Focus on latest version (10.4.2 today)
- Others can contribute to supporting earlier versions
- Explain how to work with earlier versions
Bob will work on migrating David Hoyle's book into GitHub Markdown
- Can use https://pandoc.org/ for conversion
- Latest online https://www.davidghoyle.co.uk/WordPress/?page_id=1110
- DOCX and MarkDown versions added to GitHub
Need quick start sample template
- Add to same repository https://github.com/Embarcadero/OTAPI-Docs
- Create samples folder
Submit questions as issues on GitHub
Pull questions and answers from Stack Overflow
- Also update and expand the conversation on Stack Overflow
Do we have a list of "suggested" or "requested" edits on DocWiki?
Fix DocWiki edit permissions
- Keep the conversation going internally for expanding DocWiki permissions
- Can we upgrade to the latest version of MediaWiki to add REST access - Glenn
How can we get a list of what’s changed in OTAPI?
- Source control change history?
Include a technical tip or update in each meeting
- A little source code, demo, etc.
- From an MVP, Architect, or PM
Be sure to submit logs with bugs around LSP, OTAPI, IDE, etc.
End meetings with plans for the next meeting