This is a WIP list of the build requirements for Fuzix for diffferent targets. At the moment lots of compilers are used according to the target. The intent is to reduce this to gcc for bigger machines and the Fuzix native compiler for the small ones.
Bash shell GNU Make Byacc
CC6303 head from
The compiler, tools and Fuzix are developed in parallel.
Any vaguely modern cc65. The builds are currently tested with cc65 v2.18
6809 gcc 4.6.4 with the lwtools patches and lwtools.
GCC 3.4.6 built for 68HC11. This is about the last GCC before 68HC11 support was dropped where it still actually works.
WARNING: The Fedora gcc-m68k package appears to be completely broken.
In fact the gcc build environment appears to be a bit of a train-wreck for M68K options. See for a working example.
Fuzix Bintools
make make install
Fuzix C Compiler
Build the assembler first and ensure it's on your path
make install
Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
xtensa-lf106-elf gcc tool chain. The build is tested with the Debian gcc-xtensa-lx106 package.
Dropped. We don't yet have a usable platform/emulator for this. Will come back once we have assembler and compiler support from ccz80.
Fuzix Bintools
make make install
Fuzix C Compiler
Build the assembler first and ensure it's on your path
make install
For most kernels you still need a slightly modified SDCC from For all but banked kernels the current 4.x SDCC ought to work.
This will gradually change.
Temporarily dropped. Will come back when the new C compiler has ez80 support and we have an actual meaningful ez80 platform for development (or a usable emulation).