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Invoking Eco Commands

Eco commands are invoked by typing /DiscordLink [CommandName] into the Eco chat. Typing only /DiscordLink or the alias /DL will invoke the help message and provide you with information about the available commands.

Invoking Discord Commands

Discord commands are invoked by typing "/" followed by the command you wish to run.


All Eco and Discord commands are case insensitive.

Plugin Management

Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
DiscordLink DL Eco User Yes Displays a list of all available DiscordLink commands. This is the parent command of all other DiscordLink commands.
RestartPlugin Both Admin Yes Restarts the plugin.
ReloadConfig Both Admin Yes Reloads the DiscordLink config.
ResetPersistentData Both Admin Yes Removes all persistent storage data.
ResetWorldData Both Admin Yes Resets world data as if a new world had been created.
Update Both Admin Yes Forces an update of all modules.
ClearRoles Both Admin Yes Deletes all Discord roles created and tracked by DiscordLink.
PersistentStorageData Both Admin No Displays a description of the persistent storage data.
WorldStorageData Both Admin No Displays a description of the world storage data.

Setup and Troubleshooting

Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
VerifyConfig Both Admin No Checks configuration setup and reports any errors.
VerifyPermissions Both Admin No Checks all permissions and intents needed for the current configuration and reports any missing ones.
VerifyIntents Both Admin No Checks all intents needed and reports any missing ones.
VerifyServerPermissions Both Admin No Checks all server permissions needed and reports any missing ones.
VerifyChannelPermissions Both ChannelNameOrID* Admin No Checks all permissions needed for the given channel and reports any missing ones.
Echo Discord Message Admin N/A Sends the provided message to Eco and back to Discord again if a chat link is configured for the channel.

Server Management

Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
EcoCommand Discord Eco Command Dynamic N/A Executes the inputted eco command. The parameter should be styled as a full ingame Eco command.
Announce Both Message, MessageType*, recipientUserNameOrID* Admin Yes Sends the message formatted as [MessageType] to everyone on the server or the specified recipient.
ServerShutdown Both Admin Yes Shuts down the eco server.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
Version Both User Yes Displays the installed and latest available plugin version.
About Both User No Displays information about the DiscordLink plugin.
Documentation Both User No Opens the documentation web page.
LinkInformation LinkInfo Both User No Presents information about account linking.
PluginStatus Both Verbose (true/false)* Admin No Displays the plugin status. Displays more information if the verbose parameter is set to true.
ListLinkedChannels Both Admin No Presents a list of all channel links.
ServerStatus Discord User N/A Displays the Server Info status.
PlayerList Discord User N/A Lists the players currently online on the server.

User Settings

Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
Optin Eco User No Opts the calling user into chat synchronization.
OptOut Eco User No Opts the calling user out of chat synchronization.

Account Linking

Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
LinkAccount Eco DiscordName User No Links the calling user account to a Discord account. DiscordName is qualified or unqualified name. No nicknames.
UnlinkAccount Both User No Unlinks the Eco account from a linked Discord account.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
ShowLayer Discord LayerName, ShowLayerHistory*, ShowTerrainComparison* User N/A Posts a link to the requested layer image. Admins can look up any layer while users are limited to visible layers.
ShowMap Discord User N/A Posts a link to an image showing the world map.
ShowWorldHistory Discord User N/A Posts a link to a gif showing the world history.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
PostInviteMessage Both User Yes Posts a Discord invite message to the Eco chat.
InviteMe Eco User No Opens an invite to the Discord server.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
Trades DLT Both SearchName User No Displays available trades by player, tag, item or store. The search name is case insensitive and will auto complete.
WatchTradeDisplay Both SearchName User No Creates a live updated display of available trades by player, tag, item or store.
UnwatchTradeDisplay Both SearchName User No Removes the live updated display of available trades for a player, tag, item or store.
WatchTradeFeed Both SearchName User No Creates a feed where the bot will post trade reports filtered by the search query, as they occur ingame.
UnwatchTradeFeed Both SearchName User No Removes the trade watcher feed for a player, tag, item or store.
ListTradeWatchers Both User No Lists all trade watchers for the calling user.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
PlayerReport Both PlayerNameOrID, Report User No Displays the requested report for the given player. Gives a full report if the Report parameter is omitted.
CurrencyReport Both CurrencyNameOrID, TopHoldersCount*, useTradeCount*, useBackingInfo* User No Displays the Currency Report for the given currency.
CurrenciesReport Both CurrencyType, MaxCurrenciesPerType*, HoldersPerCurrency* User No Displays a report for the top used currencies.
ElectionReport Both ElectionNameOrID User No Displays the Election Report for the given election.
ElectionsReport Both User No Displays a report for the currently active elections.
WorkPartyReport Both WorkPartyNameOrID User No Displays the Work Party Report for the given work party.
WorkPartiesReport Both User No Displays a report for the currently active work parties.


Name Alias Discord/Eco Parameters (* = Optional) Permissions RCON Description
Snippet Both SnippetKey User No Posts a predefined snippet to where the command was called from.
EcoSnippet Discord SnippetKey User N/A Posts a predefined snippet to Eco.