- EspTouchV2
- Add security mode options
- Allow the app to smart config in 5G frequency for ESP32-C5
- EspTouchV2
- Update esptouch-v2 lib to 2.2.1
- EspTouch
- Update esptouch lib to 1.1.1
- Update gradle
- Update
to 32 - Change
to JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 - EspTouchV2
- Update esptouch-v2 lib to 2.2.0
- EspTouch
- Update esptouch lib to 1.1.0
- EspTouchV2
- Support set device count for provisioning
- Change custom data max length to 64 bytes
- Update esptouch-v2 lib to 2.1.0
- Support EspTouchV2
- EspTouchV2 is not compatible with EspTouch
EspTouch v0.3.7.2
- Optimize permission check
EspTouch v0.3.7.2
- Migrate to AndroidX
- Change App theme
- Add signature
EspTouch v0.3.7.1
- Add Chinese
- Check location(GPS) state if no wifi info on Android 9
- Hide EsptouchTask's aes constructor, device doesn't support currently
- Request location permission if Android SDK greater than 27
- Add option to select Broadcast or Multicast
- Add new constructor for EsptouchTask
String ssidStr = "ssid";
byte[] ssid = ByteUtil.getBytesByString(ssid);
String bssidStr = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff";
byte [] bssid = EspNetUtil.parseBssid2bytes(bssidStr);
String passwordStr = "password";
byte[] password = ByteUtil.getBytesByString(passwordStr);
EspAes aes = null;
EsptouchTask task = new EsptouchTask(ssid, bssid, password, aes, context);
- Modify bssid post sequence
- Fix bug that cann't configure Chinese SSID
- Change project from Eclipse to Android Studio
- Modify app theme
- Listen the change of wifi state when configuring
- Support AES128 encryption
byte[] secretKey = "1234567890123456".getBytes(); // TODO use your own key
EspAES aes = new EspAES(secretKey);
EsptouchTask task = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apBssid, apPassword, aes, context);
- isSsidHidden is true forever
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.4.
- Esptouch v0.3.4.6 support latest Espressif's Smart Config
- fix the bug when interrupt the esptouch task, it will interrupt the current Thread instead of esptouch task. (thx for the engineer in Opple XingZhiGong's discovery)
- support various encoding Wi-Fi Ssid not merely UTF-8 or other specified one
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.4.
- Esptouch v0.3.4.5 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.4
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.4.
- Esptouch v0.3.4.3 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.4
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.4, and some paremeters are changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.4.2 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.4
The usage of v0.3.4 is supported, besides one new API is added:
void onEsptouchResultAdded(IEsptouchResult result);
It support asyn callback when one device is connected to AP.
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.4, and some paremeters are changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.4 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.4
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.2, and the protocol is changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.3 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.2
The usage of v0.3.0 is supported, besides one new API is added:
List<IEsptouchResult> executeForResults(int expectTaskResultCount)
The only differece is that it return list, and require expectTaskResultCount
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.2, and the protocol is changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.2 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.2
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.1, and the protocol is changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.1 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.1
- fix some bugs in v0.3.0
- Espressif's Smart Config is updated to v2.1, and the protocol is changed.
- Esptouch v0.3.0 only support Espressif's Smart Config v2.1
// build esptouch task
String apSsid = "wifi-1;
String apBssid = "12:34:56:78:9a:bc";
String apPwd = "1234567890";
boolean isSsidHidden = false;// whether the Ap's ssid is hidden, it is false usually
IEspTouchTask task = new EspTouchTask(apSsid, apBssid, apPassword,
isSsidHidden, XXXActivity.this);
// if you'd like to determine the timeout by yourself, use the follow:
int timeoutMillisecond = 58000;// it should >= 18000, 58000 is default
IEspTouchTask task = new EspTouchTask(apSsid, apBssid, apPassword,
isSsidHidden, timeoutMillisecond, XXXActivity.this);
// execute for result
IESPTouchResult esptouchReult = task.executeForResult();
// note: one task can't executed more than once:
IESPTouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(...)
// wrong usage, which shouldn't happen
// correct usage
IEsptouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(...);
- add isCancelled API in ESPTouchTask and ESPTouchResult to check whether the task is cancelled by user directly.
- fix the bug when SSID char is more than one byte value(0xff), the apk will crash
- thx for the engineer in NATop YoungYang's discovery
- the encoding charset could be set, the default one is "UTF-8"
- change the constant ESPTOUCH_ENCODING_CHARSET in ByteUtil.java
- It will lead to ESPTOUCH fail for wrong CHARSET is set. Whether the CHARSET is correct is depend on the phone or pad.
- More info and discussion please refer to http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=397)
- add check valid mechanism to forbid such situation
String apSsid = "";// or apSsid = null
String apPassword = "pwd";
IEsptouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apPassword);
- add check whether the task is executed to forbid such situation
- thx for the engineer in smartline YuguiYu's proposal:
String apSsid = "ssid"; String apPassword = "pwd"; IEsptouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apPassword); // wrong usage, which shouldn't happen { esptouchTask.execute(); esptouchTask.execute(); } // correct usage { esptouchTask.execute(); esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apPassword); esptouchTask.execute(); }
- fix the bug that some Android device can't receive broadcast
- thx for the engineer in Joyoung xushx's help
- fix some old bugs in the App
- Add new Interface of Esptouch task( Smart Configure must v1.1 to support it)
// create the Esptouch task
IEsptouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apPassword);
// execute syn util it suc or timeout
IEsptouchResult result = esptouchTask.executeForResult();
// check whehter the execute is suc
boolean isSuc = result.isSuc();
// get the device's bssid, the format of the bssid is like this format: "18fe3497f310"
String bssid = result.getBssid();
// when you'd like to interrupt it, just call the method below, and esptouchTask.execute() will return false after it:
- The entrance of the Demo is com.espressif.iot.esptouch.demo_activity.EsptouchDemoActivity.java
- IEsptouchTask is the interface of Esptouch task.
// create the Esptouch task
IEsptouchTask esptouchTask = new EsptouchTask(apSsid, apPassword);
// execute syn util it suc or timeout
boolean result = esptouchTask.execute();
// when you'd like to interrupt it, just call the method below, and esptouchTask.execute() will return false after it:
- The abstract interface is in the package com.espressif.iot.esptouch
- More info about the EspTouch Demo, please read the source code and annotation