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RuCTFe 2019 -- Profile


A small webservice to store messages and the possibility to retrieve them if you know the correct signature. Actually, there are two different algorithms for the signature. You can:

  • Enter user and message and get ** the user's public key ** the message hash ** the message's signature
  • get all users
  • for a user get all message hashes
  • enter user, message hash and signature to get message (flag)

Exploit -- Empty Signature

Method "stop" always accepts the empty signature.

def verify(self, msg, pub, sign):
    sign = split_signature(sign, 32)
    return all(x == n_hash(y, sha256, 2**self._w - 1 - z) for x,y,z in zip(pub, sign, split_message(msg, 8, 18)))

Fix: Just decline empty signature.

Exploit -- Forge Trivial Signature

Theoretically, we use RLWE (Ring Learning with Error -- Learning with error over a polynomial ring). But it is wrongly implemented, and has terrible parameters.

def verify(self, msg, pub, sign):
    msg = np.array(list(msg))
    pub, a = map(np.array, pub)
    c, z1, z2 = map(np.array, sign)
    return all(c == ((a*z1 + z2 - pub*c) + msg) % self.q)

We can just use

  • c = 0
  • z1 = 0
  • z2 = q - msg

Fix: Decline c = 0

Exploit -- Retrieve Private Key

The message-hash msg has 16 Bytes (split into 18 parts of 8 Bit, 0-padded), the private key 18 Int64. Entry priv[i] is hashed msg[i] times.

  • The last two entries aren't hashed.
  • If our message hash contains 0-Byte, that entry is not hashed.

Code is:

def sign(self, msg, priv):
    signature = [n_hash(x, sha256, y) for x, y in zip(priv, split_message(msg, 8, 18))] 
    return join_signature(signature)

For index i create random words, until you find one with msg[i] = 0. Can be done offline. Then send all of these words, get them signed. We can put together the private key and can sign arbitrary messages.

This exploit is hardly distinguishable from normal traffic.