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Read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.

In this guide you will get an overview of the contribution workflow from opening an issue, creating a PR, reviewing, and merging the PR. Use the table of contents icon (TOC) on the top left corner of the this document to get to a specific section of this guide quickly.

New contributor guide

To get an overview of the project, read the README. Here are some resources to help you get started with open source contributions:


Create a new issue

If you spot a problem with the help buttons backend, search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue.

Contributing with a Pull Request

If you would like to contribute to helpbuttons, we recommend that either you pick an issue in the github helpbuttons repository, or create a new issue, so that we can agree into adding this new feature or bugfix into the main code of helpbuttons. We recommend that you take a look at the issues labeled with good first issue

After picking up your issue, you should known that we use git flow. So you should do a branch from the dev, and when you feel your code is ready push your branch and open a pull request to the dev branch.

The instance of helpbuttons runnning in is up to date with the latest changes in the dev branch, the changes are automatically pulled.

Requirements (recommended)

  • Docker >= 24.0.7
  • docker-compose >= 2.23.3
  • node >= v20.11.0
  • yarn >= 1.22.21

Setup frontend for development

Change to the dev branch

$ git checkout dev

copy the sample env file, and edit accordingly.

$ cp env.sample .env


set hostName to localhost

set VERSION to dev

set API_URL to http://localhost:3001/

generate jwt token:

$ docker-compose run api yarn config:genjwt

add the generated string as a jwtSecret to the .env

Edit the docker-compose.yml, so that the frontend has access to the api, by binding the port 3001

  - 3001:3001

and make sure api is in the external_network network by uncomenting the line on the networks of the api

- external_network

You can run the api & database in docker you can do:

$ docker-compose up api

run all the migrations / setup the database schema:

$ docker-compose exec api yarn migration:run

to run the ui in development mode, enter the frontend source folder

$ cd web

create a symlink or copy the .env file to the api directory

$ ln -s ../.env . or $ cp ../.env .

install all node_modules packages

$ yarn

run the app in watch mode

$ yarn dev

You can now browse to http://localhost:3000 to configure helpbuttons!

Setup frontend & api/backend for development

We recommend that you use our pre-build docker image for postgres, because we added goodies like the h3 library and gis.

create .env file with your settings

copy the sample env file, and edit accordingly.

$ cp env.sample .env


set POSTGRES_HOSTNAME to localhost.

set hostName to localhost

set VERSION to dev

set API_URL to http://localhost:3001/

Setup database using docker

You want to be able to access 5432 port on your localhost machine so you have to expose it. by editing the docker-compose.yml file.

  - 5432:5432

and make sure api is in the external_network network by uncomenting the line on the networks of the db

- external_network

run the database

$ docker-compose up db

Run the backend in development mode

to run the api in watch mode you need firstly to go into the api directory

$ cd api

create the uploads directory and give the correct permissions

$ mkdir uploads

$ chmod o+w uploads

install all node_modules packages

$ yarn

generate jwt token and add it to the .env file

$ yarn config:genjwt

add the generated string as a jwtSecret to the .env file

create a symlink or copy the .env file to the api directory

$ ln -s ../.env . or $ cp ../.env .

run in watch/development mode

$ yarn dev

run all the migrations / setup the database schema:

$ yarn migration:run

to run the ui in development mode, enter the frontend source folder

$ cd web

create a symlink or copy the .env file to the api directory

$ ln -s ../.env . or $ cp ../.env .

install all node_modules packages

$ yarn

run the app in watch mode

$ yarn dev

You can now browse to http://localhost:3000 to configure helpbuttons!


If you find this error with yarn dev in web directory

Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines:: unsupported

try this command and retry:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Key Elements, Components and Layouts

To see a preview of all the styled key pieces that conform the app, open http://localhost:3000/RepositoryPage.

For available icons visit :

Complete Documentation

Please load and read complete documentation hb-docs

guide to add a new attribute in a network

go to api/src/modules/network

add the new attr to

  • network.entity.ts (this is to define in the db)
  • network.dto.ts (this is for the post request to validate)

run $ yarn migration:generate src/data/migrations/name

run $ yarn migration:run

in the frontend: web/src/pages/Configuration/index.tsx

add the attr to the submit field