Releases: DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology
DO's August 2022 Release
DO's August release includes the revision of disease classifications and the addition of new disease terms and xrefs. This release includes 11,137 disease terms which includes the addition of: injection anthrax, 89 autosomal recessive intellectual developmental disorder subtypes, hypotonia, ataxia, and delayed development syndrome and short stature, hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and distinctive facies, Leber congenital amaurosis 19, HMG-CoA synthase 2 deficiency, DeSanto-Shinawi syndrome. This release includes revised classifications/added subtypes: acromesomelic dysplasia, dilated cardiomyopathy, common variable immunodeficiency, agammaglobulinemia, 3-methylglutaconic aciduria, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)-deficient hyperphenylalaninemia, Mandibuloacral dysplasia, arthrogryposis. This release includes the addition of the annotation property, 'term replaced by': we will now add this annotation to obsolete terms, relating the obsoleted term to the term that it was merged into; and we updated NCBITaxon logical definitions.
DO's July 2022 Release
This release includes the addition of new disease terms, definitions, and xrefs with updates to the SYMP symptom ontology. 11,033 DO disease terms, 9,171 (83%) with textual definitions, over 200 new axioms. New disease terms and their subtypes including hot water epilepsy, keratosis palmoplantaris striata, Baraitser-Winter syndrome, benign familial infantile seizures, Graves ophthalmopathy, inclusion body myopathy and brain white matter abnormalities, Catel Manzke syndrome, X-linked mental retardation Gustavson type, hyperthyroidism, nasal cavity benign neoplasm and spastic paraplegia with deafness; added term replaced by annotation property; definitions for biliary tract benign neoplasm, dental diseases, revised DO imports, augmented SYMP symptom ontology terms.
updated June DO release
Updating DO imports.
DOs early June 2022 release
This release includes a revised diabetes DM1 classification and revision of synonyms for two DO terms.
DO's May release
DO's May release was delayed a couple of days, as we were curating updates to some classifications. This release contains 11,003 DOIDs disease terms. New definitions, xrefs, uberon import terms, symptom axioms and terms were added, including: leukemia molecular subtypes & their ICDO codes; ectodermal dysplasia, immune deficiency, blastic plasmacytoid dendridic cell neoplasm, Marsili syndrome, Teebi hypertelorism syndrome terms. The Opitz GBBB syndrome and intellectual disability classifications were revised.
DO's April 2022 Release
This release includes 10, 960 human diseases. This release includes the addition of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma molecular subtypes and spondylocostal dysostosis subtypes, syndrome definitions, updated definition source URLs and new symptom SubClassOf axioms.
DO's March-April release
This release includes 10,948 DO disease terms, 77% with textual definitions; new cancer syndrome synonyms, ICDO xrefs, DLBCL disease subtypes, DICER1 syndrome and symptom SubClassOf statements have been added.
Early March DO Release
An extra release this week, including new DO terms Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndrome, craniotubular dysplasia Ikegawa type, updated series for spermatogenic failure and hereditary spastic paraplegia.
DO's February 2022 release - minor revision
Re-releasing February DO release to fix typo in one name space.
DO's February 2020 release
This release includes 10,924 disease terms, an increase of 23 disease and 69 definitions; additional ICD-O xrefs for leukemias, revised classifications of cranial nerve neoplasms, diabetes, anemia and [glutathione synthetase deficiency; addition of > 350 symptom axioms.