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build windows

elijahr2411 edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 3 revisions

Building for Windows

Thanks to CvldYT for some of this documentation.

GitHub actions

These can be buggy, but will be the latest, most up-to-date version of the software currently available.

  1. Make a GitHub Account.
  2. Download the action here
  3. Click the newest action that is complete
  4. Download the artifact called dist.
  5. Download newest release of BDS software from mojang here
  6. Copy file contents into the BDS folder (where you extracted BDS software to)
  7. Run bedrock_server_mod.exe and enjoy!

Building yourself

  1. Download bedrock dedicated server binary
  2. Generate bedrock_server_mod.lib (see below)
  3. Install vcpkg and install dependencies (see below)
  4. Build it with Visual Studio 2019 (or use CMake manually see .githubn/workflows/ci.yaml)
  5. Copy Dist/* to bds folder (or use symlink)
  6. Run bedrock_server_mod.exe

Visual Studio 2019 workloads and components

  1. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop
  2. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop
  3. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64
  4. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.18362
  5. Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.NativeDesktop.Llvm.Clang

How to use vcpkg

  1. Install vcpkg in source tree cd vcpkg && bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
  2. Install dependencies by vcpkg\vcpkg.exe install @vcpkg.txt (run in $(SolutionDir))

How to get bedrock_server_mod.lib

  1. Download and install EatPdb
  2. Copy $(SolutionDir)\eatpdb.yaml to bds folder
  3. Run eatpdb exec eatpdb.yaml
  4. Open x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019, then run lib /def:bedrock_server_mod.def /machine:x64
  5. Copy bedrock_server_mod.lib, addition_symbols.db, bedrock_server_mod.exe to $(SolutionDir)\Lib\