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The IJCAI 2015 Workshop on Semantic Cities: Beyond AI Models, Proofs and Reasoning Buenos Aires, Argentina; July 25-31, 2015 Web Site: Submission Site: # Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain such pre-eminent positions or re-position themselves for newer opportunities. But, resources needed to reach and sustain such aspirations are decreasing while the expectations continue to rise from an increasing population-base. A positive trend of the Internet age is that more data than even before is open and accessible, including from governments at all levels of jurisdiction, which enables rigorous analysis. The scientific community has responded to city challenges by promoting the computational sustainability vision where resources consumed by a city, such as water, energy, land, food and air, can be monitored to know the accurate present picture and then optimized for resource efficiency without degrading quality of services it provides -traffic movement, water availability, sanitation, public safety, etc. Industry has joined the vision with a "smart" or "intelligent" prefix for cyber-physical systems, which involve sensing the data through physical instruments, interconnecting and integrating them from multiple sources, analyzing them for intelligent patterns and inferring new insight for decision making. This effort needs access to city data, AI models to abstract city domains as well as interconnect them so that advanced AI techniques, AI reasoning and new generation of applications can be built by rest of the world. We will like to call cities that enable such capabilities as, "semantic cities". In particular this workshop addresses "Beyond AI models, proofs and reasoning" where models and reasoning techniques from the AI community are of special interest. This workshop aims to bring clarity and foster the communication among AI researchers, domain experts and city and local government officials. In that context, we want to: 1. Draw the attention of the AI community to the research challenges and opportunities in semantic cities. 2. Draw the attention on the multi-disciplinary dimension and its impact on semantic cities e.g., transportation, energy, water management, building, infrastructure 3. Identify unique issues of this domain and what new (hybrid) techniques may be needed. As example, since governments and citizens are involved, data security and privacy are first-class concerns. 4. Promoting more cities to become semantic cities 5. Elaborating a (semantic data) benchmark for testing AI techniques on semantic cities 6. Provide a platform for sharing best-practices and discussion We will encourage submissions that show the relevance or application of AI technologies for computational sustainability domains. Apart from focus on foundational technologies for semantic cities (information management, knowledge management, ontology, inference model, data integration, machine learning, crowdsourcing), we will promote illustrative use-cases using the semantic cities foundation. Examples are transportation (traffic prediction, diagnosis, personal travel optimization, carpool and fleet scheduling), public safety (suspicious activity detection, disaster management), healthcare (disease diagnosis and prognosis, pandemic management), water management (flood prevision, quality monitoring, fault diagnosis), food (food traceability, carbon-footprint tracking), energy (smart grid, carbon-footprint tracking, electricity consumption forecasting) and buildings (energy conservation, fault detections). We will also encourage submissions that address unique characteristics of standard AI enabling sustainability problems, like optimization, reasoning, planning and learning. We will also "reach out" to communities engaged in open data and corresponding standardization efforts. We also encourage submissions from communities engaged in open data and corresponding standardization efforts, not necessarily within the AI community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. AI models and analytics for cities 2. Active learning, sampling biases and dataset shift in city data 3. Process to open city (government) data 4. Platforms to manage government data 5. Planning/Scheduling for city operations 6. Provenance, access control and privacy-preserving issues in open data 7. Data cities interoperability 8. Decision making for urban science and for city policy 9. Resource allocation in urban systems 10. Crowdsourcing for urban science and decision making 12. Data integration and organization in semantic cities (social media feeds, sensor data) 11. Semantic models - especially those built collaboratively and evolving 13. Internet of Things in semantic cities 14. Robust inference models for semantic cities 15. Semantic Event detection and classification 16. Applications in semantic cities 17. Spatio-temporal reasoning, analysis and visualization 18. User interaction in exploring semantic data of cities 19. Knowledge representation and reasoning challenges 20. Knowledge acquisition, evolution and maintenance 21. Challenges with managing and integrating real-time and historical data 22. Managing big data using knowledge representation models 23. Multi-agent simulations of urban processes 24. Integrated systems 25. Applied AI models for semantic cities 26. Issues in scaling out and applying AI techniques for semantic cities 27. Case studies, successes, lessons learnt 28. Public datasets and competitions 29. Intelligent user interface # Workshop Series The workshop continues the workshop on semantic cities at AAAI 2012, IJCAI 2013, AAAI 2014 whose attendees backgrounds included Knowledge Representation, AI Planning and scheduling, Multi-Agent Systems, Constraints Satisfiability and Search. # Workshop Details Workshop Format: The workshop will consist of papers, poster presentations, demonstrations, a panel, an invited talk, and discussion sessions, in a one full day schedule. The invited talk will invite a leading expert in the field to present their research and vision of future work. The panel will focus on connecting the AI researchers to the various challenges that the targeted domain brings. The schedule will follow the schedule of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 editions, all grouped by topic and type (invited talk, long, short and demonstration papers, panel). Submission Guidelines: Papers must be formatted in IJCAI two-column, camera-ready style. Regular research papers (submitted and final), which present a significant contribution, may be no longer than 7 pages, where page 7 must contain only references, and no other text whatsoever. Short papers (submitted and final), which describe a position on the topic of the workshop or a demonstration/tool, may be no longer than 4 pages, references included. Submission site: Papers are to be submitted online at We request interested authors to login and submit abstracts as an expression of interest before the actual deadline. # Important Dates May 15, 2015: Paper Submission Deadline (extended) May 20, 2015: Notification Decision May 30, 2015: Camera Ready Due July 27, 2015: Workshop date # The Organizers Co-Chairs: Freddy Lecue (Primary Contact) IBM Research Ð Smarter Cities Technology Centre, Dublin, Ireland Email: [email protected], Ph: +353-1-8269156 URL: Research interests: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Signal Processing (specially ontology stream-based) Biplav Srivastava IBM Research Ð India, New Delhi, India Email: [email protected], Ph: +91-9810 404142 URL: Research interests: AI Planning and Scheduling, Open Data Management, Sustainability/Traffic Alexandre Rademaker IBM Research Ð Brazil, Rio, Brazil Email: [email protected], URL: Research interests: Computability, computational models and knowledge representation and reasoning Sheila McIlraith Department of Computer Science University of Toronto, Canada Email: [email protected], Ph: 416-946-8484 URL: Research interests: AI Planning, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Theo Damoulas Research Assistant Professor, New York University, Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) Brooklyn, USA Email: [email protected] Research interests: Machine Learning