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lib-sourcify is Sourcify's reusable backbone library for verifying contracts. Additionally it contains:

  • support for both Solidity and Vyper contracts via SolidityCheckedContract and VyperCheckedContract
  • contract validation methods for creating SolidityCheckedContracts
    • an abstraction for a contract ready to be compiled and verified: fetching and assembling its source files, compiling etc.
  • Sourcify types and interfaces

Compiler Setup

The lib-sourcify library does not come with compilers as dependencies. Instead, you need to provide a class that implements either the ISolidityCompiler or IVyperCompiler interface and pass it to any function that requires a compiler.

Solidity Compiler Example

// The external Solidity Compiler
import solidityCompiler from "./compiler/solidityCompiler";

// Include also SolidityOutput and JsonInput as dependencies of ISolidityCompiler
import {
} from "@ethereum-sourcify/lib-sourcify";

// The custom class implementing ISolidityCompiler
class Solc implements ISolidityCompiler {
  async compile(
    version: string,
    solcJsonInput: JsonInput,
    forceEmscripten: boolean = false
  ): Promise<SolidityOutput> {
    return await solidityCompiler.compile(version, solcJsonInput, forceEmscripten);
const solc = new Solc()

// Pass the class to the functions that needs it
const checkedContract = new SolidityCheckedContract(
  {/** metadata */},
  {/** solidity files */},

Vyper Compiler Example

import vyperCompiler from "./compiler/vyperCompiler";

import {
} from "@ethereum-sourcify/lib-sourcify";

class Vyper implements IVyperCompiler {
  async compile(
    version: string,
    vyperJsonInput: VyperJsonInput
  ): Promise<VyperOutput> {
    return await vyperCompiler.compile(version, vyperJsonInput);
const vyper = new Vyper()

// Pass the class to create a VyperCheckedContract
const checkedContract = new VyperCheckedContract(
  "0.3.7", // vyper version
  "contract.vy", // contract path
  "MyContract", // contract name
  {/** vyper settings */},
  {/** vyper source files */}


Note: Vyper contracts do not support validation through metadata files since they do not include a metadata JSON field in their bytecode. Instead, Vyper contracts must be verified directly using their source files and compiler settings.

The initial step to verify a contract is validation, i.e. creating a SolidityCheckedContract. This can be done with checkFilesWithMetadata which takes files in PathBuffer as input and outputs a SolidityCheckedContract array:

const pathBuffers: PathBuffer[] = [];
  path: filePath,
  buffer: fs.readFileSync(filePath),

For a SolidityCheckedContract to be valid i.e. compilable, you need to provide a contract metadata JSON file identifying the contract and the source files of the contract listed under the sources field of the metadata.

const checkedContracts: SolidityCheckedContract[] = await checkFilesWithMetadata(solc, pathBuffers);

Each contract source either has a content field containing the Solidity code as a string, or urls to fetch the sources from (Github, IPFS, Swarm etc.). If the contract sources are available, you can fetch them with.

SolidityCheckedContract.fetchMissing(checkedContracts[0]); // static method

By default, IPFS resources will be fetched via You can specify a custom IPFS gateway using process.env.IPFS_GATEWAY=https://custom-gateway, if you need to pass additional headers to the request (e.g. for authentication) you can use process.env.IPFS_GATEWAY_HEADERS={ 'custom-header': 'value' }.

You can check if a contract is ready to be compiled with:

SolidityCheckedContract.isValid(checkedContracts[0]); // true


A contract verification essentially requires an AbstractCheckedContract and an on-chain contract to compare against. The library provides two concrete implementations of AbstractCheckedContract:

  • SolidityCheckedContract: For Solidity smart contracts
  • VyperCheckedContract: For Vyper smart contracts

Both classes provide specific compilation and verification logic for their respective languages.

The library automatically fetches the contract bytecode from the on-chain contract and verifies it against the AbstractCheckedContract.

Deployed Contract

You can verify a deployed contract with:

export async function verifyDeployed(
  checkedContract: AbstractCheckedContract, // Can be SolidityCheckedContract or VyperCheckedContract
  sourcifyChain: SourcifyChain,
  address: string,
  creatorTxHash?: string,
): Promise<Match>;

The SourcifyChain parameter is the chain object of ethereum-lists/chains. This states which chain to look the contract in (e.g. chainId) and through which rpcs to retrieve the deployed contract from.

const goerliChain =   {
  name: "Goerli",
  rpc: [
  chainId: 5,

const match = verifyDeployed(

console.log(match.status) // 'perfect'

Create2 Contract

Alternatively you can verify counterfactual contracts created with the CREATE2 opcode. This does not require a SourcifyChain and address as the contract address is pre-deterministicly calculated and the contract is not necessarily deployed.

export async function verifyCreate2(
  checkedContract: SolidityCheckedContract,
  deployerAddress: string,
  salt: string,
  create2Address: string,
  abiEncodedConstructorArguments?: string,
): Promise<Match>;


const match = await verifyCreate2(

console.log(match.chainId); // '0'. create2 matches return 0 as chainId
console.log(match.status); // 'perfect'


lib-sourcify has a basic logging system

You can specify the log level using the setLibSourcifyLoggerLevel(level) where:

  • 0 is nothing
  • 1 is errors
  • 2 is warnings [default]
  • 3 is infos
  • 4 is debug

You can override the logger by calling setLogger(logger: ILibSourcifyLogger). This is an example:

const winston = require('winston');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
  // ...

  logLevel: 4,
  setLevel(level: number) {
    this.logLevel = level;
  log(level, msg) {
    if (level <= this.logLevel) {
      switch (level) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4: