curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = AddressesApi (api_client )
try :
address = api .get ("adr_fa85158b26c3eb7c" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = AddressesApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("adr_43769b47aed248c2" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
address_editable = AddressEditable (
description = "Harry - Office" ,
name = "Harry Zhang" ,
company = "Lob" ,
email = "[email protected] " ,
phone = "5555555555" ,
address_line1 = "210 King St" ,
address_line2 = "# 6100" ,
address_city = "San Francisco" ,
address_state = "CA" ,
address_zip = "94107" ,
address_country = CountryExtended ("US" ),
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = AddressesApi (api_client )
try :
created_address = api .create (address_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = AddressesApi (api_client )
try :
addresses = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = PostcardsApi (api_client )
try :
postcard = api .get ("psc_5c002b86ce47537a" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = PostcardsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .cancel ("psc_5c002b86ce47537a" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
postcard_editable = PostcardEditable (
description = "Demo Postcard job" ,
_from = "adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" ,
front = "<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Front HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
back = "<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Back HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
to = AddressEditable (
name = "Harry Zhang" ,
address_line1 = "210 King St" ,
address_line2 = "# 6100" ,
address_city = "San Francisco" ,
address_state = "CA" ,
address_zip = "94107" ,
merge_variables = MergeVariables (
name = "Harry" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = PostcardsApi (api_client )
try :
created_postcard = api .create (postcard_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = PostcardsApi (api_client )
try :
postcards = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = SelfMailersApi (api_client )
try :
self_mailer = api .get ("sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = SelfMailersApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
self_mailer_editable = SelfMailerEditable (
description = "Demo Self Mailer job" ,
_from = "adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" ,
inside = "<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Inside HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
outside = "<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Outside HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
to = AddressEditable (
name = "Harry Zhang" ,
address_line1 = "210 King St" ,
address_line2 = "# 6100" ,
address_city = "San Francisco" ,
address_state = "CA" ,
address_zip = "94107" ,
merge_variables = MergeVariables (
name = "Harry" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = SelfMailersApi (api_client )
try :
created_self_mailer = api .create (self_mailer_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = SelfMailersApi (api_client )
try :
self_mailers = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = LettersApi (api_client )
try :
letter = api .get ("ltr_4868c3b754655f90" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = LettersApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .cancel ("ltr_4868c3b754655f90" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
letter_editable = LetterEditable (
description = "Demo Letter" ,
_from = "adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" ,
file = "<html style='padding-top: 3in; margin: .5in;'>HTML Letter for {{name}}</html>" ,
color = True ,
to = AddressEditable (
name = "Harry Zhang" ,
address_line1 = "210 King St" ,
address_line2 = "# 6100" ,
address_city = "San Francisco" ,
address_state = "CA" ,
address_zip = "94107" ,
merge_variables = MergeVariables (
name = "Harry" ,
cards = [
"card_c51ae96f5cebf3e" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = LettersApi (api_client )
try :
created_letter = api .create (letter_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = LettersApi (api_client )
try :
letters = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ChecksApi (api_client )
try :
check = api .get ("chk_534f10783683daa0" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ChecksApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .cancel ("chk_534f10783683daa0" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
check_editable = CheckEditable (
description = "Demo Check" ,
bank_account = "bank_8cad8df5354d33f" ,
amount = 22.5 ,
memo = "rent" ,
logo = "" ,
check_bottom = "<h1 style='padding-top:4in;'>Demo Check for {{name}}</h1>" ,
_from = "adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" ,
to = AddressDomestic (
name = "Harry Zhang" ,
address_line1 = "210 King St" ,
address_line2 = "# 6100" ,
address_city = "San Francisco" ,
address_state = "CA" ,
address_zip = "94107" ,
merge_variables = MergeVariables (
name = "Harry" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ChecksApi (api_client )
try :
created_check = api .create (check_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ChecksApi (api_client )
try :
checks = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BankAccountsApi (api_client )
try :
bank_account = api .get ("bank_8cad8df5354d33f" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BankAccountsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("bank_3e64d9904356b20" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BankAccountsApi (api_client )
try :
bank_accounts = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " amounts[]=25" \
-d " amounts[]=63" \
verification_data = BankAccountVerify (
amounts = [
25 ,
63 ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BankAccountsApi (api_client )
try :
verified_account = api .verify ("bank_dfceb4a2a05b57e" , verification_data )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
bank_account_writable = BankAccountWritable (
description = "Test Bank Account" ,
routing_number = "322271627" ,
account_number = "123456789" ,
signatory = "John Doe" ,
account_type = BankTypeEnum ("company" ),
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BankAccountsApi (api_client )
try :
created_bank_account = api .create (bank_account_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplatesApi (api_client )
try :
template = api .get ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplatesApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("tmpl_df934eeda694203" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplatesApi (api_client )
try :
templates = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description" \
-d " published_version=vrsn_362184d96d9b0c9"
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplatesApi (api_client )
update_data = TemplateUpdate (
description = "updated template" ,
published_version = "vrsn_362184d96d9b0c9"
try :
update_template = api .update ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" , update_data )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
template_writable = TemplateWritable (
description = "Test Template" ,
html = "<html>HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplatesApi (api_client )
try :
created_template = api .create (template_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplateVersionsApi (api_client )
try :
template_version = api .get ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" , "vrsn_534e339882d2282" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplateVersionsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" , "vrsn_534e339882d2282" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplateVersionsApi (api_client )
try :
template_versions = api .list ("tmpl_dadaaf7b76c9f25" , limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplateVersionsApi (api_client )
update_data = TemplateVersionUpdatable (
description = "updated template"
try :
update_template_version = api .update ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" , "vrsn_534e339882d2282" , update_data )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
template_version_writable = TemplateVersionWritable (
description = "Second Version" ,
html = "<html>Second HTML for {{name}}</html>" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = TemplateVersionsApi (api_client )
try :
created_template_version = api .create ("tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" , template_version_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BillingGroupsApi (api_client )
try :
billing_group = api .get ("bg_4bb02b527a72667d0" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
billing_group_editable = BillingGroupEditable (
description = "Usage group used for the Marketing Department's resource sends" ,
name = "Marketing Department" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BillingGroupsApi (api_client )
try :
created_bg = api .create (billing_group_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X PATCH \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=demo replacement" \
billing_group_editable = BillingGroupEditable (
description = "demo replacement" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BillingGroupsApi (api_client )
try :
updated_bg = api .update ("bg_759954f540a1bfdb5" , billing_group_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = BillingGroupsApi (api_client )
try :
billing_groups = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardsApi (api_client )
try :
card = api .get ("card_7a6d73c5c8457fc" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("card_6afffd19045076c" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
card_editable = CardEditable (
front = "" ,
back = "" ,
size = "2.125x3.375" ,
description = "Test Card" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardsApi (api_client )
try :
created_card = api .create (card_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardsApi (api_client )
try :
cards = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X PATCH \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true" \
-d " reorder_quantity=10000" \
card_updatable = CardUpdatable (
description = "Awesome card" ,
auto_reorder = True ,
reorder_quantity = 10000 ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardsApi (api_client )
try :
updated_card = api .update ("card_6afffd19045076c" , card_updatable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardOrdersApi (api_client )
try :
card_order = api .get ("card_6afffd19045076c" , limit = 2 , offset = 1 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
card_order_editable = CardOrderEditable (
quantity = 10000 ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CardOrdersApi (api_client )
try :
created_card_order = api .create ("card_6afffd19045076c" , card_order_editable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CampaignsApi (api_client )
try :
campaign = api .get ("cmp_e05ee61ff80764b" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X PATCH \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome campaign" \
campaign_updatable = CampaignUpdatable (
description = "Awesome campaign" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CampaignsApi (api_client )
try :
updated_campaign = api .update ("cmp_e05ee61ff80764b" , campaign_updatable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
campaign_writable = CampaignWritable (
name = "My First Campaign" ,
schedule_type = CmpScheduleType ("immediate" ),
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CampaignsApi (api_client )
try :
created_campaign = api .create (campaign_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CampaignsApi (api_client )
try :
campaigns = api .list (limit = 2 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CampaignsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete ("cmp_e05ee61ff80764b" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X PATCH \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Our updated 4x6 postcard creative" \
creative_patch = CreativePatch (
description = "Our updated 4x6 postcard creative" ,
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CreativesApi (api_client )
try :
updated_creative = api .update ("crv_2a3b096c409b32c" , creative_patch )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CreativesApi (api_client )
try :
creative = api .get ("crv_2a3b096c409b32c" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
creative_writable = CreativeWritable (
campaign_id = "cmp_e05ee61ff80764b" ,
resource_type = "postcard" ,
description = "Our 4x6 postcard creative" ,
_from = "adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" ,
front = "tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" ,
back = "tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" ,
details = PostcardDetailsWritable (
mail_type = MailType ("usps_first_class" ),
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = CreativesApi (api_client )
try :
created_creative = api .create (creative_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " type=failures"
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
retrieved_export = api .get_export ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" , "ex_6a94fe68fd151e0f8" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
res = api .upload_file ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" , open ("<PATH_TO_CSV>" , "rb" ))
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
upload = api .get_upload ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " type=failures"
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
export_model = ExportModel (
type = "all"
try :
created_export = api .create_export ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" , export_model )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
uploads = api .list_upload ()
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X PATCH \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " state=Ready for Validation" \
upload_updatable = UploadUpdatable (
state = UploadState ("Ready for Validation" ),
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
updated_upload = api .update_upload ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" , upload_updatable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl --location --request POST \
--header ' Content-Type: application/json' \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
upload_writable = UploadWritable (
campaign_id = "cmp_e05ee61ff80764b" ,
column_mapping = { "firstName" : "first name" },
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
created_upload = api .create_upload (upload_writable )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UploadsApi (api_client )
try :
deleted_resource = api .delete_upload ("upl_71be866e430b11e9" )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " zip_code=94107"
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ZipLookupsApi (api_client )
zip_request = ZipEditable (
zip_code = "94107"
try :
zip_lookup = api .lookup (zip_request )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
Reverse Geocode Lookups Api
curl \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = ReverseGeocodeLookupsApi (api_client )
coordinates = Location (
latitude = 37.777456 ,
longitude = - 122.393039 ,
try :
geocode = api .lookup (coordinates )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-d " address_prefix=185 B" \
-d " city=San Francisco" \
-d " state=CA" \
-d " zip_code=94017" \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UsAutocompletionsApi (api_client )
autocompletion_data = UsAutocompletionsWritable (
address_prefix = "185 B" ,
city = "San Francisco" ,
state = "CA" ,
zip_code = "94017" ,
try :
autocompleted_addresses = api .autocomplete (autocompletion_data )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
--header " Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[0][primary_line]=210 King Street" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[0][city]=San Francisco" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[0][state]=CA" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[0][zip_code]=94017" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[1][primary_line]=185 BERRY ST STE 6600" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[1][city]=SAN FRANCISCO" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[1][state]=CA" \
--data-urlencode " addresses[1][zip_code]=94017" \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UsVerificationsApi (api_client )
verification_data_0 = MultipleComponents (
primary_line = "210 King Street" ,
city = "San Francisco" ,
state = "CA" ,
zip_code = "94017" ,
verification_data_1 = MultipleComponents (
primary_line = "185 BERRY ST STE 6600" ,
city = "SAN FRANCISCO" ,
state = "CA" ,
zip_code = "94017" ,
address_list = MultipleComponentsList (
addresses = [
verification_data_0 ,
verification_data_1 ,
try :
bulk_verified = api .verifyBulk (address_list )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-d " primary_line=210 King Street" \
-d " city=San Francisco" \
-d " state=CA" \
-d " zip_code=94017" \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = UsVerificationsApi (api_client )
verification_data_1 = UsVerificationsWritable (
primary_line = "210 King Street" ,
city = "San Francisco" ,
state = "CA" ,
zip_code = "94017" ,
try :
single_verified = api .verifySingle (verification_data_1 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-d " address_prefix=340 Wat" \
-d " city=Summerside" \
-d " state=Prince Edward Island" \
-d " zip_code=C1N 1C4" \
-d " country=CA" \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = IntlAutocompletionsApi (api_client )
autocompletion_data = IntlAutocompletionsWritable (
address_prefix = "340 Wat" ,
city = "Summerside" ,
state = "Prince Edward Island" ,
zip_code = "C1N 1C4" ,
country = CountryExtended ("CA" ),
try :
autocompleted_addresses = api .autocomplete (autocompletion_data )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
-d " primary_line=370 Water St" \
-d " city=Summerside" \
-d " state=Prince Edward Island" \
-d " postal_code=C1N 1C4" \
-d " country=CA" \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = IntlVerificationsApi (api_client )
verification_data_1 = IntlVerificationWritable (
primary_line = "370 Water St" ,
city = "Summerside" ,
state = "Prince Edward Island" ,
postal_code = "C1N 1C4" ,
country = CountryExtended ("CA" ),
try :
single_verified = api .verifySingle (verification_data_1 )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )
curl \
--header ' Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][primary_line]=35 Tower Hill' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][city]=London' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][postal_code]=EC3N 4DR' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][country]=GB' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][primary_line]=370 Water St' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][city]=Summerside' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][state]=Prince Edward Island' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][postal_code]=C1N 1C4' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][country]=CA' \
with ApiClient (configuration ) as api_client :
api = IntlVerificationsApi (api_client )
verification_data_0 = MultipleComponentsIntl (
primary_line = "35 Tower Hill" ,
city = "London" ,
postal_code = "EC3N 4DR" ,
country = CountryExtended ("GB" ),
verification_data_1 = MultipleComponentsIntl (
primary_line = "370 Water St" ,
city = "Summerside" ,
state = "Prince Edward Island" ,
postal_code = "C1N 1C4" ,
country = CountryExtended ("CA" ),
address_list = IntlVerificationsPayload (
addresses = [
verification_data_0 ,
verification_data_1 ,
try :
bulk_verified = api .verifyBulk (address_list )
except ApiException as e :
print (e )