Releases: Draylar/identity
Releases · Draylar/identity
1.13.1 dependency updates
Updates CCA & FAPI to fix a crash.
1.13.0: The Arm Update
1.13.0 is here, and it brings an exciting update: entity arms! You will no longer see the player's hand when you are disguised as a pig... instead, most entities have specifically tweaked hand models that will display instead. This update also contains several bug fixes, and sk_sk translations by SmajloSlovakian.
1.12.0: Omega Config
Switches Identity to Omega Config, which knocks the jar size down by 37%. Note that this config option is still a WIP, which means issues with config files may occur.
1.11.9 beta IP compatibility
Fixes an issue with Immersive Portals.
1.11.8 hotpatch
Fixes an issue where attacking = dead game
1.11.7 tweaks n' fixes
- Piglin Brute targeting changes for players disguised as anything besides a Wither Skeleton or Wither
- 1.16.5 update
Add bare-hands custom attacking behavior for players with an identity of mobs like Husk or Cave Spider - Wolves are no longer negatively impacted by Rotten Flesh, Pufferfish, and Raw Chicken
- Llama ability fix thanks to Allan
- new "everything" option for revoke and grant commands
- Added a SoundFX to the enderman teleport ability
1.11.6 beta - 4 new abilities + feedback config
- Cow, Endermite, and Witch abilities (ideas from Jely710)
- Llama ability
- Added a config option to toggle command feedback, command feedback now goes to the area above toolbar instead of chat
1.16.4 Fabric API fixes
Fixes a crash with Fabric API v0.30+.
1.11.4 beta patches
- Ravager fixes thanks to AllanChain
- Stray Overlay when sneaking has been fixed
- Fixed an issue where Biped mobs would copy your sneaking when you are in F5
- Fix a crash with status effect checks for night vision
- Fix a crash with Dragon ability
1.11.3 patches
- Updated zh_cn translations thanks to Godzmoline
- Ender Dragon rotation fixes thanks to AllanChain
- Fix with Pillager riding when changing Identities thanks to AllanChain
- Fix a crash with the Ghast ability on dedicated servers