- from the project root run wasm-pack build
- enter the www folder and run npm install
- then run npm run start
- Note:There is no need to rerun npm run start when modifying th js and html files
- When executing sqrt(x) by itself as an operation, we get error
- Floats are not supported
- Floats do not support ,
- Implementing division by 0 detection DONE.
- implementing 4 callable functions for the primary functions DONE.
- Looking into libraries for designing UI
- Using html, css, javascript, and web assembly instead Chosen.
- Fixing the issue of applying operations to parsed floats DONE.
- Implement a more complex parser that can handle more than 1 operation DONE.
- The parser should start parsing from the left to the right and break down operations DONE.
- The current calculator does not calculate negative numbers ie -5 gives wrong result
- The current calculator does not support larger numbers
- The current calculator does not support degreed and radians nor does it support sin, cos, and tan
This is a calculator created in the rust programming language in order to learn the language.
- Lists
- Arrays
- Vectors
- Implementation
- Traits
- Loops
- TBD...
The calculator should work in two modes:
This mode should be driven by a simple interface with buttons for numbers and button for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
Components include:
- 10 buttons for the numbers 0-9
- 4 buttons for the operations
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- A locked text box that shows the current operation
- Only one operation can be queried
This mode should contain a text field that asks the user for input. The user should be able to enter free text and perform multiple operations simultaneously.
Components include:
- Buttons that help the users know which operations are supported, examples are
- sin, cos, tan, sqrt, x^a, ...
- Abstraction in the form of implementation
- Descriptive error codes
- TBD..