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WVIS - 5th Workshop on Visual Analytics, Information Visualization and Scientific Visualization |
- Saturday, August 30
- 08:30 - 12:30
- Room: FGV´s Cultural Center
Motivated by the increasing attention worldwide on visualization techniques, it took place during SIBGRAPI 2007, SIBGRAPI 2010, SIBGRAPI 2012, and at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in 2013, the first four workshops on "Interactive Visualization" (WiVis). As this area matures worldwide, and the link between visualization techniques and analytics tools gets stronger, we renamed the workshop to WVIS (Workshop on Visual Analytics, Information Visualization and Scientific Visualization). In this edition of the workshop, we aim at providing a forum for the dissemination of current work in the field, while fostering new research and collaborations.
Download the files of the accepted works here
The workshop will be held on 30 August 2014.
08:35 – 10:00 Keynote 1: Tim Dwyer, Monash University, Australia.
10:00 – 11:00 Poster session/ Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:30 Keynote 2: Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway.
WVIS invited speaker: Tim Dwyer, Monash University, Australia.
- Saturday, August 30
- 8:30 - 10:00
- Room: FGV´s Cultural Centre
Abstract: I have been an information visualization and graph drawing researcher for the better part of 13 years so was therefore excited at the opportunity to build a "practical" graph-visualization tool with the weight and resources of a powerful software company behind me. However, I soon discovered that algorithms for layout and analysis are only one small piece in the puzzle to build a practical visualization tool that people will actually like and use. In this talk I hope to share that journey, some of the insights we acquired along the way, and---of course---spruik the tool itself: CodeMaps in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 IDE.
Short-Bio: Since 2012 Tim Dwyer is a Senior Lecturer and Larkins Fellow with the Faculty of IT at Monash University. From 2009 to 2012 he was a Senior Software Development Engineer with the Visual Studio group at Microsoft, USA. From 2008 to 2009 he was a Visiting Researcher with the VIBE group at Microsoft Research, USA. He was a Research Fellow at Monash University from 2005 to 2008 and received his PhD from the University of Sydney in 2005.
Bruno Medina (Unicamp - Brazil), Celmar Guimarães da Silva (Unicamp - Brazil).
Igor Oliveira (IBM - Brazil), Vinicius Segura (IBM - Brazil), Marcelo Nery (IBM - Brazil), Kiran Mantripragada (IBM - Brazil), João Paulo Ramirez (IBM - Brazil), Renato Cerqueira (IBM Research - Brazil - Brazil).
Bruno Schneider (FGV/EMAp - Brazil), Asla Medeiros e Sa (FGV/EMAp - Brazil).
Francisco Borja (UFRGS - Brazil), Carla Freitas (UFRGS - Brazil).
VisPublica: an application to assist the publication of governmental data using visualization techniques
Fernanda Ribeiro (PESC/COPPE - Brazil), Bárbara Caetano (Universidade Federal de Itajubá - Brazil), Melise Paula (Universidade Federal de Itajuba - Brazil), Miriam Chaves (Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão - Brazil), Sergio Assis Rodrigues (UFRJ - Brazil), Jano Souza (UFRJ - Brazil).
Hernandi Krammes (UFRGS - Brazil), Marcio Mello (UFRGS - Brazil), Theodoro Mota (UFRGS - Brazil), Matheus Tura (UFRGS - Brazil), Anderson Maciel (UFRGS - Brazil), Luciana Nedel (UFRGS - Brazil).
Alisson Carmo (Universidade Estadual Paulista - FCT/UNESP - Brazil), Bruno Vani (UNESP - Brazil), Milton Hirokazu Shimabukuro (Unesp - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Brazil), João Monico (UNESP / FCT - Brazil), Enner Alcântara (UNESP - Brazil).
Bruno Pagno (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil), Leandro Guedes (UFRGS - Brazil), Carla Freitas (UFRGS - Brazil), Luciana Nedel (UFRGS - Brazil).
Henrique Debarba (UFRGS - Brazil), Anderson Maciel (UFRGS - Brazil), Luciana Nedel (UFRGS - Brazil).
WVIS invited speaker: Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway.
- Saturday, August 30
- 11:00 - 12:30
- Room: FGV´s Cultural Centre
Abstract: Modern scientific data, either from computational simulation, advanced measurements, or from complex modeling approaches, are increasingly often multi-faceted – we are thinking about multi-variate data, multi-dimensional data, multi-modal data, etc. The methodology of interactive visual analysis (IVA), which integrates computational methods with interactive processes, enables an iterative dialogue between the user and the data that makes it possible that both the unpaired perceptual and cognitive capabilities of the user are utilized as well as the steadily improving computational capabilities of modern computers. In this talk, we take a closer look at this interactive and iterative exploration and analysis loop and examine how a deeper understanding of data becomes possible through it. We do so out of an abstract perspective, while at the same time also considering a number of selected examples (from different application fields) which help to put the general considerations into a practical context.
Short-Bio: Helwig Hauser graduated in 1995 from Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria. In 1998, he finished his PhD project on the visualization of complex dynamical systems. In 2003, he finished his Habilitation at TU Wien, entitled ''Generalizing Focus+Context Visualization'' –in 2006 this work was awarded with the Heinz-Zemanek Award (given every 2nd year for exceptional works in computer science). In 2013, H. Hauser received the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine from Eurographics. One of his main activities, more recently, is to chair visualization conferences, including EuroVis 2011, PacificVis 2012, and IEEE InfoVis 2013 and 2014. H. Hauser is member of the EuroVis Steering Com¬mit¬tee, the TopoInVis Steering Committee, and has served / is serving on the Editorial Boards of Computers & Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. After first working for TU Wien as assistant (since 1994) and later as assistant professor, he changed to the new VRVis Research Center in 2000. There, he led the basic research group on interactive visualization (until 2003) before he became the scientific director of VRVis (until 2007). Since then, 2007, he is a full professor in visualization at the University of Bergen in Norway, where he built up a new research group on visualization since.
- João Comba, PhD, Associate Professor at UFRGS
- Luis Gustavo Nonato, PhD, Associate Professor at ICMC-USP
- Fernando V. Paulovich, PhD, Assistant Professor at ICMC-USP
- Asla Sá, PhD, Assistant Professor at FGV
- João Comba, PhD, Associate Professor at UFRGS