- Using Ruby on Rails for the project (generated new Rails app via terminal)
- Include at least one has_many relationship (x has_many y; e.g. User has_many Routines)
- Include at least one belongs_to relationship (x belongs_to y; e.g. RoutineExercise belongs_to Exercise)
- Include at least two has_many through relationships (x has_many y through z; e.g. Routine has_many Exercise through RoutineExercise)
- Include at least one many-to-many relationship (x has_many y through z, y has_many x through z; e.g. Routine has_many Exercises through RoutineExercise, Exercise has_many Routines through RoutineExercise)
- The "through" part of the has_many through includes at least one user submittable attribute, that is to say, some attribute other than its foreign keys that can be submitted by the app's user (attribute_name e.g. routine_exercise.reps)
- Include reasonable validations for simple model objects (list of model objects with validations e.g. User, Recipe, Ingredient, Item)
- Include a class level ActiveRecord scope method (model object & class method name and URL to see the working feature e.g. User.most_recipes URL: /users/most_recipes)
- Include signup (through
gem) - Include login (through
gem) - Include logout (through
gem) - Include third party signup/login (how e.g. Devise/OmniAuth)
- Include nested resource show or index (URL e.g. routines/2/routine_exercises (index) or routines/2/routine_exercises/5 (show))
- Include nested resource "new" form (URL e.g. routines/1/routine_exercises/new) --> Went with "edit", instead
- Include form display of validation errors (form URL e.g. /recipes/new)
- The application is pretty DRY
- Limited logic in controllers
- Views use helper methods if appropriate
- Views use partials if appropriate --> Partials for app/views/routines and app/views/exercises
Post-work Goals:
- Restyle each page to (responsively) take up a larger portion of whatever screen it's rendered on
- Try to incorporate 1 or 2 new gems
- Write a new blog about the experience of refactoring this project past MVP
- Deploy to Heroku (include links and demos in portfolio and resume)