The following guide describes how Psychopy send marker to EMOTIV LSL Interface.
- Get and install PsychoPy from (latest version 2020.1.3)
- Install python3 (version 3.6.8 recommended)
- Install pylsl (the Python interface of LSL)
pip3.6 install pylsl
Open PsychoPy Builder then load marker_builder.psyexp.
Hit Run button then connect to 'PsychoPySimpleMarker' stream on EmotivPro Inlet setting as below:
The example will create a simple marker event stream. The value of marker will be loaded from marker_data.csv randomly. A marker event will be sent every 1000ms.
Open PsychoPy Coder and load The example will create a marker event stream named 'PsychoPyMarker'
Hit Run button then connect to 'PsychoPyMarker' stream on EmotivPro Inlet setting. The result will be shown as below:
The example will create a LSL Outlet stream have 3 channels. Each event is array containing MarkerTime, MarkerValue, CurrentTime. A marker is sent to LSL every 1500ms. In the example, a marker value is a random number from 1-99.
# Set up LabStreamingLayer stream.
info = StreamInfo(name='PsychoPyMarker', type='Markers', channel_count=3,
channel_format='double64', source_id='unique012345')
chns = info.desc().append_child("channels")
#MarkerTime is the time you want to add a marker. It is an epoch time.
#MarkerValue is value of marker.
#CurrentTime is current time at epoch time
for label in ["MarkerTime", "MarkerValue", "CurrentTime"]:
ch = chns.append_child("channel")
ch.append_child_value("label", label)
ch.append_child_value("type", "Marker")
info.desc().append_child_value("manufacturer", "PsychoPy")
outlet = StreamOutlet(info) # Broadcast the stream.