is a payment gateway that facilitates the needs of online businesses by providing services in various payment methods. This service allows industry players to operate more easily and increase sales. The payment methods provided are card payment, bank transfer, direct debit, e-wallet, over the counter, and others.
Make sure application is running using
go run main.go
on server side and usingnpm start
on client side -
Open new terminal
Install Localtunnel globally to make it accessible anywhere :
npm install -g localtunnel
Run localtunnel with port
for client side :lt --port 3000
Run localtunnel with port
for server side :lt --port 5000
Download Ngrok here
Make sure Add authtoken
./ngrok config add-authtoken <token>
Start a tunnel
./ngrok http <backend_port>
- Create midtrans account and login
Insert public URLs for Payment Notification :
Path :
Reference : Http notification / Webhooks of Payment Status
Insert public URLs for Redirection Finish URL :
Path :
settings/snap preferences
and scroll down
on server sidego get -u github.com/midtrans/midtrans-go
Change .env.example to .env so it can be used
Make sure to complete the
file in server folderSECRET_KEY=suryaganteng PATH_FILE=http://localhost:5000/uploads/ SERVER_KEY=your_midtrans_server_key... CLIENT_KEY=your_midtrans_client_key EMAIL_SYSTEM=email_here... PASSWORD_SYSTEM=password_app...
is a payment portal that allows merchants to display the Midtrans payment page directly on the website.
API request should be done from merchant backend to acquire Snap transaction token by providing payment information and Server Key. There are at least three components that are required to obtain the Snap token (server_key
, order_id
, gross_amount
File :
Import midtrans-go package
"github.com/midtrans/midtrans-go" "github.com/midtrans/midtrans-go/snap"
Create Unique Transaction Id
var transactionIsMatch = false var transactionId int for !transactionIsMatch { transactionId = int(time.Now().Unix()) transactionData, _ := h.TransactionRepository.GetTransaction(transactionId) if transactionData.ID == 0 { transactionIsMatch = true } }
- And use it in the model request like this :
transaction := models.Transaction{ ID: transactionId, ProductID: request.ProductID, BuyerID: int(userId), SellerID: request.SellerID, Price: request.Price, Status: request.Status, }
Request token transaction from midtrans
// 1. Initiate Snap client var s = snap.Client{} s.New(os.Getenv("SERVER_KEY"), midtrans.Sandbox) // Use to midtrans.Production if you want Production Environment (accept real transaction). // 2. Initiate Snap request param req := &snap.Request{ TransactionDetails: midtrans.TransactionDetails{ OrderID: strconv.Itoa(dataTransactions.ID), GrossAmt: int64(dataTransactions.Price), }, CreditCard: &snap.CreditCardDetails{ Secure: true, }, CustomerDetail: &midtrans.CustomerDetails{ FName: dataTransactions.Buyer.Name, Email: dataTransactions.Buyer.Email, }, } // 3. Execute request create Snap transaction to Midtrans Snap API snapResp, _ := s.CreateTransaction(req) return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, dto.SuccessResult{Code: http.StatusOK, Data: snapResp})
File :
Create function Notification
func (h *handlerTransaction) Notification(c echo.Context) error { var notificationPayload map[string]interface{} if err := c.Bind(¬ificationPayload); err != nil { return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, dto.ErrorResult{Code: http.StatusBadRequest, Message: err.Error()}) } transactionStatus := notificationPayload["transaction_status"].(string) fraudStatus := notificationPayload["fraud_status"].(string) orderId := notificationPayload["order_id"].(string) order_id, _ := strconv.Atoi(orderId) fmt.Print("ini payloadnya", notificationPayload) if transactionStatus == "capture" { if fraudStatus == "challenge" { // TODO set transaction status on your database to 'challenge' // e.g: 'Payment status challenged. Please take action on your Merchant Administration Portal h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("pending", order_id) } else if fraudStatus == "accept" { // TODO set transaction status on your database to 'success' h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("success", order_id) } } else if transactionStatus == "settlement" { // TODO set transaction status on your databaase to 'success' h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("success", order_id) } else if transactionStatus == "deny" { // TODO you can ignore 'deny', because most of the time it allows payment retries // and later can become success h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("failed", order_id) } else if transactionStatus == "cancel" || transactionStatus == "expire" { // TODO set transaction status on your databaase to 'failure' h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("failed", order_id) } else if transactionStatus == "pending" { // TODO set transaction status on your databaase to 'pending' / waiting payment h.TransactionRepository.UpdateTransaction("pending", order_id) } return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, dto.SuccessResult{Code: http.StatusOK, Data: notificationPayload}) }
Create Update Transaction Repository with 2 parameter (status, transactionId)
Declare UpdateTransaction on TransactionRepository interface
UpdateTransaction(status string, orderId int) (models.Transaction, error)
Create UpdateTransaction method
func (r *repository) UpdateTransaction(status string, orderId int) (models.Transaction, error) { var transaction models.Transaction r.db.Preload("Product").Preload("Buyer").Preload("Seller").First(&transaction, orderId) if status != transaction.Status && status == "success" { var product models.Product r.db.First(&product, transaction.Product.ID) product.Qty = product.Qty - 1 r.db.Save(&product) } transaction.Status = status err := r.db.Save(&transaction).Error return transaction, err }
Create notification routes
e.POST("/notification", h.Notification)
Make sure you have an
file in client folder, or just changeenv.example
(rename it) so it can be usedREACT_APP_BASE_URL=your-backend-address REACT_APP_MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY=your-midtrans-client-key
Btw, if you use CRA (create react app) it is required to have env name with prefix
or it won't recognized by react.
Displaying Snap Payment Page on Frontend.
File :
Config Snap payment page with useEffect :
... useEffect(() => { //change this to the script source you want to load, for example this is snap.js sandbox env const midtransScriptUrl = "https://app.sandbox.midtrans.com/snap/snap.js"; //change this according to your client-key const myMidtransClientKey = process.env.REACT_APP_MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY; let scriptTag = document.createElement("script"); scriptTag.src = midtransScriptUrl; // optional if you want to set script attribute // for example snap.js have data-client-key attribute scriptTag.setAttribute("data-client-key", myMidtransClientKey); document.body.appendChild(scriptTag); return () => { document.body.removeChild(scriptTag); }; }, []); ...
Modify handle buy to display Snap payment page become like this :
... const handleBuy = useMutation(async (e) => { try { e.preventDefault(); const config = { headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json', }, }; const data = { product_id: product.id, seller_id: product.user.id, price: product.price, }; const body = JSON.stringify(data); const response = await API.post('/transaction', body, config); console.log("transaction success :", response) const token = response.data.data.token; window.snap.pay(token, { onSuccess: function (result) { /* You may add your own implementation here */ console.log(result); navigate("/profile"); }, onPending: function (result) { /* You may add your own implementation here */ console.log(result); navigate("/profile"); }, onError: function (result) { /* You may add your own implementation here */ console.log(result); navigate("/profile"); }, onClose: function () { /* You may add your own implementation here */ alert("you closed the popup without finishing the payment"); }, }); } catch (error) { console.log("transaction failed : ", error); } }); ...