This infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to regenerate the health of whomever wears it.
This infusion enchantment allows the Verdant Heart Band to slowly feed and sustain whomever wears it. This includes providing breathable air.
# Research: Auromancy
crimsonrevelations.research.dark_auromancy.title=Dark Auromancy Studies
crimsonrevelations.research.dark_auromancy.stage.0=I have discovered drafts within the Rites itself, the Crimson Cult are much more knowledgeable about thaumaturgy than I had previously thought.
The knowledge that I have uncovered is more stranger than my usual discoveries, upon fully translating their own work done on Auromancy, I expect these new additions to be much more §osituational§r than I'm used to.
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/crimsonrevelations/research/revelations.json b/src/main/resources/assets/crimsonrevelations/research/revelations.json
index 8915229..cc9af75 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/assets/crimsonrevelations/research/revelations.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/crimsonrevelations/research/revelations.json
@@ -612,6 +612,38 @@
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "CR_VERDANT_BANDS",
+ "name": "crimsonrevelations.research.verdant_bands.title",
+ "icons": [
+ "crimsonrevelations:verdant_ring"
+ ],
+ "category": "REVELATIONS",
+ "parents": [
+ ],
+ "siblings": [],
+ "meta": [
+ "ROUND",
+ ],
+ "location": [
+ -8,
+ -2
+ ],
+ "reward_item": [],
+ "reward_knowledge": [],
+ "stages": [
+ {
+ "text": "crimsonrevelations.research.verdant_bands.stage.0",
+ "recipes": [
+ "crimsonrevelations:verdant_band",
+ "crimsonrevelations:verdant_band_life",
+ "crimsonrevelations:verdant_band_sustain"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]