will be their swords."
DarkWizard jala ~kMaleval says, "How is it that a god can die? Legend says by a dagger. Ha, what poppycock indeed."
DarkWizard Kraanan ~kMaleval says, "Kraanan is merely an excuse to get drunk and fight and feel good about doing so."
DarkWizard Lich ~kMaleval says, "The lich is the first incarnation of the Ancient One in this realm. It is a child of darkness that will bring others to this land. It is a messenger of doom for this world. The Ancient One has been awakened."
DarkWizard Necro pendant ~kMaleval says, "A toy for children who wish to live forever and lose their soul. A truly remarkable invention."
DarkWizard Necromancer ~kMaleval says, "They are proof that things are not so neat as the priestesses would have you believe. Of course there are other forces of immense power in our world."
DarkWizard qor ~kMaleval smiles, "There is no goddess of evil. Just evil people who cannot take ownership of their own guilt."
DarkWizard Reagents ~kMaleval says, "Reagents are items the store a concentrated amount of energy that you can channel through a spell. Some are very difficult to acquire. Others can be found easily. Then there is Solagh."
DarkWizard Riija ~kMaleval says, "Ah, the ultimate illusion. Riija does not exist! How simple it is to play tricks on the human mind."
DarkWizard sell ~kMaleval says, "I am not a peddler, cretin."
DarkWizard shal'ille ~kMaleval says, "If she is so powerful, then why does she let good people die?! Are you telling me a goddess does not have the power to protect her children?!"
DarkWizard solagh ~kMaleval says, "Solagh. Ha. The apothecaries of the land are wise to guard their secret else they will lose the monopoly on this substance."
DarkWizard sword of the hunt ~kMaleval says, "Please entertain the notion that the hunters and the necromancers serve the same function. Their methods and ideologies may be separate, but make no mistake, they both eat souls."
DarkWizard Urn ~kMaleval says, "The Ancient One, long ago, created instruments through which it could manipulate the environment. This is done to prepare the way for its rebirth. The urn is one such instrument."
DarkWizard Venya'cyr ~kMaleval says, "She was a child when she encountered one of the most powerful forces in the universe. When the Ancient one opened his eyes and saw her, her soul became a toy."
DarkWizard Zarrus ~kMaleval says, "You must give the man credit for escaping the destruction of his homeland. He was a shameless survivor."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval speaks an ancient three word incantation. The last word sounds something like "necktie."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval bows to Zuxana, "My lady, I have information for you."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval says to the priestess, "As you wish."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kPriestess Zuxana says, "~I~rAh, Maleval, what news do you have for me?~I~k"
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kPriestess Zuxana says, "~I~rWe shall finish our discussion later, Maleval.~I~k"
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval and Priestess Zuxana begin to laugh together.
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval says to Priestess Zuxana, "I have ~Ispoken~I with the Duke."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kPriestess Zuxana says to the dark wizard, "~I~rIs all going as I planned?~I~k"
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kMaleval grins, "Zuxana, the one that you spoke of before, is now dead."
DarkWizard MOOD_BAD ~kSensing that you are listening, Maleval abruptly ends his conversation with the Priestess.
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "My liege, I have done the research that you have requested. She is not in touch with the needs of her followers. It may be the key."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "I require reimbursement for my efforts, Akardius. Much of my time was lost doing your work."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "I have scried the counselors meeting, my liege. For the appropriate price, I can tell you their minds with regards to the Princess."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "My magic tells me of a new agent of the Bourgeois Castle. When you ascend to the throne, I wish not to be forgotten, my liege."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "Good, Maleval. You will be paid as promised for your information"
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "Remember that we have renegotiated the price, Maleval, so you would do well to hold your tongue."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "Maleval, I will remember your station when I become King. You will get what you deserve."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval bows to Duke Akardius.
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kThe Duke nods to Maleval, "That will be all for now, wizard."
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval whispers something softly and the Duke grins.
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kMaleval says to the Duke, "Will there be anything else, my liege?"
DarkWizard MOOD_GOOD ~kThe Duke says to Maleval, "You may leave."
DarkWizard MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMaleval says, "I do not wish to be disturbed."
DarkWizard MOOD_NEUTRAL ~kMaleval says, "Justice is blind, would you not agree?"
DarkWizard MOOD_NOT_BAD ~kMaleval begins to make some guttural sounds. All of the dust near him vanishes.
DarkWizard MOOD_NOT_GOOD ~kMaleval's ring glows for a moment. The dark wizard laughs to himself.
DarkWizard MOOD_NOT_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "I grow hungry." He then waves his hand and smiles contently, "that's better."
DarkWizard MOOD_NOT_GOOD ~kMaleval says, "That old wizard Alzahakar believes that the Tokens have great power. Reunite the tokens. Ha! He and his followers are on a fools errand."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval practices bizarre incantations.
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "There is no power in religion. None whatsoever."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "Two sorcerers may employ the same spell, but it will be vastly different depending on their own skill."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "Spells do not come from the gods. They come from within. Anyone can employ the mystic arts if they have the inclination to learn the proper components."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "The wild girl Miriana is so young and innocent, yet her untamed mind speaks volumes of truth."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "There are times and places where magic grows stronger."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "The gods are merely a convenient way to describe that which cannot be explained by simple minds."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval grumbles, "I am in no mood to be trifled with."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval smiles, "I sense an awakening. Someone has learned a new spell."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "Which god do you believe in?"
DarkWizard ~kMaleval says, "You need to expand your horizons. However, expanding your horizon will mean limiting someone else's."
DarkWizard ~kMaleval waves his hands as if caressing a floating animal. You sense magic in the air.
DarkWizard ~kMaleval winks an eye at you. You feel as though he has looked into your very soul. He shakes his head and grunts.
DarkWizard ~kMaleval waves a hand and says some ancient word. The room suddenly smells better.
DarkWizard ~kMaleval begins coughing violently. He wiggles his fingers slightly and the coughing subsides.
DukeGuard barloque ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Haughty Barloque is on the north shore of the great ocean."
DukeGuard bourgeois ~kThe Duke's guard says, "I'd never serve at Bourgeois Castle."
DukeGuard cor NOTH ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Cor Noth lies between all other towns."
DukeGuard council ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Hail the Council of Five!"
DukeGuard duke ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Hail Duke Akardius!"
DukeGuard jasper ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Jasper is west of the lake."
DukeGuard marion ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Head west to find Marion."
DukeGuard tos ~kThe Duke's guard says, "Hail Tos!"
DukeLiege back stabbing ~kDuke Akardius says, "You'd best not consider such an option, your health depends upon it. I assure you."
DukeLiege backstabbing ~kDuke Akardius says, "You'd best not consider such an option, your health depends upon it. I assure you."
DukeLiege Barloque ~kDuke Akardius says, "Barloque is an overly haughty capital. Blackstone Keep is a far better choice as the Royal center."
DukeLiege bow ~kThe Duke smiles, "You may rise now."
DukeLiege bows ~kThe Duke smiles, "You may rise now."
DukeLiege bye ~kDuke Akardius says, "You are dismissed."
DukeLiege soldier ~kDuke Akardius says, "I am not reviewing applicants right now. Come back later."
DukeLiege champion ~kDuke Akardius says, "The mettle of a true champion is tested not only in the Arena of combat, but also in the arena of the mind."
DukeLiege MOOD_GOOD orc chieftain ~kDuke Akardius says, "My men tell me the Orc Pitboss is a match for any man or woman alive. They purport it to be inhumanly fast and ungodly strong. I shall need a very special Champion indeed."
DukeLiege MOOD_GOOD orc pitboss ~kDuke Akardius says, "My men tell me the Orc Pitboss is a match for any man or woman alive. They purport it to be inhumanly fast and ungodly strong. I shall need a very special Champion indeed."
DukeLiege cor NOTH ~kDuke Akardius says, "The people of Cor Noth have not a clue as to the gem they so casually sit upon."
DukeLiege council ~kDuke Akardius says, "King Zarcos appointed a council of elders to assist the Princess in her youth. Although their advice is welcome I doubt either of us have such need for them anymore."
DukeLiege duke ~kDuke Akardius says, "You would do well to address me as ~IMy Liege. I may forgive this transgression."
DukeLiege hello ~kDuke Akardius says, "Hello to you %NAME. You may take your place among the other petitioners at this time."
DukeLiege help ~kDuke Akardius says, "I am lord here. Should you prove worthy to join my faction certain benefits would be at your disposal."
DukeLiege infighting ~kDuke Akardius says, "Any faction members caught fighting amongst themselves shall be flogged and exiled. There are more than enough worthy foes outside our ranks."
DukeLiege insignia ~kDuke Akardius says, "I do not wish to hand out another insignia at this time."
DukeLiege jasper ~kDuke Akardius says, "I had a feeling all along that those people were plotting against us, it was just a matter of time until they suckered someone into leading their fictitious cause."
DukeLiege join ~kDuke Akardius looks you over and smirks, "Not a chance. Be gone!"
DukeLiege liege ~kDuke Akardius says, "Hail %SIRMADAM. So you seek the help of your Duke do you?"
DukeLiege Loyalty ~kDuke Akardius says, "Good %SIRMADAM, as you can see, I don't have a task for you at this time."
DukeLiege marion ~kDuke Akardius says, "Marion is a center of peace loving bores, not even the food is worth the trip."
DukeLiege nonfactioned ~kDuke Akardius says, "Remember, there are many young warriors in the land who have yet to come of age to join us, watch out for them and have care. We do not wish to alienate those who might become our allies."
DukeLiege princess ~kDuke Akardius says, "A willful woman is the Princess. Fine royal blood courses through her delicate veins. She would make an excellent consort to a worthy King. Of course, if she were too unruly, I would toss her out on her ear. Let her find her way back to her threadbare temple."
DukeLiege tos ~kDuke Akardius says, "I do so enjoy the cultured presence of Tos."
DukeLiege unfactioned ~kDuke Akardius says, "Remember, there are many young warriors in the land who have yet to come of age to join us, watch out for them and have care. We do not wish to alienate those who might become our allies."
DukeLiege granting forgiveness for your deeds ~kDuke Akardius laughs and says, "~B~bSurely you cannot be serious? I do not need forgiveness. Crawl back to your temple, your deed is done.~B~k"
DukeLiege MOOD_BAD ~kDuke Akardius says, "Although I can see how the council could be so taken with the Princess, surely they shall come to realize her innocence in matters of politics and power."
DukeLiege MOOD_BAD ~kDuke Akardius says sourly, "Kateriina appears to be busy beguiling the council at present. Quite interesting.
DukeLiege MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "All is well in this kingdom. The council quite reasonably accords me the respect due my station through their support of me."
DukeLiege MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "I assume you are aware of proper etiquette when presented before one such as a Duke."
DukeLiege MOOD_GOOD ~kDuke Akardius says, "If you train well, I might consider you to Champion me so that we might best the Chieftain of the Orcs."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "My subjects have often need of couriers. Should you prove your worth to them, I may be inclined to pay you attention."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius sighs, "My dear uncle almost emptied the coffers to refurbish that stone creation of an Arena. And to think that there still aren't padded seats."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "I'd like to build another castle on the island of Koc'atan someday. Blackstone Keep is the second oldest castle in the land, and quite drafty."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "Presently the council spends far too much time studying those tokens, but if that is what makes her...them happy then I shall lend whatever resources available to help them."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "The Princess spends far too much time with her nose in those books, the space from her library could be put to much better use."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "I trust you have indulged in the marvels of Tos. If not, then you must take in the sunset from the old graveyard; the view is...unforgettable."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "My poor, dear uncle. Tis it not odd how he met his death under mysterious circumstances similar to King Zarcos IV? Maybe the keep is cursed."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "To this day, I do wonder if the spirit of Queen Katria revels in her most marvelous sacrifice of life for her daughters."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "By my word the King is mad and must never again regain power!"
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius yawns, "Why again is it that you seek an audience with me?"
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "The more inexperienced look to our faction and members for leadership and guidance throughout this land."
DukeLiege ~kDuke Akardius says, "Periodically, I ask that my followers display their ~Iloyalty~I."
FarenPriestess barloque ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gBarloque is an abomination to the sanctity of the shores. I foresee that it will be destroyed by a rat plague of the likes not seen before.~B~k"
FarenPriestess Brax ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "An ancient city. It was destroyed because they ignored the powers of the land. They chose civilization over nature. Judge the results for yourself."
FarenPriestess buy ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gFaren needs nothing but the earth and sky.~B~k"
FarenPriestess bye ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gBe gone!~B~k"
FarenPriestess cor NOTH ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gLord Faren is quite displeased at how that little pest of a town, Cor Noth, is damaging the fair stream that flows through it. Cor Noth will perish by its own refuse. Even now she spawns living slime.~B~k"
FarenPriestess council ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gPolitics, what need have I for politics?!~B~k"
FarenPriestess days ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gOnce every six years, all in the land must acknowledge the raw power of Faren. During this time, you are to eat nothing except that which you can forage, you are to cast no spells save those of Faren, and above all you are to stay clear of any town. The Gadfly shall ensure this.~B~k"
FarenPriestess disciple ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThe time for a disciple is not upon us.~B~k"
FarenPriestess duke ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gFah! Do not talk to me of mortal politics!~B~k"
FarenPriestess faren ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gLord Faren gave his life to the earth. His power can be felt in every tremor, heard in every thunder cloud, smelled in every fire, seen in every wave and tasted in every edible thing that comes from the ground.~B~k"
FarenPriestess gadfly ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gI hear by consider you a member of the Gadfly of Faren. Display this name on you for all to see. Lord Faren expects you to subvert the ways of civilization to return mankind back to the ways of nature.~B~k"
FarenPriestess granting forgiveness for your deeds ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gHow dare you presume to forgive of Lord Faren. Leave!~B~k"
FarenPriestess hello ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gDo not mock me with your useless pleasantries.~B~k"
FarenPriestess help ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gI can grant the powers of Faren, the god of storms.~B~k"
FarenPriestess holiday ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThe Gadfly of Faren is an important sect dedicated to driving people from the sacrilegious towns especially during the God Days. If you are true to the ways of Faren, merely say that you supplicate to our master and I will consider you part of the sect.~B~k"
FarenPriestess Hunter ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "They seem a noble group. They have vision and a respect for nature that is refreshing. Can they stop the Necromancers? That is the question."
FarenPriestess jala ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gSweet and innocent Jala's beauty glowed with light beyond that of the sun. There was no greater pain than that my master suffered when her light was extinguished by the vile one.~B~k"
FarenPriestess jasper ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gAs Jasper has stripped the land of its well being, so does Faren instill fear and confusion in their hearts!~B~k"
FarenPriestess kraanan ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gWhy do you speak Kraanan's name in the temple of Lord Faren?!~B~k"
FarenPriestess learn ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gI can grant the powers of Faren, the god of storms.~B~k"
FarenPriestess lightning wall ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gSpeak not to me of that spell! It is the key to evil!~B~k"
FarenPriestess marion ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gLord Faren only tolerates Marion because it is under the protection of the sister of his lost love.~B~k"
FarenPriestess necromancer ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "Their existence is an abomination of nature. They should be destroyed."
FarenPriestess necromancer amulet ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "They are instruments of death and decay and should be destroyed at the first possible opportunity."
FarenPriestess princess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gKateriina learns well the ways of Shal'ille. She should abandon the politics of mortals.~B~k"
FarenPriestess qor ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal screams, "~B~gNEVER SPEAK HER NAME!~B~k"
FarenPriestess riija ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gRiija? Riija has no true power.~B~k"
FarenPriestess sell ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gHow dare you approach me with your petty gold.~B~k"
FarenPriestess shal'ille ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gShal'ille is the peaceful sister of innocent Jala.~B~k"
FarenPriestess supplicate ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gI hear by consider you a member of the Gadfly of Faren. Display this name on you for all to see. Lord Faren expects you to subvert the ways of civilization to return mankind back to the ways of nature.~B~k"
FarenPriestess sword of the hunt ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "A noble weapon for a noble purpose. The hunter sword is a magnificent creation. A admirable representation of a true hero."
FarenPriestess tendrath ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "Never before or after has there walked a more righteous man. All too well I understand his motives and his actions. He represented all that was decent in that corrupt society."
FarenPriestess tos ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gFor too long the walls of Tos have stood to mock Lord Faren. Nature will reclaim its bastions yet.~B~k"
FarenPriestess Urn ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "It is the root of this plague of unnatural happenings in the land. It should be cast into the deepest chasm if not utterly annihilated."
FarenPriestess Venya'cyr ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "If there is one person I could destroy before they were ever born, it would be this abomination."
FarenPriestess yrx'l ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gLegend says one Yrx'l tree survives on an island of deception.~B~k"
FarenPriestess Zarrus ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "An unremarkable member of the Zarcos lineage, but then, most of their lineage is less than remarkable. Aristocracy tends to breed with itself. This is not the way of nature."
FarenPriestess MOOD_GOOD ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThe herbalist follows the ways of Faren and even knows a bit of the power of heat.~B~k"
FarenPriestess MOOD_GOOD ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gMiriana must be destroyed. She mocks the natural order of things.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gNature is more powerful than any man. Why even the living trees can defend themselves with lightning.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gLong ago nature was ravaged by man as they bled the Yrx'l trees dry. All have now vanished from the land. Except perhaps one.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThe hideous slime creature is not of nature. It is the wastes of human civilization which spawns it.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gBeware of the witch named Miriana, she seeks to disrupt the balance.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThat fool Maleval will feel the fury of Faren for spreading his lies.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gYour weapons are insignificant sticks before the raw power of Faren sorcery!~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gReject those foods tainted by human hands. There are many mushrooms that can provide all the nourishment you need.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gA potion of Forgetfulness can cleanse your soul of those worthless spells you have learned from the other priestesses. I warn you now that Faren does not grant such boon without a price paid by your very being.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gSociety has outlawed the use of some of Faren's magic. The fools! How dare they presume to outlaw the will of a god!~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gQerti'nya is so proud of how long her temple has stood. Ha! My temple is all of the outdoors. Hers is an insignificant sprig compared to the vast forest of my temple.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gI have sworn to destroy Zuxana on sight. She can not hide her temple forever.~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal screeches, "~B~gHa ha ha ha ha ha! Yes! Yes! The Power!~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gThe winds... they speak to me!~B~k"
FarenPriestess ~kPriestess Tenuv'vyal says, "~B~gSmell that?! Clover. It's an omen. Change is in the air.~B~k"