These arrows, weighted with the essence of earth, will pierce through the target's armor while dealing the same damage as normal arrows. This element is best utilized against heavily armored foes.
crimsonrevelations.research.meteor_boots.title=Boots of the Meteor
crimsonrevelations.research.meteor_boots.stage.0=While the Boots of the Traveller are quite useful for exploring, what if I were to upgrade them to help me more offensively?
Fire is well known to be an unpredictable and powerful element on its own, I should start there.
-crimsonrevelations.research.meteor_boots.stage.1=Astounding! These are exactly how I imagined them!
The Boots of the Meteor are an upgrade to the original Boots of the Traveller. They not only allow me to travel a bit faster and jump a bit higher but it also offers full protection against hot floors like magma and extra protection against fire damage.
There is a special ability that these boots have with a small Vis cost and a cooldown of 5 seconds for each use, I can jump up and then sneak to cause the boots to drop down to the ground with considerable force and cause a shockwave around me with blistering heat.
These boots are overall a force to be reckon with that even creepers would fear them. Whenever the boots start to wear out, some blaze powder should be enough to repair them.
+crimsonrevelations.research.meteor_boots.stage.1=Astounding! These are exactly how I imagined them!
The Boots of the Meteor are an upgrade to the original Boots of the Traveller. They not only allow me to travel a bit faster and jump a bit higher but it also offers full protection against hot floors like magma and extra protection against fire damage.
There is a special ability that these boots have with a small vis cost and a cooldown of 5 seconds for each use, I can jump up and then sneak to cause the boots to drop down to the ground with considerable force and cause a shockwave around me with blistering heat.
These boots are overall a force to be reckon with that even creepers would fear them. Whenever the boots start to wear out, some blaze powder should be enough to repair them.
crimsonrevelations.research.ancient_baubles.title=Ancient Baubles
-crimsonrevelations.research.ancient_baubles.stage.0=During my travels, I may come across these type of baubles, they might have belonged to former thaumaturges or even some sort of ancient civilization. Whatever the origin of these baubles could actually be, they seem to be long gone by now with very little traces left behind.
I've noted down all the baubles on the next few pages.
§lApprentice's Ring§r![]()
thaumcraft:textures/items/ring_apprentice.png:0:0:255:255:0.125This ring gives a hefty Vis discount of 5%, it is especially very useful when more than one of them are worn at once because of the stacking bonuses.
It is also more uncommon than the other baubles listed here.
§lRing of Protection§r![]()
crimsonrevelations:textures/items/protection_ring.png:0:0:255:255:0.125This ring has a distinct humming sound, it is similar in appearance to the Apprentice's Ring except it is significantly more ancient. When worn, it grants some sort of temporary magical barrier and it will even recharge when damaged.
I am not sure how it works exactly but I will continue to note down any further discoveries regarding this.
+crimsonrevelations.research.ancient_baubles.stage.0=During my travels, I may come across these type of baubles, they might have belonged to former thaumaturges or even some sort of ancient civilization. Whatever the origin of these baubles could actually be, they seem to be long gone by now with very little traces left behind.
I've noted down all the baubles on the next few pages.
§lApprentice's Ring§r![]()
thaumcraft:textures/items/ring_apprentice.png:0:0:255:255:0.125This ring gives a hefty vis discount of 5%, it is especially very useful when more than one of them are worn at once because of the stacking bonuses.
It is also more uncommon than the other baubles listed here.
§lRing of Protection§r![]()
crimsonrevelations:textures/items/protection_ring.png:0:0:255:255:0.125This ring has a distinct humming sound, it is similar in appearance to the Apprentice's Ring except it is significantly more ancient. When worn, it grants some sort of temporary magical barrier and it will even recharge when damaged.
I am not sure how it works exactly but I will continue to note down any further discoveries regarding this.
crimsonrevelations.research.ancient_baubles.addenda.0=Now it all makes sense, the Ring of Protection is related to Runic Shielding! The amount of shielding charges it grants is very minor, only giving me a single point of it.
This however doesn't mean that I can't upgrade it to have more charges if I so choose to do...
crimsonrevelations.research.runic_baubles.title=Runic Baubles
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ crimsonrevelations.research.special_runic_baubles.stage.0=It turns out the runic
crimsonrevelations.research.special_runic_baubles.stage.1=I am now able to imbue runic baubles with primal aspects to give them special abilities!
Unfortunately I can't stack the same effect when I wear the same bauble multiple times, but they will work at the same time when worn alongside each other.
Information about each one has been noted down on the next few pages.
§lCharged Ring of Runic Shielding§rThis is one of the upgrades to the Ring of Runic Shielding and it is overcharged with energy.
It has slightly less charge than the ring it is based on, but it has a 25% chance to immediately add a single charge to your shielding amount when you are hit.
Unlike the other specialized runic baubles, there is no cooldown for this ability and it is active at all times.
§lRevitalizing Ring of Runic Shielding§rThis is one of the upgrades to the Ring of Runic Shielding and it is soothing when worn.
It has slightly less charge than the ring it is based on, but when your shielding is damaged enough it will release a pulse of regenerative energy that will last for a few seconds.
This ability has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
§lAmulet of Emergency Shielding§rThis is the upgrade to the Amulet of Runic Shielding and it makes you feel safer when worn.
It has slightly less charge than the amulet it is based on, but when your shielding is damaged enough it will add 8 charges to your shielding amount.
This ability has a cooldown of 40 seconds.
§lKinetic Girdle of Runic Shielding§rThis is the upgrade to the Girdle of Runic Shielding and it hums rather loudly.
It has slightly less charge than the girdle it is based on, but when your shielding is damaged enough a detonation of kinetic energy will be released damaging and shoving back anything nearby.
This ability has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
crimsonrevelations.research.verdant_bands.title=Verdant Bands
-crimsonrevelations.research.verdant_bands.stage.0=Thanks to my previous successes with Runic Baubles, I've figured out how to convert any type of Verdant Heart Charm into its respective Verdant Heart Band counterpart at an Arcane Workbench.
This would allow me to have both infusion enchantments if I so desire and should I change my mind, I am freely able to turn them back into charms using the same method. I also am able to craft them normally like I can with the charms.
As I have previously noted with the charms, the Verdant Heart Band will wash all poisons or similar afflictions from my body at the cost of Vis, but cannot heal actual wounds.
There are two specialized enchantments I can apply to the band to improve its function, though I can only apply one of these enchantments to a given band.§lLifegiver§rThis infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to regenerate the health of whomever wears it.
This infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to slowly feed and sustain whomever wears it. This includes providing breathable air.
+crimsonrevelations.research.verdant_bands.stage.0=Thanks to my previous successes with Runic Baubles, I've figured out how to convert any type of Verdant Heart Charm into its respective Verdant Heart Band counterpart at an Arcane Workbench.
This would allow me to have both infusion enchantments if I so desire and should I change my mind, I am freely able to turn them back into charms using the same method. I also am able to craft them normally like I can with the charms.
As I have previously noted with the charms, the Verdant Heart Band will wash all poisons or similar afflictions from my body at the cost of vis, but cannot heal actual wounds.
There are two specialized enchantments I can apply to the band to improve its function, though I can only apply one of these enchantments to a given band.§lLifegiver§rThis infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to regenerate the health of whomever wears it.
This infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to slowly feed and sustain whomever wears it. This includes providing breathable air.
# Research: Auromancy
crimsonrevelations.research.dark_auromancy.title=Dark Auromancy Studies