Releases: DiscipleTools/disciple-tools-theme
Release v1.49.1
Release v1.49.0
What's Changed
- SSO Login - Login with Google or other providers
- Locations: Fix issue keeping locations from being displayed installing more locations layers
- Metrics: Fix switching data on metrics hover maps
- Metrics: Fix Field Activity > Creation Date
- Metrics: Genmapper > Ability to create children and to focus on a record's tree.
- Metrics: Field Charts: make sure connection fields number are correct
- Lists: Remember what filter was previously displayed
SSO Login
Disciple.Tools can now integrate with Google Firebase to enable easier login.
See documentation for setup.
Help wanted
Consider helping us finish funding on a upcoming mapping feature:
Full Changelog: 1.48.0...1.49.0
Release v1.48.0
What's Changed
- Metrics: Click on metrics to see related records
- Records: Clean up new record activity
- Remove iThemes security from suggested plugins
- List: Fix for archived toggle
- Records: Fix Customizing field order
- Metrics: Fix for milestones chart data
- More fixes
Clickable Metrics (Dynamic Section)
We're upgrading the Dynamic Metrics section to make the charts clickable.
Here we can see that in January there were 5 Paused contacts:
To dig deeper, click on the chart to see which records those 5 were:
New Activity Clean Up
Here is an example of what the activity and comments looks like before on a webform submission:
Now it is much tidier:
Full Changelog: 1.47.0...1.48.0
Release v1.47.4
Release v1.47.3
Release v1.47.2
Release v1.47.1
Release v1.47.0
What's Changed
- New Date & Time field
- New Users table
- Allow roles to be edited in Settings (D.T) > Roles
- Metrics > Field Activity: Fix for some rows not showing
- Fix for display of People Groups tab in the Navigation bar
Dev Changes
- Functions to use local storage instead of cookies for client configurations.
- Shared escape function instead of lodash.escape
New Date & Time field
We've had the "Date" field since the start. You now have the ability to create a "Datetime" field. This simply add a time element when saving a date. Great for saving meeting times, appointments, etc.
Users Table
The Users table has been rewritten in order to work on system with 1000s of users. Additionally a plugin can add or remove desired table columns.
Full Changelog: 1.46.0...1.47.0
Release v1.46.0
What's Changed
- Ability to Delete and Hide fields in Customizations (D.T)
- Add missing connection field options in Customizations (D.T)
- Fix field sorting in Customizations (D.T)
- New user and user contact fixes on multisite
Hide or Delete a field or field option:
Full Changelog: 1.45.0...1.46.0
Release v1.45.0
What's Changed
- Create new record types and customize role access.
- Bulk Delete records
- Bulk Unshare records
- Fix for merging records not removing connections
Creating new record types
So you have Contacts and Groups out of the box. If you have played around with D.T plugins, you may have seen other record types like Trainings.
This feature gives you the power of a plugin and lets you create your own record type. Go to WP Admin > Customizations (D.T) and click "Add New Record Type".
Setup tiles and fields:
And see it appear beside your other record types:
Record Type Role Configuration.
Want to configure which users can access your new record type? Head to the Roles tab. By default the Administrator has all the permissions. Here we will give the Multiplier the ability to View and Manage meetings they have access to, and the ability to create meetings:
Bulk Delete Records
Use the More > Bulk Edit tool to select and delete multiple records. Great when multiple contacts are created by accident and need to be removed.
Note, this feature is only available to users that have the "Delete any record" (see above).
Bulk Unshare Records.
Use the More > Bulk Edit tool to remove shared access for a user to multiple records. Check the "Unshare with selected user" box.
Full Changelog: 1.44.0...1.45.0